On the Sinhala Government's Devolution Proposals... |
 | War & Peace in Sri
Lanka; The Government Reform Proposals and Beyond
- Sumantra Bose
The constitutional reform proposals presented by the Chandrika
Kumaratunga government have been broadly welcomed in Sri Lanka, India... Yet it might be
prudent to temper that optimism...
[Full Text] |
 | Sri Lanka; Rhetoric of Peace, Reality of War
- Dr. S. Sathananthan
The PSC Report and the
Observations are responses to the concrete imperatives of political survival faced
by the SLFP and UNP; and, neither response even remotely constituted a framework for
beginning negotiations to resolve the Tamil Question. However, they do provide valuable
insights into the approaches of the SLFP and UNP factions of the Sinhalese political
leadership to the Tamil Question.
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 | The Proposals - A
Tamil Information Centre (London) Publication
The Sri Lankan Tamil
community in its long attempt at self-rule since independence has seen only broken
promises, shelving of pacts and the abrogation of written agreements...
[Full Text] |
 | Whither Devolution of Power
- Dr. S. Sathananthan
AGOTIC categorically
states that the Draft Constitution as it stands now provides no basis whatsoever for
negotiations between the PA regime and the LTTE. The PA regime must first delete Article
92. Until that is done, there is no evidence of the regime's sincerity to reach a
negotiated settlement.
[Full Text] |
 | The "Devolution
- Dr. S. Sathananthan
The Indian External Affairs
Minister, Mr Inder Kumar Gujral, described the January 1996 Draft Provisions of the
Constitution Containing the Proposals of the Government of Sri Lanka Relating to
Devolution of Power as a reasonable basis......
[Full Text] |
 | The Package Won't Work.
- Sivaram
The enthusiasm for the
governments devolution package and the strident opposition to it are, in the final
analysis, much ado about nothing...
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