Ilankai Tamil Sangam

29th Year on the Web

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

Handbook to the Jaffna Peninsula

And a souvenir of the opening of the railway to the North

by S. Kathiresu, 1905, republished Asian Educational Services 2004

Page 2...The Peninsula would be an island itself but for the fact that in the dry season, it is connected with the mainland by a narrow strip of land.

Pages 1 - 23 of the book are posted on Google Books at and give the flavor to decide if it deserves a place in your library.

A Handbook of Jaffna and a Souvenir of the Opening of the Railway to the North S. KathiresuPage 16...When we consider how little of this sandy waste is left uncultivated and to what perfection without the aid of school-taught schience agriculture has been brought in this country, and with what industry an arid waste has been covered with a perennial green in the absence of tanks and rivers, we need not wonder that even the most casual travellers have borne such glowing testimony to the perseverence and industry of the Jaffna Tamil.

  • ISBN-10: 8120618726
  • ISBN-13: 978-8120618725



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