Minority Rights in Sri Lanka: Progress or Blind Spot?

sri_lanka_report_100days Minority Rights in Sri Lanka Progress or Blind Spot

Many problems exist “regarding human rights of the minorities,” in Sri Lanka, concluded the Society for Threatened peoples (STP.)

Société pour les peuples menacésA report on the new regime’s 100 day reform plan, released on Thursday, noted several issues including those of intimidation of Tamil journalists, inadequate resettlement, excessive militarisation of the North-East, inadequate investigation into missing persons, appropriation of rural Tamil community land and fishing rights and the existence of draconian arbitrary detention laws.

See a list of recommendations from the report below.

To Sri Lankan government:
•A credible investigation into the war crimes of all parties following international standards should take place.
•The Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) has to be repealed.
•The investigation into missing persons has to focus on truth and justice rather than on compensation.
•Resettled inhabitants should not be subjected to military encampment.
•Military troops and camps need to de decreased in the North and East.
•Journalists should not be disrupted in their work by the police and security forces.
•Access to sea and land needs to be ensured for the rural communities.

Gesellschaft für bedrohte VölkerTo Swiss and European Union authorities
•Forced deportations of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka should not take place as long as the situation has not fundamentally changed for minorities.
•Switzerland and the European Union have to put pressure on the GoSL to ensure minority rights, address the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and monitor the required improvements.
•Switzerland and the European Union should support the GoSL in the reconciliation process.

To investors and enterprises:
•Investors and enterprises must act with due diligence in their entire value-added chain.
•Investors must make sure that, prior to investment projects, the local population is consulted on an equal footing, has given its approval and that a (binding) agreement has been negotiated with the affected parties concerning mutual obligations

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