Karuna: A Voice From The Past

by K.Mylvaganam

Karuna's is a name that is getting fast diminished from the political world.  His biggest fear is that people are going to forget him very soon.  He knows that he is becoming history, hence he is forced to do something to prove that he is alive and kicking.  His recent interview to a foreign media outlet is one of his stunts that express his state of frustration and desperation.  The media that caters to the whims and fancies of the Sinhala masses gave wide publicity to this interview.  Some wishful thinking Tamils also got a kick out of his blabbering.

The question is as to whether Karuna has the power, capacity and the mass support to achieve his ideas.  Even he is fully aware that he has no military might to stand up against the Tigers.  He cannot run a state with a handful of trigger-happy cadres, who hide behind trees and fire at unarmed political workers, civilians and intellectuals.   An army camp of the state of Sri Lanka has to provide a hideout for him to exist.  He boasted once that he had at his command nearly 7000 fighters armed to the teeth with tanks, 120mm, 90mm, 50mm calibre artillery, thousands of T-56, AK-47 rifles and an abundance of ammunitions for all these weapons.  But he could not stand against the Tigers when they marched into the east.  Within three days he fled to the south, helped by the Sri Lankan army.  He could not match the onslaught of the intelligence section of the Tigers.  He was beaten not by the bullets, but by the brains of the undisputed national leader of the Tamils.

There were rumours that Karuna had fled from the country, but he is actually asfely tucked inside a fortified army camp.  That is going to be his future abode for the rest of his life, just like a bird in a golden cage, well fed and looked after by the army.  He may be a hen laying golden eggs for the army but what is in store for him?  What will happen to him when he becomes worthless to the army?  What a miserable life he has created for himself.  What he fails to understand is, even though he voluntarily walked into the arms of the army, he cannot leave them on his own accord.  The army needs him more than he needs them.  They can take cover under his name and cause all the atrocities that are taking place in the East, especially in the army-controlled areas. 

Karuna's supporters are on the run. Their defeat in Pullumalai brought shame on him.  When Karuna fled from the East, he had some of his followers to accompany him.  The rest of his army either deserted him to rejoin the Tigers, or left the movement to return to their parents, taking the option offered to them by the Tigers.  Several high-ranking officials like Robert, Gymkali Thatha, Thurai who accompanied him realised their folly subsequently and returned to the Tiger camp.  Even his most trusted leader of the women's front, Nilavini, and Premini, and others also left him and went back to the Tigers.   The intelligence reports and various support activities he received from PLOTE Mohan and his group ceased with the elimination of Mohan and his followers.  Some of his most ardent followers have even left the country in search of a safe haven.

At this stage Karuna had to accept, at least to himself, that his military might is no more and, hence, he resolved to go "open" into politics, stating that he was abrogating violence and getting into the political mainstream.  To this end he is supposed to form a political party.  Several names were in the air for the party.  It was also said that his party was already registered in July 2004.  The Sinhala and some English media from the south were making hay by giving wide publicity to this bogus claim. 

The truth, however, is that no real party has been set up by him until this date. To run a political party one needs a large number of people who support it.  You cannot manage a political party by remaining tucked away in a remote army camp.  Several sincere volunteers are needed to work for it day and night.  He cannot find a single individual to contest on his party ticket.  It is widely believed that he sent his messenger to woo the former member of parliament, the late Mr.Rasanayagam, for this purpose.  It is well known that the late Mr. Rasanayagam was a Karuna supporter and, after winning the election in April 2004, he submitted his resignation on the instigation of Karuna.  That support was not forthcoming now.  When Rasanayagam refused to toe his line, Karuna had him killed and blamed the Tigers for it.  If the Tigers had wanted to kill Mr.Rasanayagam, he would have been an easy target for them long ago as he was moving freely in public.

Now Karuna has lost his military power, his political clout and his voice to the Buddhist Sinhala chauvinistic media.

The only voice he has is the Voice from the Past.