Amnesty: Sri Lanka Must Deliver on its Commitments SET OUT BY HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 30/1

Set Out by Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1

by Amnesty International, London, Index number: IOR 40/6975/2017

UN Human Rights Council
Thirty-sixth session
11 – 29 September 2017

Human Rights Council resolution 30/1 sets out concrete steps to ensuring truth, justice, reparation and non-recurrence for human rights violations and abuses. Council resolution 34/1 requested the Government “to implement fully the measures identified by the Council in its resolution 30/1 that are outstanding.” This written statement provides an assessment of Sri Lanka’s progress in delivering on its human rights obligations, and implementation of resolution 30/1.

Amnesty SL must deliver on its commitments Aug 2017 IOR4069752017ENGLISH


To give full effect to its international human rights obligations and commitments, including those set out in resolution 30/1, the government of Sri Lanka must take the following steps:

  • Fulfil the President’s pledge to publish a list of all those who surrendered or have been detained;
  • Repeal the PTA and ensure that any new legislation to replace it is in accordance with international human rights law and contemporary international best practices;
  • Investigate all alleged attacks by individuals and groups on journalists and civil society, and members of religious minority groups, as well as places of worship, holding perpetrators to account, and take steps to prevent such attacks in the future;
  • Incorporate crimes under international law (including enforced disappearance, torture, crimes against humanity and war crimes,) and effective principles of criminal responsibility into Sri Lankan law.
  • Establish an official roadmap for the creation and efficient functioning of truth, justice, and reparation mechanisms, a national outreach program and a monitoring body comprised of affected families, human rights and civil society groups, and the international community;
  • Publish a time-bound action plan for the full implementation of resolution 30/1.

To support continued progress, the Human Rights Council and its member and observer States should:

  • Call on the Sri Lankan authorities to ensure they make progress in implementing the commitments reflected in Resolution 30/1, in particular to establish the roadmap recommended by the CTF for the establishment and efficient functioning of truth, justice, and reparation mechanisms, a national outreach program and a monitoring body.
  • Provide technical assistance and financial support for justice, truth and reparation mechanisms that meet international standards; legal reform and other steps to ensure non-recurrence.
  • Assist and support Sri Lanka to develop and implement rigorous human rights vetting of law enforcement agencies and the military, and ensure the equally rigorous vetting of all Sri Lankan personnel provided to UN peacekeeping operations, training or exchange programs.  Provide cooperation and mutual legal assistance to support investigations into and prosecutions of crimes under international law or other serious human rights violations, subject to fair trial safeguards and precluding the imposition of the death penalty.

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