Ilankai Tamil Sangam

29th Year on the Web

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

Let This Confusion Not Weaken Our Unity

by Rev.Dr. S.J. Emmanuel, May 26, 2009

In short, the Tamils surviving within the island of Sri Lanka all urgently need our help and defence in informing the world of their plight and dangers.

Let this confusion not hinder or weaken our unity for our Struggle

These days we Tamils both within the island of Sri Lanka as well as outside are in deep distress, agony and pain over the recent events in our homeland. In spite of these we are called to rise again with greater unity and strength to face the new challenges and tasks.

1. Tamils within the island of Sri Lanka

Our brethren within the island are either

  • a)     behind barbed wires separated from their dearest children/parents and subject to brutal force of the govt. forces and lack of food and medicines
  • b)     or in camps detained as surrendered from the LTTE and facing slow torture or execution
  • c)     or in the North struggling to survive under Sri Lankan army-rule and terror
  • d)     or in the South or Hill country with a shivering fear of a repeat of 1983

In short, the Tamils surviving within the island of Sri Lanka all urgently need our help and defence in informing the world of their plight and dangers.

2. Tamil Diaspora

We Tamils of the Diaspora have witnessed how the international community has aided and abetted the Sri Lankan government in its genocide of Tamils and left them all helpless to be massacred by state-terrorists.

Hence, we have a bigger responsibility  than ever before of challenging the international community for its past actions, as well as helping different bodies in the international community bring charges of war crimes against the Sri Lankan Government.

3. Unfortunate Confusion

In the midst of the above listed situation at home and abroad, there is unfortunately a confusion created by contradictory news regarding the last days of our Thalaivar.

Pannaiaalai vilunthavanai maadhu eri mythichchathu pol

Time will tell us who the culprits of this confusion are. For the time being, let us be clear about two things:-

1. The root-cause of the confusion lies in two or more sources claiming to speak the truth.

Media within and without Sri Lanka have only reported what has been told to them from different sources. It is no use accusing or branding the media as the root-cause of the confusion.

2. Even a still surviving Thalaivar will not want us to wait till he appears or speaks again, but for us to continue with the convictions we received from his leadership. We cannot afford to be delayed or weakened in our unity needed to continue the struggle with greater vigour. The enemy is taking his war even to the Diaspora.

It is at this dangerous hour, when we are called to be united and brave both to help our brothers and sisters within the island as well as to continue the struggle with greater dedication that an unfortunate confusion seems to weaken, if not divide, our resolve to act as one family.

Hence I, as one who has walked closely with you all in our long walk to Freedom, am compelled to make an appeal with all my strength, to you all - young and old.

We have so much to do to help those who are still struggling to survive within the island, as well as continuing the struggle in the international arena as entrusted to us.

Let us in no way allow the present confusion regarding the last days of Thalaivar in Wanni hinder or weaken our unity and dedication needed at this hour to continue the struggle with greater vigour.  

S.J. Emmanuel

26.05.09 Germany


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