Ilankai Tamil Sangam
Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA
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Homes for Orphans Needed in Jaffna

June 2, 2009

Dear Friend,

As you are aware, the war in motherland had made thousands of children Orphans and they are currently kept in the Vavuniya IDP Camps.

Gods Own Children (GOC), which operates schools in Jaffna for mentally and physically affected children, had agreed to take responsibility for 500 of these children. They are currently looking for houses to rent in Jaffna to accommodate these children. If you have or know of someone who has a property in Jaffna and would like to rent it for this noble purpose please email me as soon as possible. 

Gods Own Children is a secular, non governmental, non political, non profitable organisation, for further information about GOC go to www.GodsOwnChildren. com

Thank you,



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