Monthly Archives: January 2022

Sumanthiran Charts Way Forward

by Marianne David, The Morning, Colombo, January 8, 2022 No need to reinvent the wheel in constitution making No response on building consensus on previous processes US will take leading role on Sri Lanka at UNHRC once again ‘One Country, One Law’ opposite to promises give to world TNA still awaiting meeting with Prez on… Read more »

Tamil Timing

Coming crack-up, President’s plans and Tamil timing by Dayan Jayatilleke, Daily FT, Colombo, January 6, 2022 … Tamil talks: Last trainThe process of negotiation among the Tamil and Muslim parties over a consensus document to be addressed to India with regard to the Accord and the 13th amendment in light of the coming Constitution, has… Read more »

Obituary: Margaret Trawick Wanted to Retire in the LTTE’s Vanni

by N. Malathy, January 7, 2022 I first heard about Margaret Trawick through the “Tamil Circle” email group during the late 1990’s. This was before internet-based news sites had become common. ‘Tamil Circle” was a way to share news about the homeland. From a university library, I borrowed Margaret’s book cum her PhD thesis, “Notes… Read more »

‘Executive Authoritarianism’ as Sri Lanka’s New Political Normal since COVID-19

by Jayadeva Uyangoda, Social Scientists Association, Colombo.  October 2020 or shortly thereafter The ways in which countries from the global North to the global South have politically managed the unprecedented public health emergency situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has both national and global dimensions, have given rise to much anxiety among democratic… Read more »

Planning the New Year

by Nillanthan on his blog, January 1, 2022 [translated from the Tamil by Google Translate with some edits] What awaits in a new political year? Or what to do? The decision can be a continuation of the last year, so the new year can be planned based on a compiled estimate of the previous year…. Read more »

Activating the Dormant 13th Amendment of 1987

by Thambu Kanagasabai –  Former Lecturer in Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, January 26, 2022 The 1987 13th Amendment, a conceived and delivered baby of India under the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord of 1987 for adoption by Sri Lanka, has been lying in the constitution of Sri Lanka partly implemented and mostly ignored by the… Read more »

Mystery of the Murder of an American Priest in Batticaloa

The truth that came out 30 years later! [translated from the Tamil by Google Translate with some edits] by Niraj David, TamilWin, ~December 15, 2021 His name was Rev Fr. Eugene John Hebert. The locals affectionately call him Father Haybier. He belonged to Congregation of Jesus Christ of America and was a famous human rights… Read more »

The Tamils are the Original Inhabitants of Sri Lanka

by CV. Wigneswaran, Colombo Telegraph, December 16, 2021 C. V. Wigneswaran Someone asked me; We read in the press your response to a question recently. You seem to be making sweeping statements about the Sinhalese. As far as we know the Sinhalese were the original inhabitants of this Island and the Tamils came in the… Read more »

How the Tigers Got Their Stripes

A Case Study of the LTTE’s Rise to Power by Kate Cronin-Furman & Mario Arulthas, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (Special Issue on Consolidation of Nonstate Armed Actors in Fragmented Conflicts), Washington, DC, December 27, 2021 Abstract Over the course of six months in 1986, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) eliminated their rival… Read more »

Memoriam: Prof. Kandiah Balasubramaniam (1932-2021)

by Sachi Sri Kantha, January 1, 2022 Only in last September, I wrote about my memories of student days about Prof. A. A. Hoover and passingly mentioned Prof. Kandiah Balasubramaniam. Then, last November, the news of death of Prof. Balasubramaniam saddened me a lot. He died on November 9th, at the age of 89 in… Read more »