originally published February 22, 2004
Dear fellow friends, family, and community members,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the new year. As you well know, the situation in Sri Lanka is tenuous at best and the recent political upheaval lends very little hope for such a dire situation. And yet the Tamil population still survives and prevails. However, it is nearly impossible to do so without the support and encouragement of the Diaspora.
The Blood Bank of Jaffna Hospital has recently written in desperate need of supplies. As the only blood bank of the North East, they are operating without the necessary resources and in unfathomable conditions. Only 20% of the blood required to salvage the lives of those of the North East is being provided by volunteers. Those that do volunteer are arduously tabulated manually. The only way to encourage free blood donation is through educating the public using audio-visual aids and to increase the efficiency through the use of a computer, thus enabling donors to be contacted quickly in case of emergency. The cost of a computer, television, CD player, and computer table amounts to a mere $1,250!
We need your help to provide our Tamil people with the means for survival. It does not take much to change someone’s life, just the willingness to try. Please help us raise the money to provide the Jaffna Hospital with the necessary tools with which to save lives.
All contributions are greatly appreciated and can be directed to TRRO (tax ID # 77-0169600) and mailed to:
21309 Oakforest Lane
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Thank you for your time and consideration to save and brighten the futures of those in need.
Tamil Youth for Human Rights