Ilankai Tamil Sangam

29th Year on the Web

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

Recent Action Against Tamil Diaspora Activists Debilitating the Conflict Resolution Process in Sri Lanka

In the above light, using a terrorist definition against Tamil Diaspora activists  could only be translated  as an inherent support to the Sri Lankan state, with total disregard for the crimes it is committing... With this background, on behalf of the Tamil Diaspora, the IFT urges the concerned governments to reconsider the unfair actions against the Tamil Diaspora  activists.

Media Release

Action against Tamil Diaspora Activists debilitating the conflict resolution process  in Sri Lanka

The IFT expresses shock and despair at the recent use of anti- terror laws in the USA and France against Tamil Diaspora activists. 

The arrested activists were not involved in any form of violence against host countries or the international community. Contrarily, they were pleading for assistance from host countries to prevent massacres and gross breaches of human rights and humanitarian laws committed by the Sri Lankan government. And they were seeking support for the legitimate political aspirations of the Tamil people in the Island of Sri Lanka. Furthermore, they were supporting the LTTE in the conflict resolution process, including the Norway facilitated CFA and Peace process. 

The USA and France are also supporting these CFA and peace process.

The IFT strongly believes that the use of draconian terrorist laws against the Tamil Diaspora is an un-democratic and unfair act, which does not take into consideration the pain the people suffer at the hands of the Sri Lankan terrorist state. 

The history of the Sinhala  - Tamil  conflict in the island of Sri Lanka has been well documented in various international organizations and the UN. Since 1950, over 70 000 Tamil civilians have been killed  by the Sri Lankan armed forces. The   political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Tamil people have been suppressed under the Sinhala constitution.  During the past 18 months, over 1400 civilians have been killed, drawing the attention of the UN, as well as the Pope, who urged  Sri Lanka to protect the human rights of the people. 

The  Norway-facilitated peace talks and Cease Fire Agreement have been failing due to the intransigence of the Sinhala polity.

It was under these conditions, that the Tamil people chose freedom from Sri Lanka as the option to live peacefully and democratically.  The LTTE, the Tamil armed resistance movement against Sri Lankan oppression, has been involved in intense negotiations with various international players, including the EU, India, the UN and others on political and humanitarian questions related to Tamil aspirations. They have proved themselves responsible, complying to all international norms.  

In the above light, using a terrorist definition against Tamil Diaspora activists  could only be translated  as an inherent support to the Sri Lankan state, with total disregard for the crimes it is committing.

The Tamil Diaspora has noted that, after the EU listing, the Sri Lankan state has unleashed serious crimes against the Tamil people and has been identified as one of the worst human rights violators in the international arena.     

With this background, on behalf of the Tamil Diaspora, the IFT urges the concerned governments to reconsider the unfair actions against the Tamil Diaspora  activists. The IFT would like to point out to  the International players including the USA, EU and India that stability and peace for the Island of Sri Lanka are inter-linked with freedom for the Tamil people from Sinhala oppression 

(the end)

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