The Sri Lanka government sent its armed forces to the Tamil Homelands, to suppress the Peaceful Demonstration of Tamil dissent.

Students killed by army in Jaffna

'The murders (of Tamils) are said to have been committed by police either acting without orders or with the connivance of the police'
- Sir John Foster Q.C., David Astor, Robert Birley, Louis Blom-Cooper, James Fawcett, Dingle Foot & Michael Scott;
- The London Times 20 September 1977.

Civilians injured in an attack by policemen

I heard the A.S.P. (Asst. Superintendent of Police) shouting 'shoot them like dogs. It is either they or we'...
- M.R. Joseph, witness at the Sansoni Commission
(Sessional Paper No. VII-1980; p 97)

A partially burnt body of a Tamil student

'There is considerable body of evidence that the army kills innocent (Tamil) civilians.'
- Robert Kilroy-Silk M.P. & Roger Sims J.P., M.P; Report of Visit to Sri Lanka on Behalf of the (UK) Parliamentary Human Rights Group;
February 1985

A decomposing body in a shallow grave
(Source Amnesty International Report June 1984)

'At present the armed services are under restraint because in any incident that may result there can be inquiries by coroners which may even lead later to trials before law courts. This puts the services at a great disadvantage... In order to free the (armed) services of these disabilities, security regulations will be published. They will remove the obligations to have coroners inquests following any shooting incidents by Armed Services'
- Bulletin of the Sri Lanka Department of Information
4 June 1983

Following the induction of the armed forces to quell peaceful protests, Emergency Regulation (ER 15A) was passed which legitimized the practice of the Sri Lankan armed forces burying/cremating the dead without an inquest. The International Commission of Jurists said the following about this law.

"... Such provision is an ugly blot on the statue book of any civilised country."
 - Paul Sieghart; Sri Lanka: A Mounting Tragedy of Errors ;Report of International Commission of Jurists 1984

This Prevention of Terrorism Act is still in force and so far an estimated 70,000 Tamil civilians have been killed by the Sri Lankan armed forces.