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FALL 1996


By Anton N.J. Selvadurai

The LTTE led by Prabhakaran, and created by the majoritarian tyranny of the Sinhala state, is the only organization that is now fighting for the freedom of the Tamil nation.

Now, this is a fact.

All other Tamil parties have withdrawn from the armed struggle in favor of the LTTE, who have indeed proven their great ability. Their dedication and patriotism are unmatched by anyone anywhere.

There are some Tamils who oppose the LTTE, due to a variety of reasons.

a. Jealousy.

b. Anger - because the LTTE has made them feel inferior. Patriotic and defense requirements have forced the LTTE to displease some who are more concerned about themselves and their material possessions, and care less about the implications and complications of a war situation.

c. Some wrong actions by certain cadres of the LTTE due to human frailty or heat of the battle. People sometimes tend to forget that the dedicated LTTE are also human.

There are many people who are unable to rationalize on this issue. There are many Tamils who are angry with the LTTE and have cause to do so, as I have pointed out. But these are all emotional reasons. EMOTION and REASON are two separate things. Whilst one can get emotionally angry with the LTTE for any wrongs done by them, one must use his or her reason, because this deals with the freedom of our Tamil nation and our future generations. In these matters one is expected to put nation before self or party. When one rationalizes like this, it seems logical that all Tamils, whatever their views may be, must support the freedom struggle. There must be unity of action, if we are to save ourselves and walk free.

We have shown ourselves to be a highly productive great nation. These have also been the qualities that brought about our downfall, because it made the Sinhala nation envy our success. But we must strive to use these qualities to fight for our freedom, in unison, as one people.

The expatriate community can contribute in a great way, not by just throwing money, but by articulating our case to their governments and the international community, wherever they may be. South Africa was able to acquire its freedom because of the weight of the international pressure which made them feel like a pariah state. The world will have to be told in uncertain terms that -

a. Tamils are a nation with its own culture.

b. The Tamil nation has its own homeland and is a separate geographical entity.

c. As a nation Tamils have an inalienable right of self-determination.

d. The Tamil nation has given the mandate to its leaders to form a separate state because of the majoritarian tyranny of the successive governments of Sri Lanka since independence.

e. The Sri Lankan government is violating our human rights by using military force to prevent the Tamils from exercising their right to self determination.

For those who do not like the LTTE for whatever reason and do not want them to be in power after a settlement, then it would be for the Tamil people as a whole to decide that. Let us cross that bridge when we get there. But to arrive there we must win the freedom struggle and be a free nation to determine our future. The Sinhalese are using this anti-LTTE feeling among some Tamils to genocidally eliminate our people by continual bombing and warfare in the guise of eliminating the "terrorists." Some Tamils seem to forget that these so-called ‘terrorists’ are our own Tamil people. I really wish that the collaborators amongst us would realize this and collaborate no more.

We must not let the Sinhala government destroy us in the guise of solving our problem. It is left to us Tamils to solve our problem and for this to happen we must first be free. I need hardly stress the need for the united support of all Tamils. It must be realized that if the LTTE is eliminated so will the Tamil nation.

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