Ilankai Tamil Sangam

28th Year on the Web

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

UN Should Guarantee Safety of Tamils

by Eelaventhan, MP, September 26, 2007

We would like to remind you that the UN Charter speaks of third party intervention when there is genocide,the right to revolt when there is oppression and the right to self determination.


Hon. Ban Ki - Moon
Secretary General
United Nations
New York.

UN should guarantee  the total safety, security and self-honour of the Eelam Tamil people.


Dear Hon. Ban Ki-Moon,

We, the Eelam Tamils, had high hope that the United Nations would address the plight of our people who are facing cultural genocide, physical liquidation and economic strangulation. Our  hopes were based on the statements made UN diplomats and functionaries, but they  have been shattered beyond belief.

His Excellency Mahinda Rajapakse waxed eloquent as usual to deceive and mis-lead the international community. His declaration that he will submit his proposals for the solution of the ethnic conflict before the end of the year rings hollow in the light of his earlier promises. This is the fourth time he has  made such a promise since coming to power in November, 2005.

Assuming that President Rajapakse will submit his proposals, the proposals contain nothing worthy of consideration. In fact, his proposals, which are based on his Mahinda Chinthanaya, have put the clock back by 60 years or more. His Chinthanya has jettisoned the federal model,  that the North East is the traditional habitat of the Tamil people and that they are a distinct  nation with the right to self –determination. Not surprisingly Mahinda Rajapakse  has confessed that Tamil aspirations are fine, but his political survival depends on the electoral support of  the Sinhala constituency.   

You will agree that  the rights and freedoms of  the Tamil  people are independent and distinct from the rights and freedoms of the Sinhala people. What we the Tamils proclaim  is  that we are a Nation by any definition in accordance with international norms, have a distinct and  separate national identity, a unique  language and culture, defined territory  and a way of life from time immemorial. We will not dwell on the history of Ceylon; it speaks for itself.

The Tamil National Alliance would like to remind you that the UN Charter speaks of third party intervention when there is genocide,the right to revolt when there is oppression and the right to self determination.

It should  be self-evident that Mahinda Rajapakse, the all powerful executive president of Sri Lanka, is seeking a military solution to the conflict. The All Party Representatives Committee (APRC) is a misnomer. Even the main opposition United National Party (UNP) has pulled out of the APRC and, as for the Tamil National Alliance, it was not even invited.

We represent the Tamil people, having secured 95% of the votes cast and winning 22 out of 23 seats contested in the North and East. We are, therefore, the authentic voice of the aspirations of the Eelam Tamils.

In this context, we appeal to the UN, as well as the European Union (EU), to take into consideration the genocide faced by  the Tamil people and take meaningful steps to guarantee the total safety, security and self-honour of the Eelam Tamil people.

Yours truly,

M.K. Eelaventhan,

Member of Parliament (Tamil National Alliance)

cc. European Union, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Mass Media.