De-proscription: Litmus Test for Ranil
[Sunday Leader 21 April 2002]
‘Concession’ is perhaps the word
most over-used and least understood in the relations the Sri Lankan
state has with the Tamils. What should be enjoyed by right by all
communities in Sri Lanka have become ‘special privileges’ when it comes
to the Tamils because governments in the past systematically withheld
them... |
Fury or Purposive Co-Habitation?
After nineteen years of beggarly
fighting, a permanent ceasefire agreement smells as good as permanent
peace. It smells good for almost every section of Sri Lankan society,
except for the predators who have political and material interests, or
just plain psychopathic compulsions, in carrying on the beggarly fight. |
Readers may well
remember that the Tamil National Alliance’s (TNA) campaign was solely
based on who the legitimate representatives of the Tamil people are. The
LTTE has categorically stated that if it were to come for Talks the ban
imposed on them locally should be lifted... |
To Peace - Warmongering In The Media
Media has
always been part of the problem, it has not played a role solving the
problem. If you read the media, it is very chauvinistic...
- Waruna Karunatilleke |
State, Federation, Confederation and Union
The first
glimpse of such an alarming title may arouse the direst
apprehensions in the approaching reader that a load of
constitutional jargon is about to descend upon him or her. Have no
fear... |
Jaffna Medicine
at the Cross Roads
Quite a number of readers of
sangam website would have served in the hospitals of the Jaffna
peninsula. Another segment of readers would have passed as graduates of
the Medical Faculty of the University of Jaffna. |
Tamil Interests
Ian Martin, former secretary
general of Amnesty International, who headed human rights missions to
conflict zones across the globe - East Timor, Bosnia and Haiti among
others - was in Sri Lanka from March 26 to April 3 commissioned by the
London-based International Working Group (IWG). |
looking for alternatives
It has been drilled into the ears of the public that the party best
equipped to root out ‘LTTE terrorism’ is the PA. The PA was
out-manoeuvred by the Tigers on the battlefield and left with a lot of
egg on its face as the rebels stole a march over it on beginning
negotiations through Norwegian mediation. |
Missing Dimension in the Peace
- by Jehan Perera The centre stage of
public attention over the past several weeks has been the deficiencies
of the ceasefire agreement and the violations taking place despite and
because of it. These have included media reports of arms smuggling, near
clashes at sea, forcible recruitment of child soldiers and extortion by
the LTTE. On the other side, the LTTE have been protesting that the
armed forces continue to remain in schools and other public
institutions. |
Rauff on Road to Harmony
Recent developments concerning
Tamil-Muslim relations in the island are extremely satisfying to this
column having argued consistently in the past for rapprochement and
better understanding between both communities. |
Pontifications of Washington Poo-Bahs
In Washington DC, the Orwellian-sounding
Office of Strategic Influence has been buried, at least officially.
But who knows whether that information itself was a lie? |
On the Highway of Peace and
Amity For a two and half year period during 1997-99 the former
government tried to re-open the A-9 highway that connects the last
government held town of Vavuniya in the south with the city of Jaffna in
the north. |
What is the difference between State terrorism and individual terrorist
acts? If we understand this difference we’ll understand also the
evilness of the US policies in the Middle East and the forthcoming
disasters... |
the Political Edge
J. S. Tissainayagam
The LTTE has
taken swift steps to set up offices in the government controlled areas
after signing the ceasefire agreement, which demonstrates its hopes of
functioning as a visible political entity in contrast to its sojourn
underground that was forced upon it by war, law and government paranoia.
Though conventional wisdom in the south regards the Tigers entering the
political mainstream with an exaggerated show of disdain, it has been
nothing but the LTTE’s hardheaded and unromantic approach to politics
that has kept it intact as an organisation. |
The Question of Core Issues
a mutually agreed settlement
would require the accommodating a militarily successful secessionist
movement in the structure of the Sri Lankan state. It cannot be the old,
pre-existing state. There is no return to old politics. It should be a
joint march towards new politics. That demands a great measure of
flexibility and creativity in the way the Sinhalese polity and its
ruling elites as well as the political class look at the state, its
constitutional foundations and power structures. |
War or Peace: De-proscription A Must
It is important that the Sri Lanka
public is told categorically that the LTTE represents Tamils at the
talks. The ambiguity over this matter in the last round of negotiations
caused a grave problem. |
A Brief Encounter
Mr. Pirabhakaran takes questions from the international media. |
Shaw’s Homage to Jaffna
What is common with the names
Dr.Blenkinsop, Sir Bemrose Hotspot, Sir Dexter Rightside, Eliza
Doolittle, EpiphaniaFitzfazzen, Prof. Henry Higgins, Mrs.Kitty Warren
and Sir Jafna Pandranath? All these are fictional characters created by
that inimitable wit, iconoclast and distinguished dramatist George
Bernard Shaw |
Need for Rational Thinking
- Adrian Wijemanne |
Alarm Over the Ceasefire that backfired
Excellency, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, executive president of
the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is at her alarmist
activities again. The first lady has been firing salvo after salvo
Open Letter To Lakshman Kadirgamar
From S. Sivanayagam (London) |
Nirupama Subramanian of The Hindu
Serving as a ‘foreign correspondent’ in
Colombo is a taxing job. This appears to be so to Nirupama Subramanian,
your correspondent with lurid imaginations. |
A Response to Barbara Crossette of New York Times |
Identity, Content of Education and Ethnic Perceptions
It should be apparent that when writers in the English language press
idealized the happy ethnic harmony of their schooldays, they were
unwarrantedly assuming that what was true for them was true for the
entire nation. |
 | Pitfalls
in Peacemaking: Guatemala & Sri Lanka
Certain of the current internal conflicts around the world cannot be
won through military means alone and must be ended by negotiation
between the warring sides... |
 | UTHR(J)
Reports - Malicious Propaganda
persistent theme in the UTHR (JB) reports has been an anti-LTTE
bias. The bias, evident right from the start, has grown in intensity
to a point of being an obsession. |
 | Guatemala
Peace Process: Lessons for Sri Lanka
- Requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader |
 | The
Proscription Problematique
- by DBS Jeyaraj. "The main issue for the commencement of talks with the LTTE is the
international and local ban on the LTTE... |
 | Oslo
and Peace Process "Five"
- The dawn of a New Year
[2002] has ushered in further hope that the island nation is once
again back on track towards its peace destination. |
 | The Evolution of the Conflict
- A Tutorial in History for the Foreigners. The enduring search for restoration of rights by the
Tamils of Sri Lanka has undergone several phases over the past
century. The evolution and growth of the Tamil struggle for equality
is a heroic saga of a resilient people striving defiantly against
overwhelming odds to regain their rightful place under the sun. |
 | Dear Mr.
Thank you for your Press Release (# 475) of 26th May
2001, which your embassy was kind enough to send to me. I am
impressed by the thoughtfulness of your embassy staff for taking the
trouble to send this to someone who has long relinquished the
citizenship of your country.
- A
Rejoinder |
 | Sri
Lanka - Prospects for Peace
increasing pressure for peace from several fronts, both domestic and
international, the war in Sri Lanka is continuing. The intensity of
the battles waxes and wanes, but the war itself is ongoing. There is
no direct dialogue between the warring parties. However, there is an
intensified effort by Norway, through its appointed facilitator Eric
Solheim, to get the parties to talk.- Requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader |
 | Kfir
Israeli made Kfir fighter jets are one of the more lethal
weapons Sri Lanka uses in its war against the Tamils. In recent
months, there have been quite a few media reports that, in May this
year, Sri Lanka acquired several new Kfirs. The US State Department,
however, has denied the sale of Kfirs to Sri Lanka. Also see Kfir
Story [Requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader] |
Sri Lanka come out of the quagmire it has plunged into?
President Chandrika’s
government lost it parliamentary majority on the 20th day
of June 2001, when 7 members of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC)
with their leader Rauf Hakeem crossed the floor and sat with the
opposition in parliament. President herself triggered this episode... |
of Peace Process Four
for all practical purposes the Norwegian facilitatory role is over.
Peace process - Four has ended inconclusively. One can only hope
that future fighting does not escalate to unacceptable levels that
would irretrievably damage prospects for peace. |
Deception all over again
Chandrika Government is apparently trying the same trick that
Jayewardene tried successfully during Rajiv Gandhi’s “peace”
efforts, as it tries to remove ambassador Erik Solheim from the
peace process. |
for Peace Dim - With CBK in Power - DBS Jeyaraj.
The Oslo inspired peace process is virtually dead. Any
post-mortem held on its demise would reveal that two persons have to
bear the greater part of blame for it. One is Her Excellency the
Honourable Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, President of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; the other is her
sycophantic Foreign Affairs Minister the Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar. A
comprehensive analysis of the decline and fall of peace process four
would demonstrate clearly how Kadirgamar under the guise of
strengthening it worked diligently and systematically to undermine,
erode and finally negate the peace process... |
LTTE and Now Religion
Enterprising journalists both in India, Sri Lanka and
abroad miss no chance to vilify the LTTE. This is nothing new; it has been
going on for a considerable period of time... Walter Jayawardene ascribes
some innocuous comments by someone who wrote about Sai Baba to the LTTE...
Then there is the recent outburst against the TamilNet by Arundhati
Rajasingham... |
for Survival - The Tamil Perception
By Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran.
Paper Presented at International Conference in Malaysia
[13 - 15 July 2001]. Requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Tragedy of Errors - DBS Jeyaraj
Bandaranaike Kumaratunga is proving herself to be the political successor
of Junius Richard Jayewardene in the art of crafty politics. As in the
case of Jayewardene many of these manoeuvers are dictated through
expediency than principle where long term interests are sacrificed for
short term gains. The latest exercise by CBK to marginalise Erik Solheim... |
Process Landmined! D.B.S. JeyarajThe fragile peace process facilitated by Norway
appears to be on the verge of an inevitable breakdown with the Sri Lankan
government demanding unilaterally that Oslo remove special peace envoy
Erik Solheim as the mutually accredited facilitator and the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam objecting vehemently to such action. |
US Ambassador's Visit to Jaffna - 7 March 2001 |
Hindu Deities in Eelam in the Portuguese Era “The Pandaram took these statues and a few
remaining pooja utensils (as they were the articles demanded by
Portuguese) to Thambalakamam Lake for safety. In the morning, the
ultimatum expired and the Thirukoneswaram temple, worshipped by more than
five hundred generations was blasted to destruction. The hill on which the
temple stood was called Swami Malai. There was no worship at
Thirukonamalai for nearly 180 years... |
International Efforts & Tamil Perceptions -
D.B.S. Jeyaraj If the
international community, particularly the USA, Britain, India, Japan and
the European Nations want to correct this impression then they must prove
through deeds that they are indeed fair and impartial. Meaningful and
concrete action is required to convince Tamils that the dice is not loaded
and the cards not stacked against them in the sphere of internationally
backed peace processes. |
Burning of the Jaffna Public
Library - An Anniversary Remembrance On the 2nd of June every year,
Tamils all over the world wake-up with sorrow and grief - over an event
that took place twenty-one years ago. It started with the citizens of
Jaffna waking up, that many years ago on this fateful morning, to an
absolute horror. |
Preaching Peace and Waging War You keep
talking to the people in Jaffna without listening to what they or a
substantial number of Tamils around the world are saying. |
The Follies of War It is with much
sadness that I write, on this day when we celebrate the birth of the
Buddha, who preached unconditional love and compassion for all beings.
Absolute Ahimsa or non-violence was his message. But on this day when we
recall his preaching and when we should be committing our selves to live
his message, I am compelled to write of war – representing mans hatred
for man. |
 | Tamil
Information Centre [PRESS RELEASE 28 April
Fall of Elephant Pass underscores again the importance of a
negotiated settlement. The capture of the strategic military complex
- Iyakachchi and Elephant Pass bases - in Jaffna by the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on 22 April has generated widespread
debate within and outside Sri Lanka on the current peace initiatives
and the future of the island. |
Agni Kheela - What Next? The Peoples’ Alliance Government
of President Chandrika Kumaratunga has proved once again that it
epitomises misgovernance at its worst. Any other
regime would have acted speedily and positively to the overtures for peace
made by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). |
States, Dissidents and the
British Terrorism Law The government of the United Kingdom, which has
now designated the LTTE as terrorists, had also smeared George Washington,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Francis Marion, with the same
brush. In fact, back in 1776, all fifty-six leaders of the American
Revolution were branded, and Britain wanted them ‘dead or alive.’
Their crime: they signed the American Declaration of Independence. |
Taliban and the the Sinhala
Buddhists The climate of denial under which Sri Lankans
are living is truly remarkable. As far as most Sri Lankans are concerned,
the horror of the war in the northeast of that island simply doesn’t
exist. The effects of wars in other far-away places, which they see on
their televisions, are far more real and hideous |
The inevitability of Thamileelam
The principles behind the Tamil quest for
freedom from the Sri Lankan state – and the call for international
assistance to help them secure it – are gaining general recognition in
open discussions. |
An Agnostic's View Agnostics
are well aware of the harm and injustices that religious ideologies can
cause to a large number of people. Let us consider religious hypocrisy
among Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka. |
Western Mediation - How Effective? ... The bottom line here is that everyone as
always seems to be perennially missing the point that the LTTE will keep
going as long as the Tamils feel aggrieved – west or no west. |
An Open Letter to President Kumaratunge
I am sure you are aware that you and your armed
forces have violated the Geneva Protocols I and II.
Also, the restrictions on food, medicines, destruction of
educational facilities, houses, rape, mass graves, extrajudicial killings
and disappearances of detainees caused by your armed forces to coerce the
Tamil people to accept your views on their rights is state terrorism...
Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka PROBLEMS & PROSPECTS
- By S Sathananthan The
most recent twist in the meandering, much-flogged conflict resolution
process is the entry of the Government of Norway as a facilitator, to
initiate talks between the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) and the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The Governments of some countries
in the west, including Norway, are said to have maintained contact with
the two protagonists over the past few years and, on several occasions,
offered their good offices to help resolve the armed conflict between the
GSL and the LTTE. But the former steadfastly rejected the offers on
grounds that the conflict is an internal affair |
An Open Letter to Tamil Political Parties I am writing this letter, on
behalf of hundreds of thousands of expatriate Tamils, to thank the leaders
of all the Tamil political parties, who have come together with a
steadfast consensus to expose to the world the arrogant but suicidal
policy of the Sri Lankan government |
Murder of a Journalist - Tamil Information Centre Press Release The
Tamil Information Centre condemns the killing of Journalist Mylvaganam
Nirmalarajan at his Jaffna home on 19 October and calls for swift action
by the government to investigate the killing, publicise its findings,
bring to justice those responsible for the killing, curb the powers of
armed groups and refrain from interference with the media’s right to
inform the public. |
February Fourth - Freedom and Serfdom Congratulations, Sinhala Nation of Sri Lanka,
on your 53rd Anniversary of freedom today from British subjugation. If one
great achievement of mankind over the past 2000 years that towers over
others, historians claim, is: “The arduous, painstaking process of
wresting liberty from tyranny’s fist.” (Jim Powell) |
International Tamil Conference (1974) Remembered It is twenty-seven years today since the 4th International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies took place in Jaffna, on 10 Jan 1974.
The whole of Jaffna peninsula was in a festival
mood throughout the period during the conference. |
Growing togetherness...
- A Speech by Fr. Emmanuel in London (16 Dec 2000) ...the humanitarian tragedies created by the policies of the Sri Lankan governments have pushed the Tamils to become more conscious of their togetherness, to become more eloquent of their solidarity and to become more generous in sharing what they have with the unfortunate ones. |