Ilankai Tamil Sangam

29th Year on the Web

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

New York City Mega Rally

Bringing Awareness of the Tamil Genocide to the World

Friday, April 17, 2009

A rally to raise awareness about the genocidal situation for Tamils on the island of Sri Lanka is being held on Friday, April 17, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM in New York City in front of the United Nations and at Times Square. We hope that all Tamils and well-wishers will attend, and show their commitment and support.

This rally of Tamils and their friends in North America is to raise awareness about the imminent large-scale slaughter of Tamil civilians by the Sri Lanka armed forces.

Donate toward organizing this rally:

Please give generously because such events will not happen without your presence and your strong support.

Please bring your friends, relatives and co-workers.

The rally will take place as follows:

10AM-2PM : 1st Ave. & E. 47th St. (map)
2PM-5PM: March to Times Square (map)

According to the TNA, "Whilst a considerable section of the Tamil people are being exterminated in the so called “safe zones” - or are in imminent danger of being exterminated - the remaining sections are being systematically silenced by being herded into concentration camps, or terrorized by mass round ups, abductions and forced disappearances... The Tamil people in the island of Sri Lanka are clearly being subjected to Genocide."

Directions to the rally at 1st Avenue & East 47th Street:

  • From Grand Central Terminal train station: Exit the main doors on 42nd Street and walk East (left) to Lexington Ave. Walk North (left) 5 blocks on Lexington to 47th Street. Walk East (right) on 47th Street to 1st Avenue.
  • From Port Authority Bus Terminal: Exit the main doors on 8th Avenue & 42nd Street. Walk East on 42nd Street 6 blocks to Grand Central Terminal. (see above)
  • Penn Station train station: Take a taxi or walk north (left) on 7th Avenue to 47th Street and then East (right) to 1rst Avenue.
  • From JF Kennedy Airport, LaGuardia Airport: New York Airport Express Service Bus (718) 875-8200. Departure every 20 - 30 minutes to Grand Central Station. Fare is $15.00. Bus stop located at the Express Bus Stop at each airline terminal.
  • Newark Airport: Olympia Airport Express to Grand Central (41st & Park Ave.). Leaves every 20-30 minutes.


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