New TRO Sponsor-a-Child Program
You can sponsor a child by paying as little as $30 per month. Your contribution will be used to provide the basic necessities to the child, the opportunity to attend school and to develop towards a more promising future.
[For TRO's 18 month post-tsunami report, please click here. This is a PDF file.]
Sponsor a Child
Just $30 to provide a future for a child.
You can choose:
- Category of child; and
- District where child resides
Categories of children:
- Displaced due to war
- Displaced due to high security zone
- Affected by Tsunami
- Affected by landmines
- Single parent family
- Assistance needed for higher education
The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation - Canada is registered in the Province of Ontario as a non-profit organization and functions in accordance with the Canadian laws. It is managed by volunteers and an elected board of directors. It provides services directly and in partnership with other organizations with similar objectives, both in Canada and in the Northeast of Sri Lanka.
In Canada, it organizes blood donation campaigns and collects food items for donation to the needy. In Sri Lanka, the victims of both the war and the tsunami are the beneficiaries of the services rendered by TRO - Canada.
The mission of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization - Canada is the alleviation of poverty, advancement of education of the poor, provision of emergency relief during disasters and helping the displaced people to return to normal life.
Under the new Child Sponsorship Program launched by TRO - Canada, children from the Northeast of Sri Lanka are chosen for sponsorship solely on the basis of need regardless of race, caste or religion. TRO (Sri Lanka) is selected as the implementation partner for this program. TRO - Canada will from time to time select children from the database of eligible children awaiting sponsorship maintained by TRO (Sri Lanka) and make the children available to the Canadian sponsors.
The natural family environment is the best suited for the psychological development of a child and hence every endeavor will be made to ensure that the sponsored children are brought up in a family closely tied to the child. A social worker will monitor the progress of a group of 150 children and submit progress reports periodically. These reports, along with the children’s photographs, will be posted on the website maintained for this purpose. The sponsor will be assigned a login and password to access the child’s progress report. For those lacking internet facilities TRO - Canada will send frequent printed progress reports with the photograph.
Sponsors can visit the sponsored child with the facilitation of TRO - Canada. The sponsors can also communicate with the sponsored child through TRO - Canada.
You can sponsor a child by paying as little as $30 per month. Your contribution will be used to provide the basic necessities to the child, the opportunity to attend a school and to develop towards a promising future.
We are fortunate enough to provide for the needs of our children and to bestow them with a decent education. Now we have the opportunity to provide an opportunity to a child that lacks it. Your sponsorship of $30 is a small sacrifice you make to make an everlasting difference in a child’s life in Northeastern Sri Lanka. Can you afford to miss this unique opportunity!

Even in death, charity only is your undying ally
Do it now; when able and young: do not wait for a later day. (Kural 36)
2390 Eglinton Ave East, Unit 203A, Toronto, Ontario, M1K 2P5.
Phone: 416 - 751-8777
Fax: 416 -751- 9990