

Ilankai Tamil Sangam

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

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Letter to Lunstead on Mannar Church Bombing

by Esan Satkunarajah, June 17, 2006

His Excellency Jeffrey Lunstead
US Ambassador for Sri Lanka

His Excellency,

Re: Church of Our Lady of Victory in Pesalai, Mannar Bombed by Sri
Lankan Navy Personnel; 5 Tamil civilians killed and 44 seriously wounded.

Yet again innocent Tamil civilians were attacked by the Sri Lankan Navy Personnel (SLN) at a holy place, the Church of Our Lady of Victory, St. Mary, in Pesalai, Mannar, Sri Lanka on June 17, 2006. The Navy murdered five civilians, while seriously wounding forty-four of them. Well over twenty-five huts belonging to the Tamil fishermen were also burnt down by the SLN.

His Excellency and the international community should un-reservedly condemn this cowardly act against un-armed Tamil civilians at the Church of our Lady of Victory, St. Mary in Pesalai. His Excellency and the international community should not stop short of taking stern action against the Sri Lankan authority for this attack on innocent Tamil Civilians.

Every time Sri Lankan forces are attacked they should not be allowed to retaliate and take revenge on innocent Tamil Civilians. The world at large stay silently and watch the horror, which in turn encourages the Sri Lankan authority to unleash more and more terror on the Tamil civilians.
The Sri Lankan killer squads are operating under various names such as deep penetration units, paramilitary forces, home guards and Task forces. All of them are responsible for numerous gruesome killings of innocent Tamil civilians in the NorthEast - killings which have been occuring on a daily basis - and terrorizing them. Tamil Civilians are confined to their homes and living under constant fear for their life.

I humbly request His Excellency and the international community to condemn and prevent all this violence against the innocent Tamil civilians before the killer squads operating in the name of Sri Lankan armed forces completely wipe out the Tamils from Sri Lanka.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

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