A Review of the ‘Sooriya Puthalvargal’ 2003 Memorial Souvenir

Homage to the Black Tigers

by Sachi Sri Kantha, June 23, 2004

LTTE leader Pirabhakaran has been assigned the [un]flattering accolade as one of the ‘pioneers’ of suicide bombing warfare, by his adversaries and quite a few academic turkeys. In my opinion, quasi scholars like Rohan Gunaratna or, for that matter, Yoram Schweitzer [currently affiliated to the Centre for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University] practice academic incest. They cavalierly transfer intellectual vapors from each other’s communications on institutions like the LTTE, without even bothering to wet their hands either on the history of Eelam territory or on the cultural heritage of the Indian subcontinent.

In a 2001 essay captioned ‘Suicide Bombings: The Ultimate Weapon?,’ Yoram Schweitzer [then affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzlia, Israel] wrote as follows: “It should be pointed out that suicide attacks by terrorists are nothing new; the phenomenon appeared among the Jewish Sicaris in the 1st century, among the Moslem Hashishiyun in the 11th century, and among the Asians in the 18th century,” citing a source identified as “Stephen Fredric Dale, Department of History, Ohio State University.” [source:  www.ict.org.il  website] For these quasi-scholars on suicide warfare, history does not exist before the birth of Christ, circa 2000 years ago.

In my research I found that the real ‘inventor of suicide warfare’ lived nearly 5,000 years ago. He is a venerated name in ancient Hindu codes of warfare, and I believe Pirabhakaran wouldn’t mind dipping his head to that great teacher Guru Dronacharya, who trained both the Pandavas and Kauravas in archery. For reasons such as gratitude, Dronacharya fought on the losing side of Kauravas in that great Mahabharata war, which, according to current scholarship, should have taken place in Kurushetra, India, around 3,000 BC [+/- 250 years]. An international colloquium on the date of the Kurushetra War, based on astronomical data, was held in Bangalore on Jan. 5-6, 2003 [For details, one can check the scholarly research study by physics professor B.N.Narahari Achar; www.hindunet.org/saraswati/colloquium/narahari01.htm]

Thus, my source for the progenitor of suicide warfare is the Mahabharatha epic. The authority is none other than R.K.Narayan – the master story teller and contemporary interpreter of Hindu epics. Following Bhishma’s death, Guru Drona was installed as the Commander in Chief for the Kaurava side in the Kurushetra War between the Pandavas and Kauravas. Yudhistira [also known by the name Dharma] was the eldest of the five Pandava brothers, whose virtue was never to succumb to uttering a lie. Duryodhana, the leader of the Kaurava side, was his prime adversary. Here are the condensed passages describing the suicide warriors, in chapter 15 entitled, ‘Delirium of Destruction’ from Narayan’s commentary of on the Mahabharatha.

“Duryodhana suddenly developed the notion that if Yudhistira could be captured alive, victory would be his. ‘Yudhistira’s capture should have priority’, he ordered Drona. ‘I do not even want a total victory in this war;if I could have Yudhistira in my hold, it would be enough.’ He entertained a hope that he could involve Yudhistira in another gambling bout, exile him again for twelve years, and thus end the war.

Next day, all the Kauravas joined in the attempt to get at Yudhistira. Drona led the sortie personally. As the Pandavas knew of his plan, Yudhistira was strongly guarded at all hours of the day and night. Yudhistira repulsed a well-mounted attack by Drona with some special astras, and then Arjuna appeared and dispersed the attacking body. Drona confessed, ‘As long as Arjuna is there we can never take Yudhistira. Something must be done to divert him and draw him away.’

In order to attract Arjuna’s attention, the Chief of Trigarta formed a suicide squad. A body of men, clad in a fabric woven of dharba grass, performed funeral obsequies for themselves and took a deadly oath before a roaring scared fire – ‘We will either kill Arjuna or be killed.’ Marching southward, which was the direction of the world of Yama, they uttered loud challenges to their foe. Arjuna heard them and announced, ‘I must go now. It is my duty to accept the challenge.’

Yudhistira cautioned him, ‘You are aware of Drona’s plans to capture me. Remember this.’ Arjuna left a strong guard for Yudhistira and hurried away. Krishna drove Arjuna’s chariot into the midst of the Trigarta force. At first they were hemmed in by the suicide squad, but soon it scattered away before Arjuna’s hail of arrows…” [R.K.Narayan: The Mahabharata – A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic, Penguin Books, London, 1978, pp.151-166]

There you have it, from an impeccable source and from an Indian scholar. Suicide warfare is as old as the Mahabharata war. Narayan’s version, as the title of the book states is ‘a shortened modern prose version,’ though he specifically had mentioned in his Introduction, “I have omitted none of the episodes relevant to the destinies of the chief characters. I have kept myself to the mainstream and held my version within readable limits.” Thus, it can be inferred that in the sanskrit original of the Mahabharata epic, there may be more details on the suicide squad of the Kaurava side.

Late last year, I received a copy of Sooriya Puthalvargal, Memorial Souvenir 2003, a 96 page book, published by the LTTE’s International Secretariat. It was a much and long awaited book for me. It contained the basic details [in the Tamil language] of the 240 Black Tigers of the LTTE, who became benefactors of Eelam Tamils by performing [or on the verge of attempting] the most daring military manueuvers in contemporary warfare. These were the contemporary practitioners of the altruistic suicidal act in the battlegrounds of Ceylon perfected by Guru Drona in the Battle of Kurushetra nearly 5,000 years ago.

In 30 glossy pages, 239 young faces of men and women greeted me. Some were smiling, some were stern-looking, and some even appeared aloof [a camouflage of course!] to the camera. Their blood and flesh had been spilled in land, sea, trenches and pits. But they were not brainless, as some academic turkeys and spineless hacks have painted them to be. All were superheroes of a higher order for Tamils like me. They belong to my extended family, and they are the real things, unlike the glib Holywood-generated entertainment icons like Rambo and te Terminator. Their nom de guerres were arresting and captivating. Some carried two nom de guerres. They had their origins in the four corners of the North Eelam [Kankesanthurai, Valvettithurai and Paruthithurai], South Eelam [Amparai], East Eelam [Mutur] and West Eelam [Vankalai] and also in the central Eelam [Kilinochchi-Vavuniya]. One even had an origin in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu.

Many Tamils may be familiar with the name of the first Black Tiger Captain Miller, whose birth name was Vallipuram Vasanthan, from Thunnalai, Karaveddi [achieved martyrdom on July 5, 1987]. Few may know the name of the first woman Black Tiger, Captain Angayarkanni, whose birth name was Pushpakala Thuraisingam from Velanai [achieved martyrdom on August 10, 1994]. But each of the remaining 238 Black Tigers presented in the Sooriya Puthalvargal 2003 memorial souvenir remain as heroes of the Eelam struggle. I have noticed that a few nom de guerres of Black Tigers [especially the fifth in the chronological order of martyrdom, Lieut.Col.Borg] have been deliberately debased in the chauvinist Sinhala websites as Lieut.Col.Pork. He is from Omanthai town. His birth name was Mapanapillai Arasaratnam. One can wonder whether, from his choice of nom de guerre Borg [after Swedish tennis great Bjorn Borg], he had a liking for tennis. Lieut.Col.Borg was the Tamil hero who blasted the then-existing Mankulam army camp on November 23, 1990. The birth and martyrdom statistics and a few other demographic and numerical details provided in the memorial souvenir– hitherto unrevealed, and subjected to dubious speculations – clarified to me some of the mysteries about the Black Tigers of the LTTE. I’ll present them in a sequel to this essay.

I had listened to the heart-throbbing marching song of the Black Tigers, ‘Karum Puli Enroru Peyar Kondu,’ on the CD. There have been many songs which extol the bravery of the Black Tigers. But this particular song was written in the format that it was being sung by the Black Tigers. To be frank, even when I hum the short sixteen lines of that song, I get goose flesh. So, powerful and touching were the lyrics of this song. The lyricist’s choice use of hard palatal Tamil alphabets called vallinam (ka, sa, da, tha, pa and ra series) was elegantly enthralling. When I saw the photos of nearly 240 brave men and women, I felt linked with them via this particular song, and grasped a little of how their legs would have moved towards their attack targets, with the triumphant tempo of that marching song. For the benefit of Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, who has communicated to me an academic interest in studying the minds of these Black Tigers, I translated this particular marching song into English. Both the Tamil original and the English translation are given below.

The Marching Song of Black Tigers [Tamil Original]

Karum Puli enroru peyar kondu –

Kadum pahai thakarkira vedi kondu

Perum padai ani inri pohinrom –

engal Uyiraale pahai venru saahinrom.

Engalin saavoru varalaaru –

athil Ezhuthiya verrigal pala nooru

Ingithu pol veeram verillai –

uyir Eethale arathukku mel ellai.

Thappamal kuri mothum ninaivoodu selvom –

Than maana chinam kondu ethiriyai kolvom

Em makkal vaazhvukkaai naam ingu saavom –

Iranthaalum thamil nenjil naam vaazhuvom.

Thalaivanin thaazh vaazhthi idi pola paaivom –

Thamil Eelam meedengu kodiyahi veezhvom

Nilaiyaha thai mannil puli kodi aadum –

Niraivaana puhazh senru ulagathai moodum.

I feel that the most touching, and most distinguishing lines are the fourth ones in each of the stanzas: (1) engal Uyiraale pahai venru saahinrom. (2) uyir Eethale arathukku mel ellai. (3) Iranthaalum thamil nenjil naam vaazhuvom. (4) Niraivaana puhazh senru ulagathai moodum.

[English Translation of Black Tigers’ Marching Song]

With the name of Black Tigers – would’u see –

With a bomb which’d blast the strong enemy

We march without a battalion army-

We die by routing our adversary

Our deaths are of exceptional history –

In them are written hundreds of victories

There ain’t a thing like this bravery –

Life gift – the max limit in philanthropy

Marching with thoughts of not missing our aim –

With prideful anger –we kill the enemy

We die now – for our folks to enjoy their lives –

In Tamil hearts – even in death we still live.

Greeting the Leader’s feet – like thunder we blast –

Waving like a flag – for Tamil Eelam to stand

The Tiger flag will sway strong in the Motherland –

Glory will engulf the bands.

As the translator, I add that my English translation of this marching song of Black Tigers, is a poor substitute to the Tamil original. Nevertheless, I propose that on July 5, Tamils can pay respect to the 240 listed Tamil Black Tiger martyrs identified in the memorial souvenir [and also quite a number who are yet to be openly identified in this honor roll] by humming the marching song for a moment or two.

The souvenir book also records that among the 240 martyrs identified, 26 [17 men and 9 women] Black Tigers died in accidents during training and set up, ahead of their day of action. The number of accidental deaths among the Tamil Black Tiger martyrs for the years 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2001 were 9, 9, 3 and 5 resepctively. One old saw notes, ‘We can wake up a sleeping person, but not one who is pretending to sleep’.

I think that in the now fashionable field of ‘terrorism studies’, quite a number – Bruce Hoffmans, Rajan Hooles, B.Ramans, Rohan Gunaratnas and Yoram Schweitzers – belong to the pretender category. On the contrary, there are also academics who belong to the sleeping category. To increase the awareness of the latter category, I present the available basic information on the 240 Tamil Tigers who are celebrated as heroes for their altruistic deeds for Tamil nationalism.

The List of 240 Eelam Tamil Black Tiger Martyrs

[in chronological sequence of martyrdom, July 1987- November 2001;

SourceSooriya Puthalvargal 2003-LTTE’s Memorial Souvenir (2003), pp.20-49]


Nom de guerre [Birth name] /Native Place                   Date of Birth Date of Martyrdom


Note: Women tiger martyrs [from 1994 onwards] are identified with an asterisk following the birth name.


  1. Capt.Miller [Vallipuram Vasanthan] /Karaveddi                   01 jan 1966 05 jul 1987


  1. Maj.Kantharupan [Yogarajah Koneswaran]/Valvettithurai    09 oct 1971  10 jul 1990
  2. Capt.Vinoth [Velupillai Thilagarajah]/Valvettithurai             19 aug 1970 10 jul 1990
  3. Capt.Collins [Fernando Sylvester] /Mannar                        05 dec 1969 10 jul 1990
  4. Lt.Col.Borg [Mapanapillai Arasaratnam]/Omanthai              11 nov 1959 23 nov 1990


  1. Major Dambo [Kasipillai Thayaparan]/Mannar                    17 aug 1967 19 mar 1991
  2. Capt.Jeyanthan [Sampukutty Pathmanathan]/ Batticaloa                ???? 04 may 1991
  3. Capt.Sithamparam [Periyathamby Chandran]/Valvettithurai 20 dec 1972 04 may 1991


  1. Major Nilavan/Varathan [Kanthasamy Ramachandran]/Batticaloa19 jul 1974 26 aug 1993
  2. Capt.Mathan [Seenivasagam Sivakumar]/Batticaloa                 07 sep 1975 26 aug 1993
  3. Major Puhalarasan/Puvindran [Subramaniam Nagatheepan]/Ariyalai 15 nov 1975 29 aug 1993
  4. Capt.Maniarasan [Vethanayagam Rajaruban]/ Kudathanai       22 oct 1973 29 aug 1993
  5. Major Ganesh [Naganathi Sivanesan]/Puttur West                   26 jan 1973 11 nov 1993
  6. Major Kalaialagan [Ponniah Perinbarajah]/Batticaloa               22 nov 1969 11 nov 1993
  7. Capt.Mathinilavan [Kanapathipillai Thavarajah]/Trincomalee    09 sep 1975 11 nov 1993
  8. Major Thondaman [Kannappar Nallathambi]/Batticaloa            21 dec 1971 11 nov 1993
  9. Lieut.Kannan [Navaratnam Nesakulenthiran]/Thalaiyadi           24 jun 1974 11 nov 1993
  10. Capt.Karikalan [Ratnasingham Arulanantham]/Thampalakamam  24 nov 1973 11 nov 1993
  11. Capt.Sivalogan [Sinnathamby Arulanantham]/Kokkadicholai    05 jun 1973 11 nov 1993
  12. Capt.Seeralan [Gnanapragasam Angel]/Murungan                   01 jul 1975 11 nov 1993
  13. Capt.Senthamil Nambi [Sellathurai Jegan]/Kopay                                  ?? 11 nov 1993
  14. Capt.Aiyanar [Selvanayagam Rajasekaram]/Vaddukoddai      26 dec 1972 11 nov 1993
  15. Lieut.Nallathamby [Thangarajah Kokulanathan]/Kokkadicholai               ?? 11 nov 1993
  16. Lieut.Jeevaranjan [Krishnapillai Murugupillai]/Batticaloa          26 dec 1972 11 nov 1993
  17. Lieut.Veeramani [Deivendram Suthakar]/Vaddukoddai           09 aug 1976 11 nov 1993
  18. Lieut.Sengannan [Thanushkodi Senthurapandian]/Sivakasi-India 25 jan 1975 11 nov 1993


  1. Major Thilagan [Subbiah Raj]/Batticaloa                                 20 jun 1975 02 aug 1994
  2. Major Jeyam [Kunanayagam Thevarajah]/Mutur                    05 mar 1976 02 aug 1994
  3. Capt.Thiru [Konamalai Mukunthan]/Amparai                           21 apr 1974 02 aug 1994
  4. Capt.Navaratnam [Sirankot Leppert Anthonydas]/Vavuniya     22 sep 1977 02 aug 1994
  5. Lieut.Rangan [Kunamalai Rasikumar]/Kilinochchi                     09 feb 1976 02 aug 1994
  6. Capt.Angaiyarkanni [Pushpakala Thuraisingham]*/Velanai     10 may 1973 10 aug 1994
  7. Lieut.Col.Nalayini [Pathmavathy Arumugam]*/Valvettithurai     07 jan 1972 19 sept 1994
  8. Major Mangai [Puvanesvary Kanapathipillai]*/Mulliyan-Jaffna   16 dec 1965 19 sept 1994
  9. Capt.Vaman/Thuyamani [Kandasamy Ravinayagam]/Batticaloa 22 aug 1974 19 sept 1994
  10. Capt.Lakshman [Kugathasan Pranavan]/Jaffna                         05 jul 1974 19 sept 1994
  11. Major Nithi [Santhanam Yogeswaran]/Nagarkoil                       05 oct 1971 08 nov 1994
  12. Major Kumanan/Gopi [Subramaniam Selvalingam]/Mannar       06 jun 1973 12 nov 1994


  1. Major Mathusa [Rajalakshmi Murugesu]*/Tiriyai-Trincomalee  25 may 1975 19 april 1995
  2. Major Kathiravan [Govindan Sivarajah]/Paranthan                    26 jul 1973 19 april 1995
  3. Major Thanigaimaran [Anton Benedict]/Kaddaikadu-Jaffna        28 jun 1970 19 april 1995
  4. Captain Shantha [Vijayathevi Sivasubramaniam]*/Punguduthivu25 aug 1975 19 april 1995
  5. Major Thangan [Veeraiah Mailvaganam]/Badulla                      01 jan 1975 16 july 1995
  6. Major Senthalan [Francis Douglas]/Gurunagar                         17 nov 1974 16 july 1995
  7. Captain Thamilini [Kanimozhi Sivapragasam]*/Valvettithurai    30 dec 1974 16 july 1995
  8. Major Kannalan [Vinayagam Elaiyathambi]/Valaichenai           03 may 1973 03 sept 1995
  9. Major Nagulan/Thoman [Kandiah Krishnadas]/Gurunagar           31 jul 1973 03 sept 1995
  10. Captain Aruljothi [Shyamala Muthulingam]*/Chundikuli           11 may 1976 10 sept 1995
  11. Major Kirthi [Vallipuram Naguleswaran]/Palai                           04 sep 1975 20 sept 1995
  12. Captain Siva [Krishnapillai Mohanadas]/Mandaithivu                  01 jan 1976 20 sept 1995
  13. Major Anbu/Anthaman [Ramasamy Rajbhavan]/Alvai west         22 jan 1975 20 sept 1995
  14. Captain Sevvanam [Sumathi Krishnapillai]*/Chulipuram            22 jan 1974 20 sept 1995
  15. Major Arumai [Sellathurai Vijayananthan]/Kilinochchi                23 dec 1972 02 oct 1995
  16. Captain Thanigai [Vathana Kanapathipillai]*/Jaffna                     13 jul 1976 02 oct 1995
  17. Major Sivasunthar [Chitravel Ramachandran]/Uppuveli              12 dec 1974 17 oct 1995
  18. Captain Ruban [Subramaniam Sutharsan]/Chengaladi-Batticaloa  09 jul 1973 17 oct 1995
  19. Captain Sivagami [Rajakumari Shanmugalingam]*/Nagarkoil      01 jan 1975  17 oct 1995
  20. Captain Siraivasan/Dilip [Narayanapillai Vigneswaran]/Kokkuvil  19 sep 1974 29 oct 1995
  21. Captain Agathi [Ramanathan Nadarajah]/Kalmunai                     25 oct 1970 29 oct 1995
  22. Captain Jeevan/Thinakaran [Kanapathipillai Ramaneswaran]/Batticaloa 01 jan 1971 29 oct 1995
  23. Captain Eelavan [Thiruchelvam Robertson]/Manipay                    23 jul 1973 29 oct 1995
  24. Venuthas [Kanthapodi Tharuman]/Kokkadicholai                        22 jan 1973 29 oct 1995
  25. Lieut.Nalinan/Govindan [Tisanayagam Udayadasan]/Thambiluvil  27 nov 1976 29 oct 1995
  26. Lieut.Kalaichelvan [Arumugam Chandrakumar]/Avisawela          13 aug 1974 29 oct 1995
  27. Lieut.Thondan [Rajaratnam Krishnaraj]/Chavakachcheri             16 apr 1976 29 oct 1995
  28. Lieut.Thangathurai/Ragulan [Seevaratnam Kantharupan]/Vasavilan 02 aug 1976 29 oct 1995
  29. Lieut.Sasikumar [Selvarajah Robinson]/Eluthumadduval              05 jun 1977 29 oct 1995
  30. 2ndLieut.Isaichelvan [Nagarajah Shanmugasilan]/Pandatharippu 01 jan 1978 29 oct 1995
  31. Major Dineshkumar/Rangan [Justin Jude Nevil]/Valaichenai         03 sep 1973 05 dec 1995


  1. Lieut.Col.Mathan/Sothithambi [Yogachandran Rathiskumar] Valvettithurai 12 may 1978 13 feb 1996
  2. Major Venkai [Soosaipillai Selvakumar]/Valvettithurai                  29 dec 1967 13 feb 1996
  3. Major Jeganathan [Sangarapillai Thavarajah]/Poonagari                08 oct 1972 30 march 1996
  4. Captain Ilaiyaval [Rajamalar Rajalingam]*/Kannakipuram             31 oct 1974 30 march 1996
  5. Major Poyyamozhi [Viswasam Daniel]/Kumpurupitty                    23 may 1971 12 april 1996
  6. Lieut.Col.Prathapan/Rathees [Arumaichandran Senthilkumar]/Valvettithurai 01 aug 1974 12 april 1996
  7. Major Janarthanan/Veenaikodiyon [Sittampalam Krishnadas]/Kankesanthurai 21 dec 1971 12 april 1996
  8. Major Thennamuthan/Paran [Nagendran Thangarajah]/Point Pedro 25 sep 1975 12 april 1996
  9. Major Valanadan/Pavas [Thiruchelvam Claimant]/Alvai west          28 aug 1975  12 april 1996
  10. Major Rathan [Velupillai Surenrajan]/Chelvanayakapuram-Trincomalee 23 dec 1972 12 april 1996
  11. Captain Subas [Marimuthu Vasanthakumar]/Thampalakamam        28 jan 1974 12 april 1996
  12. Captain Mathani [Theivananthini Kanapathipillai]*/Vettilaikeni        20 nov 1976 12 april 1996
  13. Captain Vikki [Sumathi Rasaratnam]*/Thalaiyadi                          14 apr 1975 12 april 1996
  14. Major Jeevaranjan/Ilango [Ponniah Thamilselvan]/Omanthai         21 mar 1974 11 june 1996
  15. Major Kannapiran/Abdulla [Samithambi Pulendran]/Amparai           01 jan 1974 19 july 1996
  16. Major Sellapillai [Ramalingam Selvarajah]/Vankalai                       08 aug 1973 19 july 1996
  17. Major Parthipan/Vethamani [Ulaganathan Ramesh]/Point Pedro        22 jul 1977 19 july 1996
  18. Major Pathuman [Ananthamayil Balamurali]/Nagarkoil north            18 jun 1976 19 july 1996
  19. Major Sudaroli [Ratnamalar Sebamalai]*/Mathahal                         20 nov 1972 19 july 1996
  20. Major Mithubalan [Vetharanyam Jeyakanthan]/Jaffna                     23 may 1975 21 july 1996
  21. Captain Sayanthan [Thambipillai Rasaratnam]/Akkaraipatru            23 apr 1972 21 july 1996
  22. Major Nalinan [Theivendran Yogeswaran]/Mutur                              12 dec 1975 25 oct 1996
  23. Captain Jeyaraj/Periyathambi [Kanthasamy Gopalakrishnan]/Karainagar 02 apr 1975 25 oct 1996
  24. Major Bharathi [Kamalarani Veeragathy]*/Nagarkoil                         30 sep 1972 11 nov 1996
  25. Captain Innisai [Sumathi Rasathurai]*/Vetrilaikeni                          19 oct 1977 11 nov 1996
  26. Captain Malika [Selvarani Arumugam]*/Alvai north                        05 nov 1974 08 dec 1996


  1. Major Sittampalam Kumar [Rajendram Sathayakumar]/Suthumalai 23 jul 1974 06 march 1997
  2. Captain Niventhan [Subramaniam Subeswaran]/Battiacaloa          19 sep 1978 06 march 1997
  3. Captain Vijaruban [Kanthasamy Sivagunam]/Batticaloa                 13 feb 1975 06 march 1997
  4. Major Thamilmaran [Rasiah Mathiyalagan]/Jaffna                         08 may 1976 24 march 1997
  5. Major Mathees/Naavannan [Kanthiah Murugaiah]/Kilinochchi         15 oct 1972  24 march 1997
  6. Captain Kalaivalli [Saseenthira Arumugam]*/Arali east                 29 jun 1976 24 march 1997
  7. Captain Vaanathi [Kalaivani Rasiah]*/Kilinochchi                          28 apr 1977 24 march 1997
  8. Major Anbu [Muthuvel Ravichandran]/Murunkan                            06 oct 1973 27 may 1997
  9. Major Ilamahan [Tharmalingam Thirukanesan]/Batticaloa             12 mar 1973 27 may 1997
  10. Major Valampuri [Pushpavathi Kailasapillai]*/Anuradhapuram        18 jan 1977 27 may 1997
  11. Major Vinotha [Vijayakumari Thevasigamani]*/Valvettithurai         09 nov 1976 27 may 1997
  12. Major Chandra [Maria Corotty Thamby Sebastian]*/Gurunagar       9 dec 1975  27 may 1997
  13. Captain Suthahar [Kanagasabai Arul]/Batticaloa                       26 apr 1976 27 may 1997
  14. Captain Arularasan [Thangarajah Thiyagarajah]/Batticaloa       27 mar 1977 27 may 1997
  15. Captain Sitha [Balasingam Sitruban]/Chulipuram                      10 nov 1969 27 may 1997
  16. Major Nithan/Parvathan [Manikkam Arulrajah]/Kokkadicholai      26 jan 1970  10 june 1997
  17. Major Yalini [Ragini Sivasubramaniam]*/Urumpirai                     05 feb 1971 10 june 1997
  18. Captain Sathuriyan [Nadarajah Arasaratnam]/Batticaloa             01 jan 1977 10 june 1997
  19. Captain Balan [Somasundaram Thileepan]/Amparai                   03 sep 1974 28 june 1997
  20. Major Sri/Thirumaran [Kanesapillai Ravichandran]/Jaffna            05 sep 1970 18 oct 1997
  21. Captain Sinnavan [Nandagopal Suresh]/Kokkuvil                        25 jun 1976 18 oct 1997


  1. Lieut.Col.Subesan/Killivalavan [Marusalim Alvin]/Murunkan           02 jul 1971  01 feb 1998
  2. Major Kumuthan [Mailvaganam Inbarajan]/Manipay                     30 oct 1972 01 feb 1998
  3. Major Aasa [Sivayamuna Velupillai]*/Jaffna                               11 nov 1976 01 feb 1998
  4. Major Mangai [Nesamalar Ratnasingam]*/Kilinochchi                  28 mar 1974 01 feb 1998
  5. Major Jeyarani [Shanthi Nadarajah]*/Jaffna                                18 dec 1973 01 feb 1998
  6. Captain Kumanan [Jeganathan Ravichandran]/Mannar                 19 sep 1978 01 feb 1998
  7. Captain Nediyon [Kulendran Gnanasankar]/Tellipalai                  04 aug 1975 01 feb 1998
  8. Captain Arul [Ambikapathi Arulsothi]/Jaffna                                18 nov 1978 01 feb 1998
  9. Captain Inthu [Punitha Kandiah]*/Akkaraipatru                          04 dec 1978 01 feb 1998
  10. Captain Senkathir [Jeyanthira Jeyaratnam]*/Vasavilan                               ?? 01 feb 1998
  11. Captain Nalayini [Kokila Palani]*/Nedunkeni                                 12 oct 1979 01 feb 1998
  12. Captain Nala [Perumal Kalainithi]/Kollankaladdy                           26 jul 1978 01 feb 1998
  13. Captain Umaiyal [Pushparani Sellathurai]*/Eluthumadduval                       ?? 01 feb 1998
  14. Lieut.Col.Karan [Balasundaram Gopalakrishnan]/Polonnaruwa    07 may 1972 22 feb 1998
  15. Major Thamiliniyan [Nadarajah Kirubakaran]/Jaffna                    24 nov 1974 22 feb 1998
  16. Major Sulasan [Nadarajah Kirubakaran]/Mutur                              05 jul 1974 22 feb 1998
  17. Major Kumaresan [Thurairajah Selvakumar]/Vavuniya                 05 feb 1975 22 feb 1998
  18. Major Valluvan [Selvarajah Thavarajah]/Kankesanthurai              14 jan 1976 22 feb 1998
  19. Major Thamilmangai [Sathiyavani Thurairajah]*/Poonagari        03 aug 1973 22 feb 1998
  20. Major Morris/Thamilinpan [Tharmabalasingam Thayaparan]/Karainagar19 jun 1976 22 feb 1998
  21. Captain Janarthani [Suhanthi Kailayanathan]*/Mullaitivu              01 dec 1977 22 feb 1998
  22. Captain Nangai [Kausala Patturajah]*/Koddadi                          28 may 1977 22 feb 1998
  23. Captain Vanitha [Pushparani Kandiah]*/Nedunkeni                     30 aug 1977 22 feb 1998
  24. Captain Mehala [Thamayanthi Thavarajah]*/Valvettithurai           08 feb 1971 22 feb 1998
  25. Captain Isaiyalan [Sutharaj Raviraj]/Kilinochchi                        07 sep 1978 11 march 1998
  26. Captain Gopi [Sebastian Augustine]/Nuwara Eliya                      07 jan 1978 11 march 1998
  27. Captain Eelavan/Eelaventhan [Arumugam Veerasingam]/Jaffna 15 mar 1978 18 april 1998
  28. Captain Poongulali [Sinnamalar Saminathan]*/Nedunthivu         08 aug 1976 18 april 1998
  29. Major Nilavan [Sooriyakumar Thileepan]/Kopay north                20 nov 1976 14 oct 1998


  1. Major Navaniban/Isaiyalan [Mariyanayagam Jeyasilan]/Eluthumadduval07 apr 1978 10 march 1999
  2. Captain Tholan/Thiruchelvan [Subramaniam Rajkumar]/Mullaitivu 30 nov 1979 10 march 1999
  3. Captain Veeramani [Kanapathipillai Kathirgamanathan]/Kantharmadam08 aug 1974 12 april 1999
  4. Major Arasappan [Mailvaganam Arulchelvan]/Batticaloa               06 nov 1978 29 may 1999
  5. Major Ratnatharan [Kumarasamy Anantha]/Kaluvanchikudi           05 apr 1975 09 aug 1999
  6. Lieut.Col.Neethiappan [Veerabahu Sivaneswaran]/Trincomalee      15 oct 1977 15 aug 1999
  7. Major Ezhilventhan/Anthaman [Vadivel Senthilkumar]/Batticaloa     17 jul 1978 15 aug 1999
  8. Major Ravi/Viduthalai [Kandiah Selvam]/Jaffna                             21 apr 1971 26 sept 1999
  9. Major Umesan/Cheliyan [Thangavel Ananthakumar]/Vavuniya      10 mar 1977 26 sept 1999
  10. Major Nathaveni [Anusha Nagendram]*/Mayiliddi                          21 dec 1978 26 sept 1999
  11. Lieut.Col.Arunthavam [Krishnapillai Uthayakumar]/Batticaloa         09 nov 1974 14 oct 1999
  12. Lieut.Col.Palaniappan/Puvanendran [Rangiah Yogendran]/Vavuni10 aug 1971 14 oct 1999
  13. Major Parani/Gopi [Suriyayogananthan Amarnath]/Mayiliddy          14 nov 1971 14 oct 1999
  14. Major Kalaimagal [Kalaimathi Ariyakutti]*/Atchuvely south              21 jul 1972 14 oct 1999
  15. Major Suriyaprabha [Jansirani Alphonse Rajah]*/Ilavalai                 01 jun 1972 14 oct 1999
  16. Captain Suthaharan/Sutha [Rasanayagam Prasanna]/Nallur            28 nov 1980 14 oct 1999
  17. Major Muthumani [Sivakaveri Kumarasamy]*/Jaffna                      10 jun 1975 04 nov 1999
  18. Major Arulan [Nanthagopal Dhusyanthan]/Anaikottai                       06 oct 1977 05 nov 1999
  19. Major Sasi [Suhanthini Rasaratnam]*/Sanganai west                      08 apr 1978 05 nov 1999
  20. Major Senkathirvanan [Nadarajah Rameswaran]/Trincomalee        23 dec 1972 29 nov 1999
  21. Lieut.Col.Sivaruban/Karvannan [Sivanesan Sivapackiyanathan]/Mirisuvil07 apr 1975 08 dec 1999
  22. Major Rangan/Yalventhan [Kathiravel Jeyaram]/Karainagar            19 jun 1971 08 dec 1999
  23. Major Isaikon [Sivasamy Suhanthan]/Point Pedro                        08 may 1978 08 dec 1999
  24. Captain Kaanavan [Sivagnanam Sivakumar]/Mullaitivu                 25 mar 1977 08 dec 1999
  25. Major Cheliyan [Mahendrarajah Balamurali]/Valvettithurai               30 jul 1974 11 dec 1999
  26. Major Athithan [Palaniyandi Suthaharan]/Puthukudiyiruppu             26 nov 1979 25 dec 1999
  27. Major Nanthan [Dharmarajah Dayaparan]/Paranthan                     19 aug 1978 25 dec 1999
  28. Major Meena [Menaka Nadarajah]*/Varani                                   23 dec 1978 25 dec 1999
  29. Captain Nagarani [Rohini Arumainayagam]*/Kokkuvil                   19 may 1977 25 dec 1999
  30. Captain Arivarasan/Arivu [Muthulingam Janakan]/Velanai west        07 sep 1978 30 dec 1999


  1. Major Ruban [Seenivasan Sivananthan]/Kiran                                07 feb 1977 01 feb 2000
  2. Major Bharathan [Sathasivam Chandrakumar]/Amparai                27 jul 1974 12 march 2000
  3. Major Mathan [Sithamparanathan Sivajinathan]/Mutur                29 jan 1979 12 march 2000
  4. Captain Dinesh [Vairavanathan Gajananan]/Kankesanthurai       23 may 1977 12 march 2000
  5. Captain Major Thanusan [Thangarajah Lankeswaran]/Mutur       25 nov 1974 26 march 2000
  6. Major Suthajini [Jeyasuki Theivendrapillai]*/Varani                    03 feb 1976 26 march 2000
  7. Major Malarvizhi [Sangeetha Balakrishnan]*/Vannarpannai          24 oct 1975 31 march 2000
  8. Major Andhra/Nayagam [Muhunthini Vinayagamurthy]*/Thalaiyadi03 mar 1977 31 march 2000
  9. Major Sathya/Sasi [Muhunthini Krishnamurthy]*/Nelliady             06 dec 197831 march 2000
  10. Major Arivukumaran [Kumaravel Ketheesan]/Vavuniya               15 feb 1973 11 april 2000
  11. Major Maraichelvan [Selvarajah Rajanikanthan]/Vavuniya          03 may 198110 may 2000
  12. Major Reegajivan [Sivarajah Kalaikumar]/Karaithivu-Batticaloa     29 sep 197820 may 2000
  13. Major Kumazhavan [Sivapragasam Lusakaran]/Batticaloa             12 sep 198022 may 2000
  14. Major Satha [Kanagambikai Manikkam]*/Mallavi                        14 may 197625 may 2000
  15. Lieut.Col.Gnaneswaran/Gnanakumar [Alagapodi Vinayagamurthy]/Batticaloa30 dec 1976 26 june 2000
  16. Major Sooran [Rajadurai Ravindran]/Poonagari                             31 aug 197426 june 2000
  17. Major Nallappan [Velupiilai Rajan]/Kalviyankadu                          06 may 197126 june 2000
  18. Major Santhana [Kavitha Kunasingam]*/Mayiliddi                         14 feb 197326 june 2000
  19. Captain Ilamathi [Jeyachitra Kanaganayagampillai]*/Velanai west   18 sep 197526 june 2000
  20. Captain Bhamini [Vijayalakshmy Pararajasingam]*/Karainagar        13 feb 197526 june 2000
  21. Captain Jeyanjali [Indradevi Ramaiah]*/Thalaiyadi                         13 jan 1979 03 july 2000
  22. Major Srivani [Shanthi Sinnathambi]*/Batticaloa                            23 nov 197505 july 2000
  23. Major Thisaiyarasi [Sellam Sellasami]*/Thalaiyadi                         17 mar 197215 aug 2000
  24. Captain Thamilkumaran [Sinnakuddi Sathisvaratharajah]/Puttur east05 jan 197810 sept 2000
  25. Lieut.Col.Reji/Ilango [Manikkam Ramesh]/Amparai                       14 jun 197323 oct 2000
  26. Major Rosman/Ganesh [Thevarajah Ravindrarajah]/Trincomalee        01 apr 197223 oct 2000
  27. Major Nithi/Cholavengai [Rasiah Jegan]/Vavuniya                           25 jun 197723 oct 2000
  28. Major Mayuran [Kandasamy Prakash]/Chunnakam                           07 jul 197823 oct 2000
  29. Major Thirumaran [Jeyam Sinatharan]/Puttur                                 25 mar 198023 oct 2000
  30. Major Nitharsan [Thiyagarajah Thiyagendran]/Mullaitivu                  09 aug 1978 23 oct 2000
  31. Major Varman [Vadivel Thangathurai]/Kaluvanchikudi                      25 dec 197724 oct 2000
  32. Major Sobithan [Thuraisamy Jeevakanapathy]/Vavuniya                  27 nov 197324 oct 2000
  33. Captain Chandrababu [Kumarapodi Lingarajah]/Kokkadicholai          01 jan 198024 oct 2000
  34. Lieut.Col.Irumporai/Salman [Sivalingam Sivaayngaran]/Poonakari   19 mar 197101 nov 2000
  35. Major Sathasivam [Pillaiyan Thiruchelvam]/Batticaloa                     08 aug 197802 nov 2000
  36. Lieut.Col.Kathirgamaruban [Kanagananthan Ananthakrishnan]/Point Pedro25 jan 197602 nov 2000
  37. Major Ilakiyan [Sivagami Karikaran]/Mullaitivu                                12 apr 198002 nov 2000
  38. Major Kumaravel [Subramaniam Sutharsan]/Kantharmadam            25 jan 197802 nov 2000
  39. Captain Vallavan [Navaneethan Pathmalathan]/Kaithadi                 13 feb 198002 nov 2000
  40. Lieut.Col.Naresh [Murugesu Premakumar]/Point Pedro                   14 jan 197403 nov 2000
  41. Major Sudarmani/Senkathir [Sivarajah Sritharan]/Palai                  21 jun 197703 nov 2000


  1. Captain Kasturi/Poongathir [Bhavani Nallanathan]*/Nedunkeni        30 mar 198021 feb 2001
  2. Captain Viduthalai [Indirani Kandiah]*/Thalaiyadi                           11 apr 197521 feb 2001
  3. Lieut.Col.Anon/Arulchelvan [Sithamparapillai Sivakumar]/Nedunkeni28 dec 197116 march 2001
  4. Major Kanthi [Jerin Sodadeyu]*/Mannar                                      26 sep 197516 march 2001
  5. Major Aruna/Sutha [Thavachelvi Kulasingam]*/Chavakachcheri    03 jun 196916 march 2001
  6. Major Nithya [Dayalini Selvarajah]*/Point Pedro                           13 jul 197716 march 2001
  7. Major Kanthan [Mahadevan Suthakaran]/Manal Aru                    21 may 197629 march 2001
  8. Captain Vahaisoodi [Mariyanayagam Dilip Stephen]/Ilavalai          12 oct 197629 march 2001
  9. Captain Rahulan [Herath Banda Krishnakumar]/Paranthan             28 mar 198404 aug 2001
  10. Captain Karikalan [Poologasingam Pushpakanthan]/Mulliyavalai      01 sep 198004 aug 2001
  11. Major Kumaravel/Mathi [Krishnapillai Sivakumar]/Jaffna                 08 sep 197201 sept 2001
  12. Major Osai/Iniyavan [Ratnam Rajkumar]/Ariyalai                        07 may 198115 sept 2001
  13. Captain Thamiliniyan/Poraiarasan [Selvaratnam Yogeswaran]/Kudathanai east26 apr 198215 sept 2001
  14. Major Sivakaran/Nallamuthu [Karthigesu Senthilkumar]/Columbuthurai 17 jul 197523 sept 2001
  15. Captain Pulimagal [Yasotha Muthulingam]*/Udaiyarkaddu                13 apr 1982 23 sept 2001
  16. Captain Anbukiniyan [Namasivayam Sivaruban]/Point Pedro            25 sep 197815 oct 2001
  17. Major Rosa [Karpukarasi Ganesan]*/Karainagar                              06 oct 198021 oct 2001
  18. Captain Ilamkuyilan [Noel Imanuel Patrick Edban]/Mannar               02 oct 197921 oct 2001
  19. Lieut.Col.Amuthasurabi [Nanthini Sinnappu]*/Chempiyanpatru south 23 jul 197226 oct 2001
  20. Major Kadalarasan/Samuthiran [Thampipillai Navam]/Batticaloa      15 aug 197430 oct 2001
  21. Captain Kasthuri [Suthasini Thangarajah]*/Chulipuram                  28 may 198130 oct 2001
  22. Captain Kanianban [Mailvaganam Srikanth]/Jaffna                           02 feb 198130 oct 2001
  23. Captain Anbumalar/Kesavi [Anbalagi Ponrajah]*/Jaffna                    21 jul 197630 oct 2001
  24. Major Valavan [Murugesu Uthayakumar]/Manipay west                    20 feb 198209 nov 2001




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