1 of 6 684.6KB Save all to my computer Scanning attachments...
  • ‎Tamil Times clip Feb 1985.jpg 684.6KB
  • ‎Thatcher as a muscle flexor - magazine cover 1987.jpg 1.3MB
  • ‎Thatcher and Reagan - Time mag. cover 1988.jpg 1.9MB
  • ‎Thatcher arrives in SL 1985.jpg 699.2KB
  • ‎Visa bar on Tamils 1985.jpg 564.1KB
  • ‎Anti-Thatcher graffiti in west Belfast (AP photo).jpg 173.8KB
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Dear Avis:
I provide my brief commentary on Thatcher. To go with it, I also attach
6 visuals; cover cartoons, graffiti, and news clippings from my
collection. Only the graffiti (taken from the net last week) is new.


  • Tamil Times clip Feb 1985.jpg
  • Thatcher as a muscle flexor - magazine cover 1987.jpg
  • Thatcher and Reagan - Time mag. cover 1988.jpg
  • Thatcher arrives in SL 1985.jpg
  • Visa bar on Tamils 1985.jpg
  • Anti-Thatcher graffiti in west Belfast (AP photo).jpg
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  • Thatcher and Eelam Tamils.docx
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