Ilankai Tamil Sangam

28th Year on the Web

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

US Foreign Assistance to Sri Lanka

Nationally, U.S. assistance will modernize the legal system, build counterterrorism capacity, contribute to demining efforts, strengthen border control, and develop future military leaders with training and exposure to human rights issues in Sri Lanka. In the north and east, the U.S. Government will focus on promoting human rights and land tenure for returnees, strengthening democratic institutions through citizen participation, and developing local economies. (Source:Congressional Budget Justification FY 2012)   

Foreign Assistance Request for 2012

2007 = $23 million

2008 = $41.1 million

2009 = $49.1 million

2010 = $29.9 million

2011 = $17 million

2012 = $22.2 million

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka continues to recover from nearly three decades of conflict. Although the country’s 26-year-long civil war ended in 2009, expected peace dividends have been slow to follow. People in the conflict-affected areas of tSri Lankahe north and east continue to struggle to meet their basic human security needs. The minority-dominated north and east and the Sinhalese in neighboring provinces remain poor and marginalized, and lack access to services. In FY 2012, U.S. assistance will focus on facilitating reconciliation and development in these underserved regions that incorporate all communities. Nationally, U.S. assistance will modernize the legal system, build counterterrorism capacity, contribute to demining efforts, strengthen border control, and develop future military leaders with training and exposure to human rights issues in Sri Lanka. In the north and east, the U.S. Government will focus on promoting human rights and land tenure for returnees, strengthening democratic institutions through citizen participation, and developing local economies. (Source:Congressional Budget Justification FY 2012)   


Category Request Details, FY 2012

Peace & Security = $9.2 million

Democracy, Human Rights & Governance = $4.6 million

Health = 0

Education & Social Services = 0

Economic Development = $8.4 million

Environment = 0

Humanitarian Assistance = 0


Peace and Security Category FY 2012 Request

0 Counterterrorism
$0.5 m Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
$7.5m Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform
0 Counter-Narcotics
0 Transnational Crime
$1.3m Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation

Peace and Security:  Help nations effectively establish the conditions and capacity for achieving peace, security, and stability; and for responding effectively against arising threats to national or international security and stability.


World Bank Statistics

Sri Lanka

GDP (2009) $41,979,163,041.59
Population (2009) 20,303,477
Per Capita Income (2009) $1,990.00
Annual % Population Growth (2009) 0.73%
% Urban Population (2009) 15.1%