The Game of Sound Bites

by B.J. Alexander

The launching of a new liberation-oriented political party in Colombo by the hide-and-seek former Colonel is not at all a surprising stunt.  This was expected of him.  It has happened however, with astonishing speed.  Without the aid of the governing elite such a recognition could not have occurred.

It so happens that this party is registered on 12 October 2004, as "Tamil Eela Makkal Viduthalai Puligal."  Their aim they say, is to retrieve and win the rights and aspirations of the Tamils.  A grand sound bite.

Wrong Tree

An interesting twist begins however and spins out of control, when the Statement setting up this new party turns 'barking mad.'  "Due to wrong leadership of a autocrat[ic]" liberation Leader, it states, "our young nation has faced doom and destruction."  One cannot help but pause at this juncture and ask: Aren’t these chaps barking up the wrong tree?"

When you read the Statement a little further, it becomes hilariously devoid of logic. One of their main goals they whimper is to "redeem our people from the terrorist" so-and-so Leader.

It all depends, it seems, on which side of the fence you are seated.  One person’s terrorist is another person’s revered National Leader.  Any right-thinking person cannot be duped by this shedding of crocodile tears only after treading a treacherous path of covetous wheeling and dealing!  Driving a wedge between the North and East does not bring liberation to any Tamil. 


A few weeks ago I happened to be in Toronto.  I was invited to a party where I met some folks from Batticaloa.  There were many that were seriously concerned about the split engineered by the former Colonel.  A few were leaning towards the provincial pull.  There was, however, in general, an enlarging doubt over the runaway former Colonel’s integrity, character, leadership skills, etc., etc.

Some were proud; it must be said, of his military acumen.  But could he win hearts and minds on a national leadership ticket? "No" was the unanimous response.


Viduthalai – liberation has become a power-crazed word to some treacherous forces.  The Tamils will not take too kindly when Karuna catcalls the Tiger Leader a 'Terrorist.'

To be frank, this is not an East North faction. It is playing into the hands of a dangerous game.  The gambling of peace must be paying off the blood wages in filthy lucre.

History repeatedly warns the Tamils that a Talk-shop party cannot win the rights to their homeland.  Military tactics and shedding of blood is neither the total solution.  The urgency of peace to all cannot be eliminated.  To this end, peace talks are important, but not enough.

If war is to cease and for the liberation of Tamils was to become a reality, there begs the proving of a fundamental theorem: The Sinhala nation and the Buddhist Sangha must attain an understanding of both the spiritual and political reality of the nationhood of Eelam Thamilar.

This is indeed an unavoidable historical reality that the Sinhalese must face up to.

The struggle of this ancient indigenous Tamil people is not for recognition.  It surely is a struggle for self-determination.  It is more than sure that Eelam extends throughout the NorthEast.

The empty rhetoric of the hilarious Colonel has more to it, as they say, than meets the naked eye.