

Ilankai Tamil Sangam

Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA

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Tamil Americans Saddened at Balasingham's Passing

In commenting to the public on the announcement of the worsening of his health conditions, Dr. Balasingham said, “It is an unfortunate personal tragedy. However, when compared to the vast ocean of the collective tragedy faced by my people, my illness is merely a pebble. I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness, unable to contribute anything substantial towards the alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of my people."


December 18, 2006

Tamil Americans are Deeply Saddened by the Passing Away of Dr. Anton Balasingham

Tamil Americans are deeply saddened by the passing away of Dr. Anton Balasingham, a Senior Tamil Leader who spearheaded the peace talks with the Government of Sri Lanka. His loving and devoted Australia - born wife, Adele Anne, was by his side as the 68-year-old Tamil leader breathed his last on December 14th.

Dr. Balasingham a British citizen, has been ailing with illnesses for sometim,e but showed incredible energy and courage in pursuing the success of the peace process that began in 2002 by traveling back and forth between war torn Northern Sri Lanka, London and also other parts of Europe. In commenting to the public on the announcement of the worsening of his health conditions Dr. Balasingham said, “It is an unfortunate personal tragedy. However, when compared to the vast ocean of the collective tragedy faced by my people, my illness is merely a pebble. I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness, unable to contribute anything substantial towards the alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of my people."

Dr. Balsingham, a Journalist in his earlier days, became the Theoretical Advisor, Political Strategist and the Chief Negotiator of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - the voice of Tamils of the island of Sri Lanka in their aspiration and struggle for Self-Rule and Human Rights. He articulated to the world and at the peace negotiations that what the Tamils want is “a homeland and self--determination”. However International observers are pointing out that Dr. Anton Balasingham’s efforts are being scuttled by determined hardcore Sinhalese organizations and Buddhist clergy.

In the aftermath of the devastating December 26th, 2004 tsunami, Dr. Balasingham voiced the readiness to delay political struggle further. While addressing a group of tsunami-displaced people and expressing sorrow at the loss of human lives and property, he said, “What we are engaged now, therefore, is a struggle for economic emancipation that differs from our political freedom struggle.” He proposed readiness to work with a joint mechanism with the Government of Sri Lanka for the betterment of the lives of the people in Tamil areas. The much-anticipated Joint Tsunami mechanism (P-TOMS) by donor nations never took off, as it was overturned by the Sri Lankan judiciary.

Today, the people of Sri Lanka are at a crossroads amidst a deteriorating political and civic climate. This is a time when all people need Dr. Anton Balasingham most, to carry forward the peace negotiations, with his clarion call to the international community drawing the attention to the plight of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

Tamil people and friends of Dr. Balasingham all over the world are mourning his death. They admire his vision that will add to the strength of Tamil people and peace.

Tamil American Organizations express their deepest sympathy to Dr. Balasingham’s wife, Adele Anne Balasingham.

Federation of Tamil Association of North America (FeTNA)
World Tamil Coordinating Committee – USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam – USA
Tamil Youth Organization – USA
World Tamil Organization – USA
World Tamil Women Organization – USA
Center for Women’s Development and Rehabilitation – USA
Tamil Heritage International – Los Angeles, USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam of California – USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam of Florida – USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam of Ohio – USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam of Washington – USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam of Houston, USA
Illankai Tamil Sangam of Dallas, USA
Midwest Thamizh Sangam – Illinois, USA
Tamil Refugees Rehabilitation Organization – California, USA
North Carolinians for Peace - North Carolina, USA
Tamil Welfare and Human Rights Committee – District of Colombia, USA
Society for Democracy Peace and Justice - New York, USA

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