A Peep on the
Power Elites of the Sri Lankan Army
In my chosen profession, i.e. natural
sciences, an unpublished report or an unnamed source is given the same
degree of credibility as that of a lecture by Bill Clinton on the worth of
monogamy. Thus, I differ from other Pirabhakaran analysts in one
criterion. Rather than relying heavily on ‘unnamed’ and ‘confidential’
sources which are unverifiable by an independent party, I depend strongly
on scanning the published and public sources of information for my
analysis, and assess the merit and weakness of such published material
accordingly. Thus, it is opportune to present some published information
on (and by) the men who had led the Sri Lankan army, to assess the quality
of Pirabhakaran’s Sinhalese military competition.
The Lanka Guardian of Dec.1, 1993
had a glaring pink-colored box with black border in its cover. That box
carried the caption: ‘The Tiger War: Why Aren’t We Winning? Lt.General
Denis Perera, Rear Admiral Basil Gunasekera, Air Vice-Marshal Harry
Goonetilleke talk to Mervyn de Silva.” This post-mortem was held to
analyze the Pooneryn [Poonagari] Army camp debacle. To digest the success
of Pirabhakaran’s army, I provide below a lengthy segment of Mervyn de
Silva’s questions and the responses of General Denis Perera and Air Vice
Marshal Harry Goonetilleke:
Views of
Denis Perera:
[Note: The dots in between the sentences
and the bold face fonts are as in the original text.]
“First of all, ‘we must be clear in our
own minds on strategy’ General Denis Perera said. What are we trying to
achieve? To me, he asked, it is obvious – destroy the military capability
of the LTTE. Some people seem to believe that this is a law and order
problem. That’s nonsense, of course. Our navy must be asked to close ‘the
gaps’, if any at sea; our planes and helicopters must be ‘spotters’ and
between the two, the navy and the air force, we must destroy the weapons
coming in, or the army must destroy the boats on arrival. It can also be
done by air. In this overall strategy, I would suggest a full-time
maritime commander…not just a ground commander.
General, are there any other points and constructive criticisms that you
can offer…I believe there was a meeting with former service chiefs to pick
their brains…?
I’d rather put some points in the form of questions that need to be
probed. Are there overall planning weaknesses which need to be studied and
the situation corrected? Is there a delay in sending re-inforcements? Does
the army have contingency plans? Do long defence lines lack depth?
General, you haven’t mentioned intelligence…
I was coming to that, and there too, I have a question. Is there an
intelligence failure or is there an unfortunate neglect of the
intelligence received?
Is there in the army as a matter of routine, inquiries into failures,
lapses etc?
Good question. There should be. At a high level, at that. Nothing must be
glossed over or covered up. Every institution learns from mistakes…that is
part of experience.
It is always said that LTTE infiltration is very good.
Yes, we have heard stories…Ogollan mona unit ekenda? But the accent
should betray the infiltrator, shouldn’t it?
General, what of the command structure?…General Gerry Silva has been
placed in charge of the North.
A full-time field commander is a good idea. But I would have the Chief of
Staff concentrate on strategy and coordination. The work of the ground
commander, the maritime commander etc needs to be more closely linked.
The heavily guarded camps have been over-run so easily…
They have left gaps…especially in Pooneryn which has wide areas…There
should be land-mines, trip-wire and ‘illumination’…as soon as an
infiltrator trips, the light signals the defender…these devices are
available…once you have dug in…your FDL [Note: army jargon for ‘forward
defence line’] must be strong…good use must be made of anti-personnel
Views of
Air Vice Marshal Goonetilleke
[Note: The dots in between the sentences
and the bold-face fonts are as in the original text.]
“Air Vice Marshal Goonetilleke: We
now know the LTTE has a strong army…quite small but highly motivated, well
trained and tough…after all, young women are on the frontline. Now the
Tigers are quite good at sea too. But we have a monopoly of the skies. Why
didn’t we rely on the Air Force when we have total superiority from dawn
to dusk.
Precisely because we have a monopoly of the skies, don’t you think that
Palaly may be an LTTE top priority? Suicide squads?
Air Vice Marshal Goonetilleke:
Of course. They’ll use every means possible to deny us that monopoly. But
the problems go deeper. I am worried about morale. There is too much ‘Let
me look after my life…until I can find some other work…the feeling that
they are cannon fodder MUST not spread. We must not allow any
demoralization. We need to inject new confidence and vitality. We must
have a well-knit Joint Command…reduce extensions to a minimum…3 commanders
and IGP must make almost ALL the strategic decisions, with least
interference from non-servicemen. Arms purchases must be strictly
professional. There should be a WAR COUNCIL, a recruitment drive…a
campaign to raise morale.”
Apart from Air Vice Marshal Goonetilleke,
the Rear Admiral Gunasekera also had mentioned in his interview to Mervyn
de Silva, “I am quite concerned about morale…the will to fight. If there
is a serious problem, it must be remedied at once.”
My 1993
Letter on Morale: rejected by the Lanka Guardian
After reading the insipid responses of
Pirabhakaran’s elite Sinhalese competition, I submitted a brief sardonic
critique to the Lanka Guardian, which Mervyn de Silva had
discretely rejected from publication. I present this rejected letter,
dated Dec.11, 1993 now. I had captioned it as ‘The Tiger War’.
“Thank you for publishing the ‘sermons’ of
the three former Service Commanders – Lt.General Denis Perera, Rear
Admiral Basil Gunasekera and Air Vice Marshal Harry Goonetilleke, on why
the Tiger War is not progressing well, according to the expectations of
the Services (LG, Dec.1). What I gather from the printed excerpts, the
chief problem among the service personnel seems to be the lack of morale.
Two of the three ex-Service Commanders had lamented about the morale. If
only, some biotechnology or pharmaceutical company in Japan can produce
and market ‘morale-boosting pills’ (like the ‘morning-after pills’ for
unprotected sex) which can be purchased over the counter, I will supply
them with such information. Until then, one has to manage with what is
In the ‘available’ category, we should
include the ‘front-line experience’ of the former Service Commanders. Have
they got any? If so, how much percentage of success they can show? What
have they done on their part to build up morale in their camps? And how
much success they have had in this campaign? I’m disappointed that you
failed to ask these elementary questions…”
A 2001
Update on Sri Lankan army morale
I should admit that I did not anticipate
the sexploiting ingenuity of the chicken-hearted chieftains of the Sri
Lankan army, when I wrote the sardonic letter to Mervyn de Silva about the
need for a morale-boosting pill. Many may have missed last year’s news
from the rehabilitation research front of the Sri Lankan army to instil
troop morale which captured the international headlines. Here is a lengthy
excerpt from Amal Jayasinghe’s report of March 28, 2001 to the Agence
France-Presse, captioned ‘Viagra to raise Sri Lanka troop morale’.
“A year after Sri Lankan troops bought
multi-barrel rockets and swing-wing jets to resist a massive offensive by
Tamil rebels another key ‘weapon’ is being inducted to fight a different
battle. The latest acquisition by the medical corps has the potential to
raise morale to new heights in an army where nearly a tenth of troops have
been wounded while battling separatist Tamil Tiger rebels in the
The army is experimenting with the new
sexual arousal drug, Viagra, in the treatment of war-wounded as
rehabilitation is given top billing after President Chandrika Kumaratunga
placed the country on a ‘war footing’. ‘We have just got the samples of
Viagra’ said Dr.Sriyani Warusawitharana who heads the rehabilitation
offensive. ‘We want to start the treatment on some married soldiers who
have recovered from their injuries’. She said the war-wounded often
suffered psychological problems, particularly due to losing limbs from
anti-personnel mines. ‘We are looking at the sexual aspects of treatment’,
she said. ‘We are getting help from a university for this program’.
Warusawitharana said the injured soldiers initially suffer fears of
rejection by society, but with the help of professional counseling and
support from colleagues most make remarkable recoveries.
The army set up a separate directorate for
rehabilitation in 1989 but the outfit got a new push when the government
announced it was placing the country on a ‘war-footing’ following the
abortive rebel offensive in Jaffna in April and May last year. Viagra,
which was approved as a prescription drug in Sri Lanka only four months
ago, was introduced at 685 rupees (eight dollars) for the smaller 25 mg
pill and considered expensive by local standards. But money is no object
in this case.
The army’s rehabilitation outfit is a
show-piece centre for the other military units such as the airforce and
the navy and has provided vocational training for about 4,500 wounded
troopers. The rehab unit currently has some 9,000 troopers registered with
it and re-deployed in various branches of the security forces. Masons,
carpenters and even some of the military drivers are soldiers who once
fought in the war. About eight percent of the Sri Lankan military is
officially listed as ‘disabled’ soldiers…
There had been several US medical teams
helping the Sri Lankan army in treating the war-wounded and the US
military has also gifted operating theatres and provided specialised
training on medical evacuation. But the down side is that the Tigers have
not been sparing soldiers wounded in battle. A recently retired army
general said Tiger rebels killed injured soldiers because of fears they
could be re-deployed back in the army after their recovery.”
Innovation and Ingenuity of LTTE strategy
Sometimes, it is worth waiting for the
secrets to spill from adversary’s camp to judge the capabilities of
innovation and military ingenuity shown by Pirabhakaran’s army. Some
details on the Pooneryn and Janakapura debacles faced by the Sri Lankan
army have been reported by the
Island newspaper’s analyst
C.A.Chandraprema early this year. I present below a lengthy excerpt from
his eulogy to Major General Cecil Waidyaratne, who died on Dec.18, 2001.
Though Pirabhakaran is not mentioned, how his skill in making a mince-meat
of Waidyaratne’s touted army is nonetheless glaring. To quote Chandraprema,
“General Waidyaratne was able to handle
the JVP’s second insurrection very successfully. He later became Commander
of the Sri Lankan Army. But he resigned in 1992 over the Pooneryn and
Janakapura attacks. Those were the two worst attacks ever faced by the Sri
Lankan Army while the UNP was in power. The military debacles which became
such a conspicuous feature of PA rule actually started when the UNP was in
power during the tenure of Cecil Waidyaratne as Army Commander. A
lackadaisical attitude appeared to permeate the Army during the last years
of UNP rule.
There was no reason for the fall of
Janakapura and Pooneryn except sheer negligence. At Pooneryn, around 600
soldiers lost their lives but a small group within the camp held on
doggedly until reinforcements arrived. The Pooneryn camp was never overrun
completely. The question arises is: If a small group could hold on so
easily why couldn’t the whole camp hold on?
This was a case of sheer negligence. The
forward defense lines at Pooneryn had not been inspected and reconstituted
to suit the manpower availability in the camp. There had been a refugee
camp within the forward defense lines and LTTE cadres had been living
incognito among the refugees. Later it was found that the attackers had in
their possession, Army rations that had been given to the wretched
refugees! Access from the sea into the area of the camp had not been
properly guarded. By the time the attack had started, there had been
around 400 LTTE cadres who had infiltrated the forward defense lines
through the refugee camp and via the sea. If these aspects had been looked
after, Pooneryn would never have fallen. Many soldiers died in Pooneryn
only because of the confusion. Where there was no such confusion, the
soldiers managed to hold on.”
Here, Chandraprema seems to be oblivious
to the fact that causing confusion in the enemy camp is an age-old
strategy in warfare, and preventing such confusion among foot soldiers is
an important function of leadership. Chandraprema continued,
“A similar story is told about Janakapura.
It was in the Janakapura attack that two battle tanks fell into the hands
of the LTTE for the first time. Being an Armoured Corps officer General
Waidyaratne has eloquently told me with many ‘f’s and ‘b’s the rage and
shame he felt when he heard about the loss of the two battle tanks. Unlike
in Pooneryn the loss at Janakapura was more in terms of war material than
in terms of lives. The LTTE is said to have been able to carry off over 50
million rupees worth of war equipment including the two battle tanks from
Janakapura. Here too the loss of the two battle tanks was due to the men
on the spot not having adhered to the basic precaution of removing vital
moving parts in armoured vehicles when they are idle. This is a routine
precaution taken in battle zones so that in case of a surprise attack, the
enemy will not be able to drive away the armoured vehicles.
General Waidyaratne, with his flair for
writing endless instructions and ‘signals’ (as the Army calls them), had
earlier on issued a circular to all units in the battle zone that when
armoured vehicles are idle, vital moving parts have to be removed as a
safety precaution. Despite these written instructions, the troops at
Janakapura had failed to take the routine precautions. When the attack
began, armoured corps officers had come running to get the tanks
operational. But by the time they got to the tanks LTTE cadres had been
already in the tanks. Then these armoured corps men had left even their
pistols and other equipment and run off in the opposite direction. After
the attack, two armored corps personnel had been rescued from the well in
the camp! Little wonder that Cecil Waidyaratne was literally beside
himself with rage and shame. This episode of the two battle tanks broke
his spirit like nothing else did. This clinched his decision to resign
from the Army…” [The Island newspaper, Colombo, Feb.6, 2002]
If what was described by Chandraprema, as
heard directly from General Waidyaratne, was accurate, it tells something
on the quality of combat spirit of LTTE cadres and the leadership of
Pirabhakaran. And as Chandraprema informed, General Waidyaratne was a
Sandhurst-trained officer. General Denis Perera, cited earlier in the
Lanka Guardian feature, had gloated to another reporter Hiranthi
Fernando in 1999,
has trained 119 officers and produced seven Commanders of the Sri Lanka
Army. I was the first and Gen.Daluwatte, the former Commander was the
last.” [Sunday Times, Colombo, Oct.10, 1999]
But any sensible person in Sri Lanka
knows, that not a single one of these 119 Sandhurst-trained military
officers can hold a candle to Pirabhakaran, who is a home-grown talent.
Here is a recent lament from the daily ‘tom-tom beater’ for the Sinhala
Buddhist chauvinism, which emphasizes this point.
“…This country has had many such
blundering generals, who would have been court martialled in any other
country, being appointed to the top most positions – and in some cases
even placed in charge of joint operations. This is not all! Such generals
have even been sent to countries of their choice as ambassadors after
their retirement following repeated extensions. (Lest it should be
misunderstood, no mention is here made to General Janaka Perera, the
present Sri Lankan High Commissioner to Australia, who had done the
military proud)…” [Editorial in the newspaper Island,
Colombo, July 8, 2002]
Whether General Janaka Perera’s deeds in
the battle field are that exemplary is open to debate. However the
editorialist Gamini Weerakoon tries to make a hero of General Janaka
Perera, the fact that he couldn’t stand the heat of the battle ground in
Sri Lanka for long suggests that he might have feared for his life and
personally preferred the greener pastures in Australia.
The unidentified ‘Defence Correspondent’
of the Island
newspaper has spilled more beans about the ‘orgy of power and greed for
wealth through corruption among the military elites. Excerpts:
“…A number of serving and retired army,
navy and air force chiefs are lobbying hard to be appointed the next Chief
of Defence Staff. The position became vacant with the appointment of the
last Chief of Defence Staff, General Rohan de S.Daluwatte, as Sri Lanka
Ambassador to Brazil….
[Air Marshal Jayalath] Weerakoddy’s
scandal spotlights the disgraceful conduct of many of the past and present
service commanders and senior officers, who bend and break rules and
regulations, as well as the country’s laws, in what can only be described
as an orgy of power and greed for wealth through corruption, forsaking the
lives of all those around them.
One former army commander actually spent
millions of rupees of army funds in constructing a Hindu kovil to fulfil a
vow he had made. [Note by Sri Kantha: Who knows whether this guy
could have vowed for the safety of his life to a Hindu deity!] Another
navy commander did the same with navy funds to build a Buddhist temple.
Another army commander has a palatial mansion in the south Indian city
where his guru, Sai Baba, resides, just so the service commander can visit
him from time to time.
The Defence Ministry is ultimately to
blame for not keeping a control over the conduct of officers in the
forces. Yet these officers are not youngsters. They are those in their
forties and fifties, who should know better about responsibility. It is
these same armed forces chiefs who have spent untold millions on
themselves, buying bullet-proof vehicles and fleets of luxury cars and
escort vehicles at the expense of the public. Yet, here we find a serving
air force chief at the wheel of a car, without any escort, driving a young
lady air force officer through the streets of Colombo at high speed at
4:15 am!…” [The Island newspaper, Colombo, July 7, 2002]
It is not difficult to guess what Air
Force Commander Air Marshal Jayalath Weerakoddy was upto with a young lady
air force officer at the wheel of a car without any escort. At the time of
his unfortunate mishap, he might have been a volunteer participant of the
Sri Lankan army’s program of Viagra route to morale enhancement.

A scan on
the ‘recent’ great military minds:
the national check-list
In the previous chapter [see, Pirabhakaran
Phenomenon – part 37] I tried to impress on the readers about the
dominance of combat power by the European nations and the USA during the
past 500 years. During this same period, Tamils – having lost the crown
(civil) power, combat power and commercial power – have lingered on to the
20th century with only the cerebral power.
The Who’s
Who in Military History: from 1453 to the Present Day
edition, 1996; Routledge, London],
authored by John Keegan and Andrew Wheatcroft is an authoritative
reference source which provide pen sketches of great military minds who
shaped the course of war and thus
influenced the past 500 years of
global history. I have an affinity
for this book, since it tells the story in brief biographical sketches
about how combat power came to influence the past 500 years of global
history, and why not a single Tamil name appears in it. Warfare has been
practiced since the dawn of humankind in all cultures, but a paradigm
shift occurred 550 years ago, when bullets and guns were introduced. In
the preface of its second edition (1987), Keegan and Wheatcroft had noted
“However stout the heart that beats
beneath the braid, it is brain and nervous system that count when armies
clash. The great panjandrums of the parade ground are frequently found to
lack both when armies take the field.”
Among the 700 great military men who have
received coverage in this source book, the lives of 270 (38 percent of the
total) had crossed or commenced in the first half of the 20th
century. Two of the youngest in this list of 270 were born in the 1930s:
Gen.Norman Schwarzkopf (born 1934) and Gen.Colin Powell (born 1937). All
others, with the exception of Vo Nguyen Giap (born 1910), Gen.William
Westmoreland (born 1914) and Marcel Bigeard (born 1916) have already died.
Those born after 1937 have not received mention - probably for reason of
proximity bias.
I venture to predict, that if all
objective criteria are considered for inclusion, among those born in the
second half of the twentieth century, Pirabhakaran has a good chance
of being included in a future edition of this source book, for his record
in military endeavors. At the same time, I also predict that not a single
one of Pirabhakaran’s past and present adversaries in the Sri Lankan army
have a chance of being considered for inclusion in such a source book.
This is because, as Keegan and Wheatcroft had stated in their preface,
“The really significant warriors form a separate and inner group, whose
reputations were made not by the bureaucratic processes that elevate
workaday soldiers up the ladder of promotion but by lightning inspirations
of mind and flashing strokes of action.”
To perform a statistical analysis of these
270 great military minds, I unscrambled the A-Z format of entries into
respective nationalities. Granting an allowance for recorder bias, since
the compilers were British, it revealed a historical reality: the
dominance of combat power by the European nations and the USA. 258 of the
‘recent’ great military minds, who made this list of 270 came from Britain
(57), Germany (53), France (40), USA (33), pre-Lenin Russia (18) and
Soviet Union (11), Japan (12), Italy (6), South Africa (5), Austria (4),
China (4), Belgium (3), Poland (3), Spain (3), Ireland (2), Turkey (2) and
Yugoslavia (2). A miscellaneous dozen, consisting one individual from a
nation, originated from Prussia of the 19th century,
Switzerland, Hungary, Finland, Serbia, Canada, India, Israel, New Zealand,
Vietnam, and Cuba-Argentina.
Why I care for this list?
I state the following four reasons why I
care for this list.
is to counter the duplicitious propaganda
of (a) the Sri Lankan and Indian governments, and (b) the terrorism
analysts like Bruce Hoffman and Rohan Gunaratna, that Pirabhakaran is a
‘terrorist’ and not a military leader. If Pirabhakaran is a ‘terrorist’,
by the same yardstick - the men who are listed below are also
terrorists. Some of them did receive this terrorist label while they were
engaged in leading their armies. The game of shifting goal posts in
assessing who is a ‘terrorist’ and who is a military leader, by the
arbiters and Poo Bahs of global media deserves a condemnation. That every
military undertaking is based on a certain degree of terror is a given.
Thus, smearing one party with the label of ‘terrorists’, and adoring the
other party’s deeds as ‘national service’ and ‘patriotic valor’ is nothing
but fraud and self-serving sycophancy.
to expose the academic deception and deficiency of partisan journalists
and defence analysts in Colombo and Chennai who had found a niche in the
local journals to analyze the strategies of LTTE campaigns without even
bothering to study the details of global military history of past 150
years. I should specifically name some members of this tribe: Iqbal Athas,
C.A. Chandraprema and Dayan Jayatilleka (in Colombo) as well as N.Ram,
V.Suryanarayan, V.S.Sambandan and T.S.Subramanian (in Chennai).
to place Pirabhakaran’s record in military achievements in proper
perspectives with that of some of his illustrious predecessors from Asia
such as Mao, Subhas Chandra Bose and Giap – the three who had received
recognition in this list for establishing an army. The professional worth
of Pirabhakaran can also be evaluated by studying the professional
mediocrity (and incompetence) of his adversaries in Sri Lanka and India
from an independent third source. I would add that even Pakistan’s
Generals have to be considered as Pirabhakaran’s adversaries because
beginning from Gen.Zia ul Haq in the early 1980s, they have given material
and moral support to Pirabhakaran’s Sri Lankan adversaries.
to educate the Tamils who are still ignorant of the value of combat
power in the 20th century about the names of leaders who by
their contributions to combat power raised the stature of their nations.
According to Keegan and Wheatcroft, four
categories of men have received recognition in their source book. These
being, (1) great commanders – land, sea and air, whose leadership won the
most famous victories of the modern age; (2) those who, if not great
commanders in the field, laid the ground for the victory of others; (3)
military thinkers; and (4) great military technocrats. I have indicated 50
of the popularly known heroes and those who became icons in politics and
other endeavors of nation building in italics. Providing a list of names
(even though these names are reputed!) like a telephone directory does not
help the readers, if some observations are not made from such a list.
Thus, my candid observations follow the list. Now to the names of
270 military masterminds, whose lives
crossed or commenced in
the first half of the 20th century (1901-1950).
Britain (57)
Alexander, Harold 1891-1969: General and
Allied Commander in Chief
Allenby, Edmund 1861-1936: Field Marshal
Auchinleck, Sir Claude 1884-1981: Field
Baden-Powell, Robert 1857-1941:
Hero of Mafeking and Founder of Boy Scouts.
Beatty, David 1871-1936: Admiral
Beresford, Charles 1846-1919: Admiral
Brooke, Alan 1883-1963: Field Marshal
Buller, Sir Redvers 1839-1908: General
Byng, Julian 1862-1935: Field Marshal
Cambridge, George 1819-1904: Field Marshal
Chelmsford, Frederic 1827-1905: General
Cherwell, Lord 1886-1957: Scientific
adviser to Winston Churchill
Coningham, Sir Arthur 1895-1948: Air
Cradock, Sir Christopher 1862-1914:
Cunningham, Andrew 1883-1963: Admiral
Dill, Sir John 1881-1944: Field Marshal
Dowding, Hugh 1882-1970: Air Marshal
Fisher, John Arbuthnot 1841-1920: Admiral
French, John 1852-1925: Field Marshal
Fuller, John 1878-1964: General, Military
writer and thinker
Gort, John 1886-1946: Field Marshal
Gough, Sir Hubert 1870-1963: General and
Haig, Douglas
1861-1928: Field Marshal & Commander in Chief (1915-18) in
Haldane, Richard Burton 1856-1928:
Military reformer
Hamilton, Sir Ian 1853-1947: General
Harris, Sir Arthur (Bomber) 1892-1984:
Air Marshal
Ironside, Edmund 1880-1959: Field Marshal
Jellicoe, John 1859-1935: Admiral
Keyes, Roger 1872-1945: Admiral
Kitchener, Horatio 1850-1916: Field
Lawrence, Thomas Edward 1888-1935:
Leigh-Mallory, Sir Trafford 1892-1944: Air
Liddell Hart, Sir Basil 1895-1970:
Military theorist, historian & biographer
McCreery, Sir Richard 1898-1967: General
Mannock, Edward 1887-1918: Figher Ace
Methuen, Paul Sandford 1845-1932: Field
Montgomery, Bernard Law 1887-1976:
Field Marshal
Mountbatten, Louis 1900-1979:
Naval Officer
O’Connor, Sir Richard 1889-1981: General
Percival, Arthur 1887-1966: General
Plumer, Herbert 1857-1932: Field Marshal
Portal, Charles 1893-1971: Air Marshal
Ramsay, Sir Bertram 1883-1945: Admiral
Rawlinson, Henry 1864-1925: General
Roberts, Frederick 1832-1913: Field
Robertson, Sir William 1860-1933: Field
Slim, William 1891-1970: Field Marshal
Somerville, Sir James 1882-1949: Admiral
Sturdee, Sir Frederick 1859-1925: Admiral
Tedder, Arthur 1890-1967: Air Marshal
Tovey, John 1885-1971: Admiral
Townshend, Sir Charles 1861-1924: General
Trenchard, Hugh 1873-1956: Airman
Wavell, Archibald 1883-1950: Field Marshal
Wilson, Sir Henry 1864-1922: Field Marshal
Wingate, Orde 1903-1944: General
Wolseley, Garnet 1833-1913: Field Marshal
Germany (53)
Balck, Hermann 1893-1950: General
Blomberg, Werner von 1878-1943: Field
Bock, Feodor von 1880-1945: Field Marshal
Boelcke, Oswald 1891-1916: Fighter Ace
Brauchitsch, Walter von 1881-1948: Field
Braun, Wernher von 1912-1977: Designer of
mlitary rocket mssiles
Canaris, Wilhelm 1888-1945: Admiral &
Chief of Intelligence
Donitz, Karl 1891-1980: Admiral & Head of
Falkenhayn, Erich von 1861-1922: General
Fritsch, Werner 1880-1939: General
Goltz, Colmar 1843-1916: Field Marshal &
mlitary writer
Groener, Wilhelm 1867-1939: General
Guderian, Heinz 1888-1953: General &
theorist of tank warfare
Halder, Franz 1884-1971: General & Chief
of Staff
Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig 1847-1934:
Field Marshal & President
Hipper, Franz 1863-1932: Admiral
Hitler, Adolf 1889-1945:
Dictator & war leader
Hoepner, Erich 1886-1944: Panzer General
Hoffman, Max 1869-1927: General
Jodl, Alfred 1890-1946: General
Keitel, Wilhelm 1892-1946: Field Marshal
Kesselring, Albert 1885-1960: Field
Kleist, Paul 1881-1954: Field Marshal
Kluck, Alexander von 1846-1934: General
Kluge, Gunther von 1882-1944: Field
Leeb, Wilhelm 1876-1956: Field Marshal
Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul 1870-1964: General &
colonial guerrilla leader
Liman von Sanders, Otto 1855-1929: General
List, Wilhelm 1880-1971: Field Marshal
Lossberg, Fritz von 1868-1943: General
Ludendorff, Erich 1865-1937: General
Mackensen, August von 1849-1944: Field
Manstein, Erich von 1887-1973: Field
Model, Walther 1891-1945: Field Marshal
Paulus, Friedrich 1890-1957:
Field Marshal
Raeder, Erich 1876-1960: Admiral
Reichenau, Walter von 1884-1942: Field
Richthofen, Manfred 1892-1918: Fighter Ace
Rommel, Erwin 1891-1944:
Field Marshal
Rundstedt, Karl 1875-1953: Field Marshal
Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria
1869-1955: Soldier
Scheer, Reinhard 1863-1929: Admiral
Schlieffen, Alfred 1833-1913: Field
Schorner, Ferdinand 1892-1973: Field
Seeckt, Hans von 1866-1936:
Spee, Maximilien 1861-1914: Admiral
Student, Kurt 1890-1978: General
Tirpitz, Alfred 1849-1930: Admiral
Udet, Ernst 1896-1941: Fighter Ace
Waldersee, Alfred 1832-1904: Field Marshal
Weichs, Maximilian 1881-1954: Field
Witzleben, Erwin 1881-1944: Field Marshal
Zeitzler, Kurt 1895-1963: General
France (40)
Anthoine, Francois Paul 1860-1944: General
Berthelot, Henri Mathias 1861-1931: Staff
Bigeard, Marcel 1916-
: General
Castelnau, Noel 1851-1944: General
Castries, Christian 1902-1991:
General & Defender of Dien Bien Phu
Darlan, Jean 1881-1942: Admiral &
De Gaulle, Charles 1890-1970:
General & Head of State
Dreyfus, Alfred 1859-1935:
Officer & central figure of the Dreyfus affair
Fayolle, Marie Emile 1852-1928: Marshal
Foch, Ferdinand 1851-1929: Marshal
Fonck, Rene Paul 1894-1953: Fighter Ace
Franchet D’Esperey, Louis 1856-1942:
Gallieni, Joseph 1849-1916: General
Gamelin, Maurice 1872-1958: General
Georges, Joseph 1875-1951: General
Giraud, Henri 1879-1949: General
Gouraud, Henri 1867-1946: General
Guillaumat, Marie 1863-1940: General
Guynemer, Georges 1894-1917: Fighter Ace
Jaures, Jean-Leon 1859-1914: Socialist
Joffre, Joseph 1852-1931: Marshal
Juin, Alphonse Pierre 1888-1967: Marshal
Koenig, Marie 1898-1970: General
Langle de Cary, Fernand 1849-1927: General
Lanrezac, Charles 1852-1925: General
Lattre de Tassigny, Jean 1889-1952:
Leclerc, Philippe 1902-1947: Marshal
Lyautey, Louis 1854-1934: Marshal
Maginot, Andre 1877-1932: Minister of War
Mangin, Charles 1866-1925: General
Marchand, Jean 1863-1934: General &
Maunoury, Michel 1847-1923: Marshal
Henri 1898-1993: General
Negrier, Francois 1839-1913: General
Nivelle, Robert 1856-1924: General
Nungesser, Charles 1892-1927: Fighter Ace
Pau, Paul Marie 1848-1932: General
Petain, Henri 1856-1951:
Sarrail, Maurice 1856-1929: General
Weygand, Maxime 1867-1965: General
America (33)
Arnold, Henry Harley (Hap) 1886-1950:
Airforce Commander
Bradley, Omar 1893-1981: General
Buckner, Simon Bolivar
1823-1914:Confederate General
Chennault, Claire 1898-1953: Airman
Clark, Mark 1896-1984: General
Dewey, George 1837-1917: Admiral
Doolittle, James 1896-1993: Airman
Eichelberger, Robert 1886-1961: General
Eisenhower, David Dwight 1890-1969:
General & US President
Grierson, Benjamin 1826-1911: Union
Halsey, William 1882-1959:
Hodges, Courtney Hicks 1887-1966: General
Joseph, Chief [Indian] 1831-1904: Indian
war leader
King, Ernest 1878-1956: Admiral
Longstreet, James 1821-1904: Confederate
MacArthur, Douglas 1880-1964:
Mahan, Alfred 1840-1914: Admiral, naval
historian & theorist
Marshall, George 1880-1959:
Miles, Nelson 1839-1925: General
Mitchell, William 1879-1936: Airman
Mitscher, Marc 1887-1947: Admiral
Nimitz, Chester 1885-1966:
Patch, Alexander 1889-1945: General
Patton, George 1885-1945:
General & tank commander
Pershing, John 1860-1948:
Powell, Colin 1937-
: General & Commander of Joint Chief of Staff
Rickenbacker, Edward 1890-1973: Fighter
Root, Elihu 1845-1937:
Military reformer
Schwarzkopf, Norman 1934-
: General
Spaatz, Carl 1891-1974: Airman
Spruance, Raymond 1886-1969: Admiral
Stilwell, Joseph 1883-1946: General
Westmoreland, William 1914-
: General & Commander in Vietnam
Russia of pre-Lenin period (18)
Alekseev, Mikhal 1857-1918: General
Brusilov, Alexei 1853-1926: General
Denikin, Anton 1872-1947: White General
Dragomirov, Mikhail 1830-1905: General &
military theorist
Frunze, Mikhail 1885-1925: General
Gorshkov, Sergei 1910-1988: Admiral
Gourko, Ossip 1828-1901: General
Kolchak, Alexander 1875-1920: Admiral &
White leader
Kornilov, Lavrenti 1870-1918: General
Kuropatkin, Alexei 1848-1925:
Makaraov, Stepan 1848-1904: Admiral
Nicholas Nicholaievich 1856-1929: General
Rennenkampf, Paul 1853-1918: General
Rozhdestvenski, Zinovy 1848-1909: Admiral
Samsonov, Alexander 1859-1914: General
Stossel, Anatoli 1848-1915: General
Trotsky, Lev Davidovich 1879-1940:
Revolutionary & military leader
Wrangel, Petr 1878-1928: White General
Soviet Union (11)
Blyukher, Vasilii 1889-1938: Marshal
Budenny, Semen 1883-1973: Marshal
Konev, Ivan 1897-1973: Marshal
Rokossovski, Konstantin 1896-1968: Marshal
Shaposhnikov, Boris 1882-1945: Marshal
Timoshenko, Semen 1895-1970: Marshal
Tukhachevsky, Mikhail 1893-1937: Marshal
Vasilevsky, Aleksander 1895-1977: Marshal
Voroshilov, Kliment 1881-1969: Marshal
Yeremenko, Andrei 1893-1970: Marshal
Zhukov, Georgyi 1895-1974:
Japan (12)
Kuribayashi, Tadamichi 1885-1945: General
Kuroki, Baron Jamemoto 1844-1923: General
Nagumo, Chuichi 1886-1944: Admiral
Nogi, Maresuke 1849-1912:
Oku, Yasukata 1846-1930: Field Marshal
Oyama, Iwao 1843-1916: Field Marshal
Terauchi, Count Seiki 1879-1946: General
Togo, Heihachiro 1849-1934: Admiral
Tojo, Hideki 1884-1948:
General & Politician
Yamagata, Aritomo 1838-1922: General &
creator of modern Japanese army
Yamamoto, Isoroku 1884-1943:
Yamashita, Tomoyuki 1888-1946:
Italy (6)
Badoglio, Pietro 1871-1956: Field Marshal
& prime minister
Baratieri, Oreste 1841-1901: General
Cadona, Count Luigi 1850-1928: General
Diaz,Armando 1861-1928: Field Marshal
Douchet, Giulio 1869-1930: Airman
Graziani, Rodolfo 1882-1955: Field Marshal
South Africa (5)
Botha, Louis 1862-1919: General &
Cronje, Piet 1835-1911: Boer General
de la Rey, Jacobus 1847-1914: General
De Wet, Christiaan 1854-1922: General
Kruger, Stephanus 1825-1904: Boer
statesman & war leader
Austria (4)
Boroevic von Bojna, Svetozar 1856-1920:
Conrad, von Hotzendorf, Franz 1852-1925:
Field Marshal
Joseph-Ferdinand, Archduke 1872-1942:
Straussenberg, Artur 1857-1935: General
China (4)
Chiang Kai-shek 1887-1975:
General & (Taiwan) head of state
Chu Teh 1886-1976:
Lin Piao 1908-1971:
Mao Tse Tung 1893-1976:
Guerrilla leader, military theorist & statesman
Belgium (3)
Albert I 1875-1934:
King & war leader
Brialmont, Henry Alexis 1821-1903:
Military engineer
Leman, Gerard 1851-1920: General
Poland (3)
Anders, Wladyslaw 1892-1970: General &
leader of army in exile
Bloch, Ivan 1836-1902: war theorist
Pilsudski, Joseph 1867-1935: Marshal &
head of modern Poland.
Spain (3)
Franco, Franciso 1892-1975:
General & head of state
Mola, Emilio 1887-1937: General
Primo de Rivera, Juan 1870-1930: General &
Ireland (2)
Collins, Michael 1890-1922: Revolutionary
De Valera, Eamon 1882-1975:
Revolutionary & statesman
Turkey (2)
Enver Pasha 1881-1922: Revolutionary &
Kemal Ataturk, Mustafa 1881-1938:
Yugoslavia (2)
Mihailovic, Draza 1893-1946:
Guerrilla leader
Tito, Josip Broz 1892-1980:
Guerrilla leader & head of state
Other 12
Abd el Krim Mahommed ibn 1882-1963:
Moroccan chieftain
Bishop, William 1894-1956: Canadian
Fighter Ace
Bose, Subhas Chandra 1897-1945:
Indian freedom fighter
Dayan, Moshe 1915-1981:
Israeli General
Durant, Jean Henri 1828-1910:
Swiss humanitarian & founder of Red Cross
Freyburg, Bernard 1889-1963: New Zealand
Georgey, Artur 1818-1912: Hungarian
Giap, Vo Nguyen 1910-
:Vietnamese General
Guevara, Ernesto Che 1928-1967:
Cuban (Argentina-born) Guerrilla leader
Mannerheim, Carl 1867-1951: Finnish Field
Marshal & Statesman
Putnik, Radomir 1847-1917: Serbian
Commander in Chief
Verdy du Vernois, Julius 1832-1910:
Prussian General

My Candid Observations on the
The list of recent great military
masterminds, assembled from Keegan and Wheatcroft’s source book allow me
to make the following candid observations.
First, other than Subhas Chandra Bose (who
was Pirabhakaran’s role model) and Vo Nguyen Giap, no other names from
South and Southeast Asia received mention. Thus the ‘paper Generals and
Marshals’ of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Indonesia
are nothing more than professional imbeciles and impostors. Names
like Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Zia ul Haq, Musharraf, Ne Win, Kotelawala and
Suharto do not appear in this list. Even the battle field record of few
Indian Generals (like K.M.Cariappa, K.S.Thimayya, Sam Manekshaw and K.
Sundarrajan alias Sundarji) who saw military action were of mediocre
quality, despite the puff pieces written in the Indian press, to have them
included in this list of great military heroes. Pirabhakaran’s adversary
during LTTE’s campaign against the Indian army was none other than
Secondly, Japan has produced 12 recent
great military masterminds. That is how it rose to the rank of a global
contender (the first Asian nation in recent history) between 1890 and
1945. However, after its defeat in the 2nd World War, its
combat power has been reduced to zero. Now, even majority of the Japan’s
university professors who were born in the 1940s do not know the names of
their great military heroes. Being a resident in Japan, I can see how
Japan’s rank in the global politics have weakened due to its loss of
combat power. It is now just seen as a vassal state of the USA. Thus, it
will never be granted entry into the UN Security Council. Of the four
types of powers (cerebral, civil, commercial and combat) I have presented
as needed for the vitality of a nation, Japan is a good current example to
show how the loss of combat power saps the strength of a nation.
Thirdly, nation’s boundaries are
impermanent. The military heroes of Soviet Union listed above, if they
happen to return to their land in a time-travel mode, will be shocked to
learn that the nation for which they sacrificed their blood and tears has
disappeared from the geographical maps. The same is true for Marshal Josef
Tito of the Yugoslavia or Verdy du Vernois of Prussia.
Fourthly, it is foolish to expect the
status quo of a nation’s political system to remain constant. None of the
military minds of imperial Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Japan
listed above could have predicted that the executive system they labored
to preserve had evaporated within decades of their departure. [Continued.]