Responses to 'A Proposal'
These are responses to an article by Dr. K Chandradeva on October 16, 2006 entitiled "A Proposal for Normalcy." They are reproduced because the writers have covered many important issues well. |
Thanabal --
1) Complete cessation of hostilities under the purview of an International Monitoring body (The composition of the body has to be accepted by the protagonists and it is not a unilateral choice. I personally wouldn’t include either India and USA as both have many strategic interest over Trinco), move away the heavy weapons and ground all the airforce fighters and bombers.
2) Recognition of the Northeast as the homeland of Tamil-speaking people and create a federal structure which has autonomy on
a. Education
b. Law and order, including a police force
c. Agriculture and land distribution
d. Allocation and utilization of Natural resources
e. Industrial development and foreign investments (in NE area)
f. Transportation both within the NE and to overseas (let the federal government control the Immigration, but the NE needs an international airport so that external investors and tourist can access the NE without going through Colombo
g. Health care
h. Some control of Coastal and off-shore resources. ('some' means the federal government cannot act without consultation with the NE government in the case of natural resources found in the NE coastal area )
i. Fishing and marine industry in the NE
j. Social welfare for the NE people and coordination of foreign aid to the NE.
k. Information Technology
l. Infrastructure development, including highways, communications
m. Entertainment, including broadcasting and telecasting
n. Language and culture
o. Resettlement
3) Once the above structures are formed, the Northeast part needs an interim government for a period of 3-5 year to ensure rapid development
4) Once this period is over, the NE can have their first election
a) Gradual phase-out of the Sri Lankan Armed forces
b) Demolition of weapons of the Tamil army
6) As far as religious rights are concerned, there shouldn’t be any ministry for this as this creates rifts and induces a sectarian mentality.
7) There should be a separate Muslim council of elected members from the Muslim community, and they should have Veto power to cancel any law enacted that might harm the interests of the Muslim community (Here I would like to emphasize that Muslims are to be treated as a separate cultural entity rather than as a religious entity. The same applies to the Sinhalese population who reside in the NE.)
8) The federal government cannot impose any new rules without consultation with the NE government. The NE parliament should have veto power to overide any law that favors one community over the other which could affect the NE.
These are some of the practical aspects. Mind that a resolution of the political problem and disarmament must go hand-in-hand and, if anyone focuses on disarmament first and then resolution, they are fooling themselves, because the GoSL as it is has never respected any agreements. Its legal system is blind, which is very evident from many decisions by the Supreme Court and other lower courts towards Tamils.
Dr. Chandradeva is only focusing on disarmament and not putting forward a concrete plan. His title was a MISNOMER and misleading to any first time readers. We cannot compare with the British government with the GoSL or the IRA with the LTTE. Equal partner status and balance of power was achieved by the Tamils only through military means.Until we see the structures in place and functional, there cannot be any disarmament, nor putting away of arms. (putting away arms doesn't bring normalcy as long as High Security Zones exist, even with SLA inside their barracks)
IF in the name of people of Sri Lanka, and their rulers in Colombo can think straight, the Island will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Amen and Insha-Allah.
CS Tontaimannarru --
I am very much pleased that the Sangam editorial board has agreed to publish this proposal. That reveals the balanced, moderate views of the Sangamites.
Dr Chandradeva's proposal has merit. As a doctor true to his Hippocratic oath, he wants to save lives. That is indeed a noble cause.
I wish to note below some of my observations:
a) It's interesting that Dr Chandradeva is asking Blair to send this proposal over to the LTTE. I do sincerely hope the Labour Government would take some real interest in the Tamil struggle, rather than plotting and planning against the Tamil cause for freedom. I also feel that the Tamil Tigers [Namathu sagotharar]should open doors for Diaspora Tamils to communicate directly with them. Intermediaries might not be the best option.
b) It's been hinted in this paper that the LTTE ought to put their "weapons beyond use." One would think that is tantamount to a suicidal mission. When the IRA engaged in a bombing campaign in the mainland, the British troops in Northern Ireland did NOT retaliate by bombing and killing Irish civilians; raping Irish women; murdering and hanging Irish children. The Sri Lankan Armed Forces have acted contrary to the rules and conventions of war. Unfortunately, the international community has chosen to blank it out. I wonder why?
c) Norway is ONLY a facilitator. NOT a mediator.
d) Item 7 states "The list of the arsenal of the LTTE and their location would be kept confidential between the LTTE and IAMB" (Not to be confused with av innocent Lamb!) For all intents and purposes, the international community is keen to disarm the Tamils. They want to know where our weapons are...and the suggestion is that the LTTE reveal their war chest to an international body and expect them to keep it confidential. In an ideal world, this would be the noblest of all suggestions.
Mark Twain once said: "History does not repeat itself. But it does always rhyme."
I have a singular suggestion. The Sinhala State must climb down from its high horse. The Tamils must retake Trinco - the good doctor's natal soil. With that in mind, let's talk peace not war.
Of course, the humanitarian situation has to be the top priority. In other words,
the world must recognise that the Tamils are human.
Sengodan.M --
There is no point in making a peace proposal that will never work. The entire proposal of Dr. Chandradeva hinges on the 'handing over of weapons' by the LTTE, which incidentally is the pet theme of all the Western Powers as well. The LTTE will never even consider such a proposal, especially without a reasonable power-sharing proposal even being sighted. As things are, we seem to be going on reverse gear, with even the judiciary taking up cudgels in favour of racist proposals of the Sinhala South to de-merge the North-East.
It is a fact that we are at war. For us Tamils, it is a war of National liberation. For our enemies, it is a war of oppression. We need not budge from our cherished goal of Tamil Eelam. If, however, the Sinhala South and the GoSL would opt for a peaceful solution, we could accept Confederation as a viable alternative. There cannot be a third option. If we seek a third option, we will merely be chasing a mirage.
Bharath --
With due respects to the well-meaning medical doctor, the LTTE will agree to this preposterous western-biased proposal if the government does the same thing. In the final analysis, the good Doctor is pretty naive and simply does not understand that, if the LTTE gives up its weapons, it would be the end of Tamil Eelam or for the Tamils to obtain any dignified solution.
Vel Velauthapillai --
Here is my proposal.
1. Withdraw the Sinhala military from Tamil Eelam.
That’s it; we don’t need anything else. Problem solved.
Thanabal --
Bravo Vel Velauthapillai.
If the GOSL of JRJayawardene had visioned the present carnage in th late 1970s, Sri Lanka and Eelam would have been much-prospered countries by now. It is not too late even now.
Anon --
Nimal --
My initial reaction to this proposal by Dr K Chandradeva is that it looks like an attempt to de-fang the LTTE.
Who will gain by this and who will lose out? Who will live on and who will die?
As pointed out above by CS, the British reaction and attitude to the IRA and the Catholics of Northern Ireland was/is completely different to the attitude and behaviour of the GoSL toward the LTTE and the Tamils. It should also be noted that during the JVP uprisings, the GoSL never bombed 'JVP areas'. Therefore, for these sorts of reasons (and there are many more such as historical development and motives), the superficial parallel of IRA:British = LTTE:GoSL does not hold in any substantial way, and the British-IRA experience cannot form a firm basis to construct a model/mechanism that would negotiate through the issues that exist under the socio-political context of Lanka.
Dr K Chandradeva has omitted the core cause of the conflict: the Sinhala politics of the island Lanka have been slave to and been controlled by the Pseudo-Buddhist-Ultra-Nationalistic-Sinhala-Extremists (PBUNSE) since independence. Is there any proposal or plan that will completely eradicate and forever prevent the PBUNSE entering or influencing the socio-political scene of Lanka? Will the extremists, who also control the thinking of the Sinhalese masses, ever accept that the Tamils are and have always been an intrinsic part of the island Lanka's history and heritage?
How are these extremists to be contained? (If not, who will live on and who will die?)
Dr K Chandradeva has mentioned the "devastation by the tsunami in 2004". But what about the heartless and cruel destruction of the PTOMS at the hands of the PBUNS Extremists?
Given the PBUNSE, even if it events progress as Dr K Chandradeva suggests, what kind of "'Peaceful'" environment would "prevail following PAWAPIAMBA" and a "peace-keeping mechanism or force [that] ought to be deployed in the north-east"? A truly peaceful environment or a tense and false peace that will break down the instant everyone leaves. Then, if that possibility held, how long would the AWB and the peace-keeping force be expected to stay? Perhaps a whole generation until thought patterns are changed?
According to Dr K Chandradeva: "The arms are taken out of the equation in this ethnic conflict, therefore peace talks can resume between the LTTE and the GOSL in an environment of normalcy in the north-east."
This seems to be saying that the conflict is due to the presence of the arms, and, if not for the arms, peace talks could resume. It is not arms that is the problem, but the antagonistic attitudes, and, if not for arms (in the weapons sense), people would use their physical arms to attack each other! In the various anti-Tamil riots, many Sinhalese thugs also used their physical arms to attack Tamils.
Dr K Chandradeva is right to say that "With the cooperation of the parties involved talks on a political solution can resume between the GOSL and the LTTE in an
environment of normalcy." If only it was all so easy to get this cooperation thing going! If people, notably the PBUNSE and GoSL, were reasonable and cooperative (and remember PTOMS in this regard), then there would be no conflict and everyone could live happily ever after.
Still, thanks to Dr K Chandradeva for his proposal, as it raises questions and awareness.
Nallur Kantha --
This proposal has many useful suggestions. It is important that both parties must put arms beyond use in order to pave the way for for a rational (and national) debate. If this question is to be settled permanently, then how Tamil Eelam will look like in terms of borders and its mode of governance, etc need to be spelt out. Without such clarity, it will be another vicious circle of "stop and start violence" - like tinkering on an antiquated Jaffna A40 car.
Thanabal --
Nallur Kantha,
How much is a pound of Scrap metal in your store? You can make a fortune out of the arms once they are out use..
Dr. Kandasamy --
Dear Dr. Chandradeva,
While I thank you for taking the initiative to come up with a peace proposal, however, the solution you offer is ahistorical, simplistic, naive and lacks understanding of the cause of the present conflict.
Your basic assumption is that, if the LTTE could put away its arms under international supervision and govt troops in the north-east are confined to barracks, there is a possibility for peace. What guarantee is there that the LTTE could get back its weapons, that it would not be atttacked, given the fact that the troops in the south would be pretty intact and, moreover, you can never trust the Sinhalese government? For heaven sake, don't compare the situation in N. Ireland to Sri Lanka; there is world of difference.
Our good doctor seems to think that the LTTE is something like the IRA; on the contrary it controls territories and manages a great portion of the administration of the Northeast. Why should the LTTE allow their arms to be confined and to be supervised by some international bodies?
Dr. Chandradeva's proposal should be sent to the LTTE and not the Norwegians. If he doesn't believe in the LTTE, how can he present a proposal that would be accepted by Tamils?
Sorry, to say, this proposal is a non-starter. It is so naive, if at all implemented, it would be the biggest trap set for the defanging of the LTTE.
So, Dr., please desist from proposing these kinds of solutions in future. The LTTE would not even want to look at it.
Anon --
Talaivar - man of few words - speaks to the point:
"When you met Prabhakaran to convey President Rajpakse's proposal, what was his response?"
"Prabhakaran said if the Sri Lankan government has the guts to throw Norway out and talk to him directly, then it should do so openly and not clandestinely. If the government thinks we can talk only through Norway, then we have a chance to talk about peace if the government fulfils certain things. Like stopping the paramilitary actions and the militarisation of Tamil areas." 17inter.htm
Pushparajah --
Dr Chandradeva's proposals are totally non-acceptable and I reject them outright. I don't think any sensible Eelam Tamil will accept these proposals. It is like asking Tamils to surrender to the GOSL unconditionally, losing our self-respect and sovereignty. So it's a waste of time even to look into it. Better not to discuss about it. LTTE will definitely put this in the bin.
I have my doubts whether these are his own proposals.
Thanabal --
Doctor Chadradeva, You should take the next flight to Colombo and go to Trinco immediately. As advised by State Dept of the USA, Uncle Boucher is going to go to Trinco and inspect for future land to be set aside for the US Army. You should meet him to talk about disarming the Tigers as they are the "ONLY problem" for a peaceful settlement.
Hurry, Sri Lankan Airlines is giving some discounts since their tourism industry has "PEAKED" and over-saturated with westerners who are looking for cheap clients on the western beaches.
It looks like our ERIKA FELBERG must be on the team of "advisers" to Uncle Boucher. Would like to hear from Erika.
To Erika, Sri Lanka has over 270 type of snakes. Beware of those snakes while you are in Trinco, they can come in any shape, size and colour and some of them lack hair on the head and some may have tiny beards and those can get into your boots very easily.
Dr. V.R.Y.Eswaran --
Dear Doctor, it seems that inhalation of too much of anaesthetics has confused you. Your proposals may appear good on paper, but are not practicable. The IRA & LTTE face different problems. If you had said that both sides should put away their weapons, the SLAF kept in their barracks in the south [something missing here] Reality should be understood. Let the LTTE solve our problem, while we support them with useful advice and whatever they wish from us, the Tamil diaspora.
Dr K Chandradeva --
Thanks for the Editor, Sangam, for publishing and all your comments; however, I wish to clarify a few points:
Please note that my proposal is about bringing some normalcy to the NE, I did not say a word about the nature of a political solution. We desperately need some normalcy in the NE for the peace talks to progress, relief operations, to provide essential medical care and for rehabilitation. Regarding the political solution, I would love to see a political solution as stipulated by Thanabal.
Secondly, I never said that the LTTE should disarm, surrender the weapons or ‘put the weapons beyond use’ before a political settlement is achieved. I never questioned the legitimacy of the LTTE for its armed struggle to protect the Tamils. ‘PUTTING AWAY THE WEAPONS’ DOES NOT MEAN SURRENDER OF WEAPONS AT ALL.
Thirdly, I did not ask Mr Blair to send this proposal to the LTTE. I requested the Norwegian Envoy to forward it to the LTTE.
I am still receiving interesting comments and I’ll respond shortly.
Kotti Thuvakku --
What do you mean by worse than Hitler? How many Sinhalas did Praba put through the Gas chambers? How many innocent Tamils have the Sinhala hooligans, aided and abetted by "Thattey Buggers," did burn alive? How many innocent Tamil youngsters have the Sinhalas murdered? How many Tamil virgins have the Sinhala perverts raped and killed?
In comparison with the Sinhalas Adolf Hitler will soon look a saint... The Sinhalas have a genocidal agenda. And you want to take over the Tamil lands? That is a 3rd. Reich ideology, is it not?
A. Rajendra --
Dr Chandradeva must be living in a fool’s paradise.
Perhaps he is not aware that the LTTE trusted the Indian involvement in solving the Tamil issue by surrendering arms at Suthumalai. What happened in the scheme of events designed to outwit the LTTE by the Research and Analysis Wing is history.
Dr. Chandradeva should know that it is not the Sinhala Government, but the vested geo-political interests of the US and India that are dictating the actions of the Sri Lankan government (GoSL). The Tamil aspirations are not their concern, but contrary to anyone's guess, the ploy of the International players to gain supremacy in the region is their prime motive. To them, the LTTE with or without arms must be removed from the equation and that is what is taking root now. So, by asking for the surrender of arms, Dr. Chandradeva is laying the LTTE on a platter to be taken to the slaughterhouse. For decades the LTTE has warned the GoSL to make a course correction in their handling of the ethnic issue. Prabaharan has made several gestures, to the extent of calling off their stand on separation. It has now come to a point that the process cannot be reversed, even if the gods intervened. The country is almost separated. Paying heed to Dr. Chandradeva will be a folly, because it will be a pre-runner in the grander scheme for the elimination of the LTTE, and the return to the genocide of the pre-1972 days.
Why does not Dr. Chandradeva explore a way of getting the Sri Lankan army to return to the barracks, and hand over the houses and other facilities to the civilians in the High Security Zones? That will put an end to all hostilities and there will be no need for the LTTE to take up to arms, Period.
Thanabal --
The bottom line is Dr. Chandradeva being an anesthetist, over-worked, sleep-deprived, does not know
1) Whether the oxygen tank is full or empty and has possibly misplaced the oxygen tank with the nitrous oxide tank
2) is using a straight blade rather than a curved blade to pass the breathing tube into the lungs and ended up placing it in the food tube (esophagus) instead
3) did not check his patient's lung capacity andis now having trouble taking the tube out after the surgery.
Doctor, you should not only study the tpe of surgery the patient is going to go into and the type of patient you are dealing with. You have put all your faith on your experience and the surgeon's experience and didn't realize that each patient is unique.
Patient A and Surgeon B cannot be compared to Patient X and Surgeon Y, though the anesthetist still could be Dr. T.
Surgeon B may have a better bedside manner and people skills, yet may not be the best surgeon and the patient can still trust him and still get cured. On the other hand, if Surgeon Y is an arrogant megalomaniac who simply doesn't have any respect for the patient, even in the best circumstances, the patient may not get better.
Doctor, you simply failed in your induction.
My dear Hamsa Veni, if you are a Tamil go watch the movie called "Thirupachi" by Vijai, directed by Perarasu. HE asked the villain after he hit the villain, Whether it is I who hit you or you who hit me, both should hurt; it cannot be one-sided. Our PEACE LOVING leaders in Colombo think that the pain should be always one sided.
If Sencholai was bombed indiscriminately and that crime was not condemned by the major player, they have no moral right to open their damn mouth on what has happened in Habarana.
If you can read English, follow the link by clicking below. Your brain may initiate new neuron connections. 17inter.htm
Sachi Sri Kantha --
It seems to me that Dr.Chandradeva's so-called "proposal" has flaws in principle and execution. Simply put, in anesthesiological analogy, how can an anesthesiologist inject the anesthetic drug into a patient's head gear (thalaippah, in Tamil) or socks and assume that anesthesia will seep through the thalaippah or socks and eventually work its magic in the target organ?
Also, Dr.Chandradeva has some more to inform the readers. You dated your proposal on June 28, 2006, to Hanssen-Bauer. Have you got any response until now, from him? Please let the readers know.
I also cannot believe your grandstanding sentence, "Please note that I am not in a position to forward this document directly to the LTTE as this organization has been banned in the United Kingdom." Haven't you heard that even the British embassy officials have been meeting with LTTE functionaries in Kilinochchi? If it is OK for the British embassy officials to meet with LTTEers, what bothers you to travel to Kilinochchi and hand it to a responsible person who represents the LTTE?
Sengodan.M --
If the Sinhala Armed Forces quit Eelam, there will automatically be PEACE and there will be no need for any bloodshed from any quarter. In such an atmosphere both sides can sit down and talk about a formula for permanent Peace.
There is no "absolutely neutral" third party without any vested interests and without any hidden agenda with whom the LTTE can entrust their weapons for safe custody. That is the crux of the problem. If you doubt me, wait and watch what is going to happen in Nepal.
Nimal --
Dr K Chandradeva, above you have written "Please note that my proposal is about bringing some normalcy to the NE. I did not say a word about the nature of political solution."
Since YOU have made this distinction, could you now explain the difference between "normalcy" and a "(political) solution"??
And also could you explain how there can be any "normalcy" without attending to the relevant and accompanying political context and moves??
Here is another proposal:
Everyone around the world must stop fighting and start being kind and friendly to each other: and all weaponary and means of violence must be put away or converted into nice and useful things.
If everyone does this the world will be a more normal and happier place.
There you go, all done!
(And no politics involved).
The United States Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs, Sean McCormack, having condemned the Habarana attack then went on to say "Only through the cessation of violence, a renewed commitment to peace talks, and constructive engagement by both sides can a political solution to this conflict be achieved."
Looks like McCormack is also possibly naive (or devious) and has got things upside down. Rather, he should have said that 'If there is a renewed commitment to peace (talks), and constructive engagement by both sides toward a political solution to this conflict, then there will also be a cessation of violence.'
Now, if it was worded this way (by placing any violence as the consequence rather than the cause), then the LTTE cannot be so easily and one-sidedly blamed for obstructing a political solution by not ceasing 'its' violence!
Kfir bombings etc., on the other hand, are certainly not evidence of a commitment to peace.
Also the rewording emphasises the primacy of the socio-political and historical context of the conflict that must be addressed.
CS Tontaimannarru --
Dr Chandradeva: could you please view the following videos and comment on them (they might be relevant to your proposal.) Mikka Nandri. 20MOVE 20MOVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanabal --
I hope Sangam Editor to reproduce with proper permission of the following link. It is a must read article because, though the author is an Anti-LTTE writer, this article has nothing to do with LTTE but the Sinhala MINDSET storyid=18065

Pushparajah --
How dare Deva Hamsa can compare Tamils National Leader to Hitler? Does he knows what Hitler has done? Then, to whom will he compare the Sri Lankan President? Mother Teresa?
Many have commented about Dr Chandradeva's confused state of mind. This doctor has very pro-Indian views. Below I quote a few of Dr Chandradeva's opinions about the LTTE and leave it to the readers to judge him.
In 'The Hindu' of 20.6.06 under the heading 'Opinion - Sri Lankan affairs' he wrote: "...The Indo-Sri Lanka agreement gave us a golden opportunity to realise our legitimate political aspirations and this was scuttled by the LTTE. We are now paying a heavy price for the LTTE's blunder. Only India can bring peace to the north-east. If the LTTE comes in the way, it should be disarmed once and for all".
In April/May 2006 issue of 'Hardnews', in reply to Subramanian Swamy's article 'The moment of Truth for India on LTTE,' Dr Chandradeva commented as follows: "... I had been a LTTE supporter. The LTTE lost my support since they turned their guns against the IPKF. The LTTE say that they were attacked and they retaliated; but I cannot accept this argument. The LTTE should have resolved their dispute with India by non-violent means, ie. satyagraha, etc. You say Mr irabaharan should face a trial in Rajiv Gandhi's case and I agree 100% with you..."
That's why I questioned earlier that I have doubts whether these are his own proposals. Nearly all the readers have rejected his proposals except Hamsadeva. It's very encouraging. Instead of wasting his time and energy, creating divisions among Tamils, Dr Chandradeva should use his knowledge and wisdom to the right vision of our National Leader to liberate our Homeland.
Thanabal --
Doctor, you are disoriented and you need a dose of Naloxane to reverse the Morphine you took.
You said "The LTTE should have resolved their dispute with India by non-violent means, i.e. satyagraha, etc."
Hold on sir, just rewind the tape, I see some scenes in the Nallur Temple and Mamangam temple. Do you see those.....Do you need the black and white answer?
Well, in your own admission, you left Sri Lankan shores by 1985. The IPKF was there only in 1987. Who are you trying to bluff, man?
You simply want to bring India into Sri Lanka by hook or a crook.
I smell something....You possibly invested in land on Nilavelli beach and want to build your retirement home and now find it difficult to do this and want to take on the LTTE because in your mind they are the problem.
By the way who is this SubramaniamSwamy? Is he a priest in a temple??? Iis he an elected representative or one who took off his clothes, went with his underwear and wantsto swim to the shores of Sri Lanka as a political stunt???
Doctor, here is more on your work: ...62002371001.htm art...ees+thank+Navy+
Dr K Chandradeva --
I was born & brought up in Trinco, and since my childhood I witnessed and experienced barbaric racism. Military oppression & suppression became unbearable and I fled the country in 1985. I adore those children who had different ideas in their mind - they thought that bringing freedom to our homeland was their supreme duty. Armed resistance and struggle for self- determination became their brave mission. We consider every fighter as equal to our own child and his or her death gives us a great deal of pain. My intention of this communiqué is not to wantonly discredit the LTTE or support the anti-Eelam groups. This review should be understood in the right context of our struggle.
During an armed struggle, when an opportunity opens up to solve the problem politically, it should be grasped, with both hands.
In our struggle, in my opinion, the Indo-Sri Lankan Pact (ISP) in 1987 gave us a very good opportunity. The LTTE strategist Anton Balasingham says now, that the LTTE would have accepted an Indian federal system (IFS). But they never considered the same when the ISP was worked out and for several years later. To us, the LTTE said that Eelam was their sole target but they never realized that this was virtually impossible to achieve by military means alone. If the LTTE did not want the ISP they should have stated this clearly to the Indians. On the contrary, the LTTE agreed to the ISP and subsequently it received multi-millions of rupees from India because they pledged to accept the ISP. I put it to you that there was no major difference between the ISP & IFS.
• The accord recognized the reality of Sri Lanka being a multi - ethnic, multi - religious nation and not a mono - ethnic, mono - religious entity as proclaimed by majoritarian chauvinists.
• It also acknowledged the North - East (NE) to be the historic homeland of the Tamils and Muslims.
• The accord also brought about the NE merger.
• It afforded official language status to Tamil.
• More importantly, it brought about a scheme of devolution.
• It paved the way for the deployment of the Indian army throughout the NE, and this gave a sense of security and stability in ethnically mixed areas, especially to the Tamils.
The powers had to be reduced due to the tricky situation of getting it past the Supreme Court. The Indians had plans of enhancing devolution on a staggered basis. They had obtained an assurance in writing from the late Mr. J R Jayewardene to that effect. In one particular aspect I would say that the ISP is more federalist than the IFS: the Indian president has powers to dissolve a state government whereas under the ISP, the Sri Lankan president had no such powers. But, in order to sack the Perumal-led North East Provincial Council (NEPC), the LTTE teamed up with the late Mr. Premadasa and got him to pass a constitutional amendment in the parliament to give the power to the President and eventually got M
Mr. Perumal sacked!!
What has happened now? After years of strife and sacrifice the Tamil people have not achieved anything tangible. Multitudes have died or been maimed, the economy is shattered, people dispersed, values brutalized, culture eroded and dwellings destroyed. Yet the Tamils have achieved nothing in return. Even the LTTE had lost only 711 fighters at the time of the ISP. Today they have lost more than 19,000. Compared to this situation the ISP, if implemented, would certainly have been better.
The LTTE should have cooperated with the Indians. We need the support and sympathy of India for our very existence. In the 1980s the Indians were solidly behind us and we should have built on this mutual respect and rapport with them. In the aftermath of the ISP, the late Mr. Amirthalingam said to an eminent journalist: ‘I am telling you from experience. The Sinhala state will never accept our rights without outside intervention. We need India to help us. If the Indian army goes off before our rights are ensured, our people, particularly those in the East and Vavuniya, will be finished’. Now we are witnessing this precise prediction in great pain. In Trinco we see a mass exodus of fishing families to India and the pattern of exodus is so extremely worrying that the LTTE has recently appealed to the people not to flee. These poor people could not stand the brutality and terror committed by the Sri Lankan army, and are compelled to flee. A similar pattern of exodus is now spreading to Mannar and Vavuniya.
In Trinco, the IPKF did a fantastic job in maintaining peace. Since independence, only during the IPKF stay, have the Tamils in Trinco enjoyed the sweetness of peace. Some Tamils became euphoric and they started chasing out Sinhalese from the state-sponsored Sinhala settlements whilst the IPKF opted to turn a blind eye to this! In Trinco the relations between Tamils and the IPKF was cooperative and cordial.
By getting rid of the IPKF from Trinco, the LTTE has done a massive disservice and damaged the welfare and safety of the Tamils in Trinco. We should have given more time for the Indians to solve our problem. The mere presence of the IPKF in the NE created chaos in the rest of the island and, if this had proceeded, the South would have become destabilized and ungovernable. As you know the JVP became irrational and went on the rampage ....the whole cabinet was bombed by the JVP....I reckon at one point both the SLFP & UNP would have begged us to help them to send the Indians back - and this would have given us an excellent bargaining position to get the maximum devolution of powers to the NEPC. But the LTTE scuttled it. Merely three months after the arrival of the IPKF, the LTTE's first landmine exploded under an IPKF jeep.
I am not saying that the LTTE started the war, but we should not have attacked them in retaliation. Rather than turning the guns against them, the LTTE should have resolved any dispute with the Indians
through non-violent means. After all, India is our fatherland, as defined by Anton Balasingham, and our rich culture does not permit violence against a father-figure. We should have carried on with hunger strikes and other non-violent ways as staged by Thiyahi Thileepan.
Since the LTTE turned its guns against the Indians, I became an LTTE-sceptic. Until then I had been a strong supporter of the LTTE, but I did not see any wisdom or vision in fighting the Indians. India had been the cradle for the birth of our highly successful armed resistance and with Indians on our side and with their blessings the NEPC, I believe, would have evolved into a self-governing unit for Tamils. We could have achieved all this without much suffering and loss of young lives in their tender age.
The LTTE is now isolating us from the international community as it did against the Indians. Since the ban by the EU, the LTTE is demanding the removal of EU members from the SLMM. Although I do not agree with the EU’s action in the current situation, the LTTE has to ask itself why they are becoming internationally isolated. The EU, India, USA & Canada had already banned the LTTE.
We Tamils are the oppressed and suppressed people in this conflict and, therefore, in theory, the organization that leads us should have been receiving a red-carpet welcome in the international arena. But, unfortunately, the reverse is happening. I, therefore, put it to the LTTE leadership that they ought to review their conduct in relation to the international community. After the ban, the EU extended an olive branch to the LTTE by saying that they would continue to have contacts with the LTTE. In return, the LTTE could have given a conciliatory gesture by recognizing their positive move. But, unfortunately the LTTE took a confrontational approach by demanding the removal of EU members. Even after this, the EU envoy traveled all the way to K’nochi to plead with the LTTE to change its mind. The SLMM has saved the lives of hundreds of Tamils from state terroism in the NE and I dread to imagine the plight of the poor Tamils without that protection. The situation in Trinco is extremely depressing. The LTTE ought to understand that confrontational approach and intransigence do not deliver goods when it comes to international diplomacy.
Where do we go from here? Can we sustain this war? I believe this war cannot be sustained and my reasons are as follows:
1. Over 50% of the Tamils in the NE have vanished due to deaths, displacement and emigration. There is already a manpower crisis to sustain this war.
2. The economy in the NE is shattered and, therefore, the LTTE is not in a position to sustain this war with the resources in the NE; in other words, the funds will have to come from the Tamil diaspora. But the LTTE is banned in 28 countries; therefore fund-raising among the diaspora is becoming an impossible task. Not a single foreign country supports our armed struggle; every bullet will have to be purchased through fund-raising. But there will be problems. In the UK, anyone found funding a banned organization could be deported (even if one holds a British passport) to the country of origin even without a judicial hearing (Immigration regulations 2005).
3. According to the latest UN reports over 60% of children in the NE are malnourished. How can they make good soldiers? (Please note that in the rest of the island 30% of the chidren are malnourished).
4. Every military expert says in the event of another war there will be another military stalemate and there will not be an outright military victory to either side. By that time we would have lost another 3000 or 4000 of our children. In a military stalemate the warring parties will have to sit down and start political negotiation again. Hence political negotiation is the viable option.
5. Whether we get a free Eelam or federal system the next day we need at least £10 billion to reconstruct the basic infrastructure in the NE. Not a single foreign country supports a separate state for us as yet. So even if the LTTE achieves military victory and Eelam, the £10 billion may not be on the table to rebuild the NE. On the other hand, the international community stipulates a negotiated settlement based on a federal principle, and this outcome is likely to attract massive foreign aid.
6. The unfavorable position for the LTTE in the international arena. Under the leadership of the LTTE, we have lost support and sympathy internationally. In the 1983 riots, over 200 Indian MPs boycotted the parliamentary proceeding and spontaneously went on a protest march in the streets of New Delhi demanding the Indian govt protect the Tamils. Late Mr Amirthalingam was invited and attended as a diplomatic guest to the Indian parliament, and I understand he addressed the MPs, an extraordinary privilege to someone from our homeland. In the 1980s a number of states in the USA received our leaders as guests. We don’t see any of this nowadays, do we? The LTTE have been the sole leaders during the last quarter of a century and they need to explain this international isolation to us. To my horror, I learn from press reports today that Japan is now hinting about banning the LTTE. Some analysts predict that cunning Mahinda Rajapakse has plans to go on a full scale war once he has mobilized sufficient international opinion against the LTTE.
7. The war has become protracted, causing immense socio-economic and healthcare crisis in the NE.
8. We may not have the good offices of Norway if war breaks out. The co-chairs are already on the verge of quitting.
So what should we do now? I feel the LTTE has achieved its military objectives optimally and it’s the ideal time to go on a full scale political offensive – I am not suggesting that the LTTE should surrender the weapons at all at this stage.
Firstly, our relations with India are extremely vital for our struggle and the recent statement by the LTTE leadership have recognized this. The major sticking issue is Rajiv Gandhi's (RG) case. The Indians are still terribly angry. I know Dr Ramdas, Mr. Gopalaswamy and other people are trying their best, but the mainstream Indian opinion is adamantly against the LTTE. The Indians as a whole wish to help the Tamils, but they don't want to do anything with the LTTE.
I feel the LTTE has only one option; it has to revisit RG's case. The whole world points its finger at the LTTE for the assassination. Mainstream media are even writing in black and white that the LTTE did it. I do not think it is the right time to play with words as did Anton Balasingham recently. An outright and straightforward apology will have to go to the family of RG from the highest level (I mean Mr. Prabaharan) in the LTTE. I am not saying that this gesture will open the floodgates of Indian generosity towards Sri Lankan Tamils. But in the name of decency the LTTE will have to do this. At least this gesture will help the efforts of pro-Sri Lankan Tamils' lobby in Tamil Nadu and calm down the ferocity of the anti-LTTE lobby in India.
Only when India responds positively to this gesture, we can discuss about the deaths of civilians during the IPKF military operations. Compensation and compassion to these families from India will go a long way to heal the old wounds. We ought to understand RG's case prompted India and the USA to ban the LTTE outright. People of India turned against us. This is an extremely sensitive issue. India is still mourning, his family is still grieving and the murder trial is still pending.
I commend the conduct of the Indian govt in the aftermath of RG’s assassination. India could have unleashed her military might to capture the people, as she thought, were responsible. Compare this with Israel: for 2 missing soldiers Israel is demolishing the whole region. I would say, so far, the Indian response has been balanced, exhibiting a great deal of political maturity born of Indian democracy. Sonia Gandhi’s conduct has been unbelievably magnanimous. To date, she has not uttered a single word to offend or damage the
interests of the Sri Lankan Tamils even after she became a politician.
Now the whole world says that the solution should be based on a federal system in Sri Lanka but the negotiation is not getting anywhere and our homeland is being torn apart. The LTTE quite rightly says that there should be normalcy in the NE, but they go on planting claymore and the Sri Lankan army thugs go on the rampage massacaring innocent people including children and infants. I think it is illogical to debate as to who started the violence. What we are witnessing is a heinous vicious cycle and it should be brought to an end at once.
I want the LTTE to behave like responsible governors of an emerging nation not as a bunch of violent people who are hooked to claymores…… Please note that the international community has also severely criticized the Sinhala regime. The co-chairs on a number of occasions mounted scathing attacks on the government for the human rights violations in their reports. For a sovereign state such reports are extremely insulting. Unlike the LTTE (a non-state player), the international community cannot ‘ban’ the Sri Lankan state. We should do more groundwork diplomatically with the international community to bring about sanctions against Sri Lanka.
I am a Tamil nationalist and I do not want my community to suffer in this brutal war any more. I am seriously concerned about the current situation and I approached a close associate of Anton Balasingham and asked for a meeting with him, but it was turned down. I asked to talk to Mr. Pulithevan (director of LTTE’s peace Secretariat in K’nochi). I sent a number of emails to Mr. Pulithevan & left telephone messages with his secretary, but I did not receive any response. I consider myself as a responsible and respectable person in my community and am thoroughly disappointed that I have not been able to express my concerns with the people who lead the campaign to give us freedom. I very much wish to stand on the Tamil nationalist stage and bring about changes in the LTTE’s approach and strategy. By criticizing the LTTE from outside, I am afraid I might cause damage to our struggle for freedom. That’s why I chose this channel of communication. Some friends said to me that I am unnecessarily putting myself at risk with this initiative. Yes, I can understand their concerns. However, those beautiful children, over 19,000, who made a supreme sacrifice to bring freedom to us, give me the strength to speak up.
Thanabal --
This is what you said....
"I consider myself as a responsible and respectable person in my community and am thoroughly disappointed with the way I have been treated by the very people who lead a campaign to give us freedom"
Fundamentally, you left the country in 1985 and I have no clue where you were in the early 1980s. But I can tell you that you want status and a name in the community as an educated leader, for which you are trying to bring the Indians into this scene.
1) India was never genuine in solving the problem for the sake of Tamils of Sri Lanka. Bangladesh was created by India in order to keep Pakistan under control and to control the influx of refugees. The same applied to the Eelam cause as far as India is concerned.
2) Rajeev Gandhi signing an accord on behalf of the Tamils (leave alone the LTTE) without consulting the Tamils adequately shows how ignorant the Indians are about Tamil's affairs.
3) Indira and then Rajeev were pro-active in the Eighties in order to keep the Tamil Nadu base support intact and keep a rein on Colombo rather than from genuine interest in Tamils' well-being.
4) If India was concern and caring, Indian Authorities should have made effort to unite all the Tamil parties. Instead they instituted the divide and rule policy. They favored one group over the other.
5) India was unable to have the Srima-Shastri agreement implemented and so how did you expect the Indo-Srilanka Accord to be implemented?
6) Soon after the Accord was signed, India succumbed to pressure from cunning fox JR Jayawardene and India was unable to implement any clause from the Accord.
7) The Provincial Council was a powerless council and subject to sacking by the governor appointed by the GoSL.
8) Since you left in 1985, you may never have known what happened in the Sinhala area after the signing of the Indo-Lanka Accord (the second insurgency by the JVP was fuelled by that or they attributed it to the Accord). It was a bloody massacre in the south and in order to contain the violence, the Sri Lankan government sacked the NE Council.
9)It was a Madras regiment that was stationed in Trinco and helped the Tamils. Because of pressure from Trinco Sinhalas, India had to change this regiment to a Punjabi regiment. So tell me who was controlling the IPKF, India or JRJ?
Doctor, I strongly suggest you to look at the movie called "Kingdom of Heaven." Every word they spoke has deep meaning in the movie and you may realize what is this freedom, your home, your land means to anyone.
Just remember neither INDIA nor the USA has any genuine interest in Sri Lankan affairs. Their sole interest is in who is controlling the Colombo government and who can parrot the GoSL. In their ambitious plan, the LTTE and Tamil Nationalism are stumbling blocks, and they provide all the assistance to get rid of the LTTE by performing the proxy war. Believe it or not, this is the naked truth.
CS Tontaimannarru --
Doctor C: I empathise with your concern regarding Tamil youngsters.As you say, over 19,000 of them have indeed made the "supreme sacrifice." I am concerned, however, that you seem to apportion the burden of blame on the LTTE more than its share. None would say the LTTE is perfect.The GoSL, with its draconic perfections, has almost impersonated god - the world closes its eyes and ears for all the wrongs of the Sinhala governments. Why? A state is believed to be infallible and other states will support it.
The LTTE is currently not adopting an anti-Indian stance. It is safe to say that the ball is in Delhi's court. Okay, you say the LTTE is banned in 28 countries. Too bad. Tamil gangs in the Diaspora have played a pivotal role by impersonating the LTTE! The Diaspora could have been more tactful in lobbying and increasing the 'content of leverage'. Personality strifes, backbiting and backstabbing have played their role. We cannot apportion blame on Vanni for all these errors. Every Tamil has responsibility in this regard.
Kicking EU members out of the SLMM is not dis-service at all. It is a strong message that the Tamils are not going to dance to everyone's tunes. If the EU cannot recognise the LTTE as the Tamils' sole legitimate voice; when the EU decides to ban the LTTE, then quite rightly they have lost their authority to monitor. On the part of the Tamils, it is a decision of honour. Any self-respecting Tamil will not dispute that.
I'm, however, disappointed to read that you have had no response from Pulidevan and your attempts to meet with Palasingham have not materialised.
One can only pray that the LTTE would engage with the Diaspora directly, including people with diverse opinions.
The importance of the LTTE's future engagement with the international community cannot be underestimated.
Nimal --
Dr K Chandradeva, you have raised a number of points in the above posts; and your main thesis above is that the LTTE has antagonised the world and would-be friends, and has continued to make all the wrong political moves.
But, according to your line of thinking, could it not also be said that the Tamils have brought it all on themselves by continually antagonising, rather than coorperating with, the successive SL governments?
How much should one blow with the winds?
Dr K Chandradeva --
Nimal, all I am saying is that, although it's WE who have the legitimate grienvances in this conflict, how come the international community is moving away from us?
It is my conviction that things started to go wrong on the political front for the LTTE after Thiyatheepam Thileepan death. I had been an admirer in the Pre-Thileepan era (PRTE) of the LTTE, however, I disagree with the strategy of the LTTE in the Post-Thileepan era (POTE).
Nimal, I am interested in decent political debate here because I do not want my future generation to go through the same as we do.
Thanabal --
Doctor, you have two contradicting views (see your own statements):
1) "The LTTE should have resolved their dispute with India by non-violent means, i.e. satyagraha, etc" in your letter to Subramaniam Swamy, the Indian Joker.
2) It is my conviction that things started to go wrong on the political front for the LTTE since Thiyatheepam Thileepan death. I had been an admirer in the Pre-Thileepan era (PRTE) of the LTTE, however, I disagree with the strategy of the LTTE in the Post-Thileepan era (POTE).
How could you have not known the response from India for Thileepan's fight? Did the Indian government respond to his plea or did it turn a blind eye?.
Nimal --
Dr K Chandradeva, you asked "all I am saying is that, although its WE who have the legitimate grievances in this conflict, how come the international community is moving away from us?"
The answer most likely lies in the direction that the powerful of the international community are not genuinely interested at a humanitarian or moral level. Excellent recent example is Rwanda: how many international community powers rushed to stop it??? None!
So it is not "WE" who are the problem, but the international community's motives.
Also, if you look at the various statements from the international community players, you will also find many inaccuracies and distortions and omissions, all carefully crafted to tell the suitable lie. Remember the WMD story?
Selva --
Mr. Chandradeva, although its obvious that you haven't received much support for your proposal, forgive me for saying this, but you should be very grateful some here have at least taken the time to try and debate them with you.
Frankly, I think all your writings, when viewed together, tell more about yourself than offer any worthwhile insight or opinion on the war.
Particularly telling are your subtle views that crop up among all the writings that you manage to churn out. I have picked up on a few freudian slips that you probably wish you never made.
In my view, you’re a classic case of a man who probably worked very hard to get to a professionally established position, but not attuned to political thought. This is a problem because that precisely the space where you seem so adamant in getting involved.
I respect your right for measured ambition, but the minute you start sacrificing the goals and achievements of your society for your own personal satisfaction, you begin to blur the lines between a nationalist and a traitor. Have you ever taken the time to read what you write? I ask this, as after I read them, I’m not totally convinced that your feelings are that of a Tamil nationalist. It may be worthwhile spending some time on that, as some self discovery might save us all some time trying to prevent you from doing more damage to the cause than you have already done.
Don’t worry, it hasn’t been disastrous yet, but if you keep continuing on blindly like this I can see some traits that will make you eventually become a personality like Anandasangaree – “if I can't be a leader (in thought or action) for Tamil nationalism, then to hell with Tamil nationalism.”
My suggestion to you would be to focus your energies in working with purely humanitarian work. You certainly have the skills in that area and you can achieve great levels of personal satisfaction that you have helped your own kind. You can even just focus on purely the eastern Tamils, if that makes you feel better. Help at the grassroots level, where I think you are more than capable in making a difference. While you are there, I think you should find a way to expand your political horizons, maybe even studying other societies and conflict histories, which will contribute to build your political maturity.
No one is going to fault you for loving peace and trying to save lives. If we lose track of that, the world would be a dreary place to live in. But be wary of trying to save one life and risk allowing hundreds more to be killed.
Dr K Chandradeva --
Let me respond to Nimal:
We cannot go on saying, 'oh, we have had problems with SL and then we had problems with India...mmm then we had problems with the USA..and this just goes on..then problem with Canada...EU'. Tell me one country that has recognised the LTTE or its struggle. This is where we make grave mistakes. We cannot blame the international community for everything and pretend as if we are the perfect people.
An English surgeon who has an interest in this conflict once said to me: 'Chandra, I am sorry to say, it appears to me as if the LTTE always looks for problems and a fight'. This is the perception of a lay person about our conflict.
About my proposal, the contributors made a particular reference to the IAMB and asked how the LTTE could trust the IAMB. The concept of arms monitoring is nothing new in conflict resolution: the IRA accepted the Canadians as their monitors and the Iraqis' accepted UN arms inspectors and so on.
It’s my opinion that the LTTE has to take a major political step to come out of this mess and it is up to the LTTE to decide the modality of this, but I have no doubt there will be dividends. It’s my conviction that the claymores will not solve our problems.
P. Ramasamy, Malaysia --
Dear Dr. Chandradeva,
Thanks for your proposal. I completely disagree with it, but I will defend your right to speak out.
I am sure you will agree with me that what worked in Northern Ireland might not work in Sri Lanka. In this respect, confining the arsenal of the LTTE by some international agency might not work. As you understand, whatever its faults, the LTTE controls a huge swathe of territory in the northeast and, what is more, the absence of arms for the LTTE might might mean the enslavement of the Tamil people.
While you blame the LTTE for contributing to the hasty Indian withdrawal from the northeast in the late 1980s, I am sure you are aware that the IPKF sent to resolve the Tamil problem merely compounded it by attacking innocent Tamils and wanted to put up its own stooges in the northeast administration.
The IPKF episode is something in the past, it serves no purpose in debating it too much. If India can create Bangladesh, it can surely look into the Tamil problem. I am not saying that it should create Tamil Eelam.
You are quite against the LTTE, but its only crime is it has fought hard against the Sinhala racist goverment. The oppressor is not the LTTE, but the successive racist governments in the south. Let us not condemn the victims.
If the Sinhala government had agreed to a federal solution even before the days of the IPKF, there would not be a LTTE today.
True to say, the LTTE is the product of Sinhala Buddhist racism.
I think Sangam should encourage healthy debate about the future of Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka. I know the LTTE; they are open to alternative views and suggestions. But unfortunately, you should have forwarded your proposal to the LTTE, and not the Norwegians in the first place, meaning that you have little faith in the outfit.
Even if you don't like the LTTE, the fact remains that you have to relate to it to resolve the Tamil problem.
Immaterial of individual's opinions of the LTTE, just imagine the fate of Tamils in the absence of the LTTE.
By the way I am not an Eelam Tamil, but one who is concerned about the welfare and well-being of my brothers and sisters in the island state of Sri Lanka.
Thanabal --
Doctor, what made the Israel leave the West Bank finally?
It seems like you have made up your mind that it is the victims that need to be blamed rather than the aggressor
From 1981 to 2001, no country was willing to even say that the Tamils have legitimate grievances. What made them say (in 2005/2006) that Tamils need to take their own affairs in their hand (while still insisting on a united Srilanka). How did this evolution happen?
If the LTTE made the mistake in 1987, then how in the world is it that all the foreign dignitaries have been visiting Kilinochchi and the World Bank is ready to fund P-TOMS. Is it because the World Bank is scared of the LTTE??????
Your biased and baseless allegations make clear that your mind has made up that LTTE is the problem and you are ready to accept any dictated solution just so that you can visit Trinco. This is the naked truth.
Pushparajah --
Well done Selva. You have analysed the proposal and the person very well. Thank you.
Thanabal --
Prof. Ramasamy, you being a non eelam Tamilian, have done a great service to the Tamils of Eeelam. Please continue to do your good work.
Dr K Chandradeva --
Thanks for your comments. I wonder whether you read my comment @ 2.42 on 10.18.16. I did my best to discuss with the LTTE hierarchy here in London and K'nochi about my concerns but my request was not accommodated.
We are in a military stalemate and it is not helping at all. I would be delighted if the LTTE militarily dismantle the SLAF from the NE once and for all. But every military expert says that is unlikely. The strategy at present is: 'claymore after claymore before Geneva and muttering about Karuna-gang at Geneva'. We desperately need a new mechanism to overcome this deadlock as the socio-economic-healthcare degradation in the NE is extremely disturbing and it gives me sleepless nights.
Are you in favour of deploying a peacekeeping force in the NE? If so, how can that be achieved?
The fact of the matter is that the GOSL is not going to give us anything and the LTTE is not in a position for outright military victory.
Would you suggest anything to overcome this impasse?
Saravan --
Dr. Chandradeva's article is based on an analogy with the N. Ireland problem, but there are only a few similarities while there are many funadamental differences. While one may make use of positive experiences in resolving conflict situations, there is no way it can be copied in the light of differences pointed out above in the postings.
As Dr.C is himself only too well aware of the nature and mode of action of the SL State and its executive agents vis-a-vis Tamils, his proposal at unilateral action by the LTTE is bound to be viewed with grave de-merit, not only by the LTTE but also by the TNA, the elected Representatives of the Tamils,and by the vast majority of the people themselves who have been at the receiving end of what appears to be clear genocide, ethnic cleansing and absence of even criminal justice for so long. The problem lies not so much with the LTTE, but with the nature and mode of action of the Sinhala Buddhist State itself from 1972 to the present time.
Without effectively changing and demonstrating the governance nature of the State itself Dr. C's proposal makes no sense. As I am sure he will agree, the only one left has been the Norwegian-led facilitation under the Peace Process (PP) and the CFA, which itself has run into serious trouble because it has been undermined, not least by the State, depending on which Sinhala political party is in power-another serious bugbear to the peace process in the absence of an unattainable consensus.
For any PP to work, there has to be some accord on the essentials. One can but hope that the international community can exert sufficient pressure on both sides in a fair and equitable manner to reach a consensus on the many dividing issues.
Re the marginalising of the LTTE by the international community, is it not the case that a lot of this was based on one-sided representations by the SL government without any consideration by the banning countries of prolonged "terrorism" by the state itself?
Is it also not very surprsing that the international community condemned Slobodan Milosovic and his government for killing 5000 muslims in Bosnia, but has kept mum about the killing of more than 65,000 Tamils and the ethnic cleansing of a million of them? It has likewise also not hesitated to condemn Sudan for the Darfur crisis.
Obviously, there are no standard international rules to go by. That is the reality. Yet some of the international community arm the SL government to the teeth, including WMDs, while the LTTE too seem to have their own sources of supplies, whereas both sources of supply ought to have been banned. Then there may be hope towards a settlement.
According to comments made by the outgoing SLMM Monitors, the fault for the breakdon in the PP lies with both sides, not just with the LTTE. That a government does not keep its part of the Process is what it has always been, and unless this too changes the prospects for a peace seem pitifully low.
There seems
little point in delving into the imbroglio with India at this stage.
P. Ramasamy #2 --
Today Sri Lankan's Tamils are living because of our Sagotharargal (Who gave their life for our living- LTTE)
Otherwise you won't be able to live now, Dr.K.Chandardeva.
Have you done anything for the Tamils?
Nallathu Seyyaatilum Theeyathu Sey yamalirukkalaam
Sengodan.M --
The basic question is, what are we after? Are we looking for " some sort of Peace" and " some relief" through " some concessions" or are we trying to achieve a basic right, our right of self determination? If all concerned would accept this concept in principle, the two adversaries could sit down and talk to give flesh to this skeletory concept.
But alas, what is happening on the ground? If one could observe a consistency in the attitude of various parties that have held power in Sri Lanka over the last fifty years, all will agree, that it was in respect to denial of our existence as a nation whether within one country or in two countries. In some ways we are even moving backwards as, for instance, the case for de-merger ordered by the highest Courts.
I wish to quote Bharathiyar who said "Veera Suthanthiram Vendi Ninraar, Pinnar Veru Onrai Kolvaaro?"
Are we to now look for " Veru Onru"? Are we tired of the war?
To be free, any people have had to pay a price. Sometimes it is a high price and sometimes it is not so high. Look at the cases of peoples of Vietnam, the people of Kosovo, the people of East Timor and so on.
The GoSL thought that it could go with a high head to Geneva after capturing Elephant Pass. But today they are willing to go for talks even after all the beating they got at Muhamaalai, Habarana and Galle.
The people in Jaffna and elsewhere are no doubt suffering a lot, but I do not think that anyone is literally starving to death. The LTTE advised them, or at least those who considered themselves to be vulnerable, to move over to Vanni. Even now they will have that option, but possibly at a greater risk. There is also the third alternative of crossing to the other side of the Palk Straits.
The moment we take one step down, the GoSL will want to force us to slide to the bottom. Let us be patient at least until the GoSL accepts the concepts of our Traditional Homeland and our right of Self Determination.
P.Ramasamy --
Dear Dr. Chandradeva,
You must remember that the peace proposal to resolve the long-standing Tamil issues was the one given by the LTTE some years back -- the Interim Self-Governing Authority. Remember what happened to this far-reaching document that even the hawkish US State Deparment remarked was something remarkable from the LTTE.
So, if proposals are going to be dimissed by the Sinhala governments, what should the LTTE do then? Your proposal of disarmment under an international agency comes nowhere near to the ISGA. I would think that it might be appealing to the international community because it seeks to remove arms from the LTTE, even though "temporarily".
So given this situation in Sri Lanka, how can we advance basic Tamil rights in the country? Now with the Supreme Court's decision to question the legality of the merger between the north and east, Tamils cannot proceed by way of relying on the country's Constitution or laws.
Can we then fault the Tamils or the LTTE? Whatever you think, and whatever problems you might have personally with the LTTE, let us not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Tamil Eelam is not something constructed over-night by the LTTE. Its quest is a direct result of what has happened to Tamils under the successive Sinhala racist governments and on the basis of realization of the principles laid down at the Thimpu Talks.
The LTTE is not a diabolical organization; it is the armour for Tamil security and safety. As long Tamils both in the country and outside need it for their honour and dignity, it will be around. No force in the world can dent its dynamism.
Dr K Chandradeva --
Dear P Ramasamy
Many thanks for your contributions. I am delighted to see you have lifted the quality of the political debate on this forum on this subject by many fold.
Kind regards.
Varman --
Chandradeva writes in his proposal regarding the urgent need for "breaking the current cycle of violence." We must first analyse the REASON for violent defense from the Tamil's side against Sinhala hegemony. The LTTE is but a consequence of tyranny and oppression of Sinhala regimes. In order for the cycle of violence to cease, root causes or core issues need to be sorted out. Any quack would know that when dealing with cancer both the primary and the secondary malign sources have to be dealt with before it squeezes life out of the patient.
Do we call the period of CFA as "normalcy?" Was that not the time the Government utilised to systematically engage in a so-called shadow war? So what is normalcy? That has to be defined. Would normalcy mean disarming the para-militaries and surrendering Karuna back to the Tigers? Would normalcy mean opening the A9? Would normalcy mean lifting the economic and humanitarian embargo on the North in particular and the Eastern Tamils?
Would normalcy mean the undisciplined, sex-depraved Sri Lankan Armed forces to withdraw from Tamil territories? (What is the purposes of Sinhala forces in Tamil areas in the first place? Who are they protecting?)
Disarming the Tigers is utterly foolish, which would leave the Tamils extremely vulnerable.
I suggest Chandradeva review and rewrite this proposal, taking ground reality and historical facts into account, and communicate the LTTE directly.
If you say you have serious problems with the post-Thileepan LTTE, then that shows you are negatively biased against the Tigers and therefore your proposal would lack balance and suffer from myopia. It would also inevitably have axes to grind. You have preconceived ideas and faulty notions. That IS a monumental mistake.
I personally think there are better ways in which the Diaspora could help our suffering people. What sort peace they want should NOT be decided by the Diaspora. It is for the Tamils who are living there to decide. If you have a bright idea, you must talk to Tigers directly. The better idea for a medical doctor is to make yearly pilgrimages to Eelam and help the needy people with your expertise.
All else will be just "talking shop."
Nimal --
Dr K Chandradeva, you have not replied to my point: I was NOT suggesting the silly view of blaming the international community for "for everything and pretend as if we are the perfect people."
I was making the point of seeing any perceived rejection or lack of support from the international community toward the Tamils in the context of the motives of the powerful of the international community. (That is why I pointed out the easy example of Rwanda.) The attitudes and favours of the powers of the international community are not an automatically true measure of valid purpose or moral worth.
Therefore the international community's behaviour toward the Tamil cause (as projected and supported by the LTTE) is not necessarily correct or morally valid. The powerful of the internatioanl community have their own agendas.
You say "An English surgeon who has an interest in this conflict once said to me: 'Chandra, I am sorry to say, it appears to me as if the LTTE always looks for problems and a fight'."
How much does this surgeon know?
Anyway you yourself admit that "This is the perception of a lay person about our conflict." It is then your duty to educate this "lay person", rather than follow the "lay person".
You say, "The concept of arms monitoring is nothing new in conflict resolution: the IRA accepted the Canadians as their monitors and the Iraqis accepted UN arms inspectors and so on."
But I and many others have already pointed out that the IRA-British experience is considerably different (as was the earlier Iraqi context) to the situation concerning the Tamils and the LTTE in relation to the GoSL under PBUNSE (Pseudo-Buddhist-Ultra-Nationalistic-Sinhala-Extremists) domination.
You have not responded to this at all.
How do you propose to deal with the PBUNSE?
This (the PBUNSE power and influence) is the cause and core of the conflict.
As P. Ramaswamy says "So given this situation in Sri Lanka, how can we advance basic Tamil rights in the country? Now with the Supreme Court's decision to question the legality of the merger between the north and east, Tamils cannot proceed by way of relying on the country's Constitution or laws.... Immaterial of individuals opinions of the LTTE, just imagine the fate of Tamils in the absence of the LTTE."
Your proposal is very one-sided and completelty ignores the political power and influence of the PBUNSE.
Now to engage in meaningful debate you must stick to and address the point. Otherwise, there will only be a proliferation of idle words.
To summarise just 4 of the points that you have not dealt with:
1) Is the international community always an honest/moral arbiter?
2) The difference between the British IRA Catholic experience and the GoSL LTTE Tamil experience.
3)How do you deal with the PBUNSE?
4)Why does your proposal focus on 'disarming' the LTTE?
At least get these sorted out and then the 'debate' can move forward.
Maybe then you could come up with a better proposal that takes all these above and various other points that have been raised into consideration. (Also compare your proposal to the ISGA.)
Thanabal --
Nimal, have a look at the following link. 20MOVE
Varman --
C Deva: Your English surgeon friend has revealed his total ignorance on all matters Tamil, because westerners rely on their corporate media which essentially lives and breathes corporate interests. The LTTE is is not in the business of picking a fight. The LTTE is in the business of Nation building, state formation and state fortification. In order to do so one is required to build and sustain military muscle. The world around us will not want this to happen. The name of the game is corporate interests. The West does not mind if the Tamils go to hell. As long as there is money to be made, to put it crudely, they will do deals.
The LTTE would befriend the international community without losing sight of our goal. In doing so
one hopes, they will convince the world of the legitimacy of our cause.
Nimal --
Self-Belief implies understanding the winds of the international community, (so as not to get trapped or blown around by other interests).
The world has changed and, unfortunately in many ways, the changes are not morally, but economically (and politically) motivated.
Dr. K Chandradeva --
Let me just respond to Varman briefly:
You cannot run the health service of the NE with ‘visits’ by the Diaspora. These should only be considered as a solidarity gesture towards our brothers and sisters in the NE. Some people might quite rightly say that this is a ‘showpiece’ exercise.
A decent health service of a nation involves: normalcy (see below), health education, employment, housing, social service, nutrition, sanitation, transport, security, adequate resources, primary & secondary healthcare facilities.
We can enjoy ultimate normalcy only when there is a comprehensive solution to this conflict. However, at present during the CFA there should be at least ‘relative’ normalcy, i.e. the people of the NE should be able to lead their normal lives like every human being entitled to do so. With this in my mind I came up with my proposal simply because there should be some normalcy for our people to prevail. As you know 50% of the Tamil population in the NE has vanished, 60% of the children in the NE are severely malnourished and the socio-economic-healthcare degradation is extremely disturbing. Don’t you feel we have serious problems in our hands? My proposal does involve the participation of the international community and indeed it ought to be an international agreement.
When there is Eelam or FS, there should be people to live on that land. Who wants the empty land? I did not want to offend anyone, nor did I want the disarming of the LTTE under this proposal, not at all. If contributors feel that this proposal ought to be fine tuned or revised, I would very much accept & appreciate...
Varman --
Dr C: I thought you would only respond to a select few. Thanks for your response.
You say: "As you know 50% of the Tamil population in the NE has vanished, 60% of the children in the NE are severely malnourished and the socio-economic-healthcare degradation is extremely disturbing. Don’t you feel we have serious problems in our hands?"
Actually I know things are not good, but I do not know things are this bad. Forgive my ignorance. From where did you get these statistics?
If what you say is accurate, then we have, for sure, a serious humanitarian crisis in our hands. If A9 continues to be shut down, things will get worse to worse off...
Would you kindly post a revised proposal which advances the humanitarian plight of the Tamils? What is your proposal to specifically help with the health, welfare, employment and training situation? Someone in Jaffna told me the other day that he is out of his job as sales rep because the A9 is closed. There are no goods to sell. And he has no social security, no employment insurance to fall back on. The situation is bleak.
By the way could you post your brief profile as well?
Nimal Vee --
We should also be mindful that not all Singalese are racist, but they have come under the darkened influence and Tamil-crucifying psychosis of the Singalam regimes. It is called crowd contagion - as you know, humans are incorrigibly mimetic beings: put it simply, humans mimic or ape what others do. That was the case of Nazi Germany. The cutured and refined German race got pulled into the demented ideology of the Nazis. Individuals may not be racist when you isolate them. But put them in a crowd, their behaviour radically alters. Tamils are not immune from this phenomena.
Dr K Chandradeva --
Hello Varman:
The 50% figure (due to deaths, emigration & displacement) comes from Radhika Cumarasamy who presented it during a formal lecture at a Canadian university early this year. For mentioning the name of RC, I am sure I'll get very hostile postings. I do not agree with her political opinion, indeed I wrote to her about this, however I very much respect for her academic knowledge and achievements.
The 60% figure comes from the UN, released ~3 months ago based on the data collected 12 -18 months ago. I am afraid the incidence of malnutrition could be as high as 80% in the current situation. Severe malnutrition in children is a very, very serious matter: it affects the brain development, growth, educational achievements, resistance to infection and the lifespan which is reduced by 50%. I very much regret to let you know that a large number of children, according to press reports, have been reduced to level of languishing and begging outside the army camps for left-over and discarded food, only to be chased away by the gun-wielding army. You can imagine the gravity of the desperation & calamity. Hunger is a dangerous and effective weapon to oppress, and the GOSL appears to be very happy to use it. What do you expect from people with a Rwandan mindset?
Regarding developing the health service in the NE, we can formulate a strategy in consultation with the Thamileelam Health Service. I would rather to leave to the experts (I am not) to undertake this task.
Do you want my profile? Well, I am an ordinary consultant anaesthetist with a big human face which has been badly bruised since I had my proposal published on this forum!
It's my conviction that without confining the SLAF to their barracks you WILL NEVER achieve normalcy in the NE. In order to achieve this, the LTTE needs to take some initiatives in collaboration with the international community & CC, hence I drafted my proposal. Of course, the international agreement should be robust enough to defend our interests and safety. In this respect we need the brains of people like Prof Ramasamy (sorry I did not realise his identity earlier, my apologies).
I hope & pray that the forthcoming Geneva talks come up with some concrete proposals to bring some normalcy in the NE and I believe that this is the urgent need of the hour.
Nimal --
Dr K Chandradeva, you wrote "Well, I am an ordinary consultant anaesthetist with a big human face which has been badly bruised since I had my proposal published on this forum!"
No offense is intended in the exchanges, but given the gravity of the situation (which you yourself are aware of), niceties can only be secondary. You should, in fact, take it as a plus that people have responded and tried to probe your thinking.
You say "It's my conviction that without confining the SLAF to their barracks you WILL NEVER achieve normalcy in the NE."
This is possibly true.
But the question is whether or not normalcy is at all possible under any circumstances, given the PBUNSE influence, the political opportunism (together with financial kickbacks), and the general unawareness of the masses (who at present believe more or less that 'the Tigers/Kotiyas want to destroy the sacred Buddhist island of Lanka that is under the rightful custodianship of the Sinhala-Buddists, etc').
If, and that is a big IF, that confining is possible then maybe "In order to achieve this, the LTTE needs to take some initiatives in collaboration with the IC & CC."
It is the Ifs and Hows that your proposal needs to spell out, and in such a way that any initiative on the part of the LTTE along the lines you suggest will not be betrayed. What would be the consequences of a betrayal of any initiatives? And who would guarantee it?
Is Mahinda Rajapakse trustworthy?
Dr K Chandradeva --
Nimal, Many thanks for your soothing reply.
I fully agree with you about the PBUNSE factor. I will never want my proposal accepted by the LTTE unless there is a robust international agreement to defend our interests & safety, not at all. I wish to bring to your attention that Prof Ramasamy said that this proposal might go down well with the IC. I reckon that the IC & CC will parade this as their diplomatic triumph. I have no doubt this will give a massive diplomatic boost to the LTTE. However, unless OUR experts say that they can build in necessary and viable safety mechanism, this proposal cannot and should not go ahead.
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