

Ilankai Tamil Sangam

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

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Tamils Need a Homeland

by Thiru, June 24, 2006

The Sinhalese have to produce a strong leader, of the calibre of the late Tunku Abdul Rhaman of Malaysia, to bring lasting peace in the island of Sri Lanka. Both Malaysia and Singapore are prospering not only economically, but also with peace and harmony among the different ethnic and religious groups.  

Refer to Seeking a negotiated settlement with the LTTE by S. Sellathurai. 

It is sad people like S.Sellathurai have such a negative comments about the struggle for a Tamil homeland in the NorthEast and Tamil Nationalism currently spearheaded by the LTTE. The LTTE was created by Sinhalese leaders well after independence in 1948. What were the Sinhalese leaders doing from 1948 to 1977 except terrorising and periodically killing the Tamils?

If NorthEast had been developed provinces, many Tamils would not have settled in other parts of Sri Lanka. If there is no army occupation of the NorthEast still many Tamils would prefer to live there in the NorthEast.  

After the 1958/59 riots, the Government of Ceylon send Tamils back from the South to Point Pedro and Trincomallee by boat. Many of them ( mothers & children ) did not return to the South. They started studying and living in the NorthEast. The same thing happened again in 1983, but at that time substantial numbers went to India and other western countries because the NorthEast was no longer considered safe.  

Like many other ethnic groups in the world, the Tamils of Sri Lanka need a homeland with their own security forces. Even the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora,  regardless of whether they are second or third generation, still need their homeland/motherland.  

The Sinhalese have to produce a strong leader, of the calibre of the late Tunku Abdul Rhaman of Malaysia, to bring lasting peace in the island of Sri Lanka. Both Malaysia and Singapore are prospering not only economically, but also with peace and harmony among the different ethnic and religious groups.  

Tamil Nationalism led by SJV Chelvanayagam or currently by the LTTE is not bad at all when compared to the Sinhalese nationalism practiced by the successive Sinhalese leaders and the regular state terrorism unleashed against the Tamils.   I have lost many of my close relatives and friends in the riots in 1959, 1977, 1983, during the blind shooting by the Gurkas and IPKF and during the shelling and bombings in the 1990s in the NorthEast. All these victims were not Tiger supporters or Federal Party supporters. Further, as a supporter of the LSSP in the 1960s and in 1970/71 when I was citizen of Sri Lanka, and now, as a citizen of another country and seeing the world in the right context, the LTTE is the only answer to the Sinhalese political leadership and its State Terrorism.  

India's RAW helping the paramilitaries in Sri Lanka is bad for the Tamils, not only in Sri Lanka, but also in other countries. In the medium to long term, it is bad for India and South Asia, too.  

Tamils have no choice but to be tough and united until a permanent political solution acceptable to the Tamils guaranteed by the international community (or an interim peace with UN peacekeeping forces and a subsequent solution) is in place. Until such a situation is in sight, the most rational thing for Mr. S.Sellathurai to do is to become an LTTE sympathiser  and go for a collective achievement.