Reaction to Kataragama’s Commonwealth Bid

by Raveen Satkurunathan; published December 7, 2003

Reactions to Luxman Kataragama’s last minute nomination

Regarding the last minute nomination of Luxman to the post of Commonwealth Secretary General (SG) has created different emotions amongst many. Primarily amongst the leaders of the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia it has created a sense of outrage that the common decency of keeping a SG for two terms has been broken by this last minute, rash and racially-motivated nomination. The active lobbying by the not so popular president of Sri lanka on behalf of her protégé who has provided a Tamil cover for Sinhala racism has not endeared the country or its politicians to the West. This is yet another strategic blunder by our Excellency.

Next, amongst the hard-line Sinhala politicians, it has created a fear that if Luxman is to win the nomination, then the Sinhala racist lobby will lose a valuable ally in their fight against Eelam Tamil nationalism. This fear is correct. If Luxman is to abscond from his regular duties as the special advisor to her Excellency then who will become the Tamil face of Sinhala racism? Douglas Devananda? Surely a murderer who has personally directed the killing of a BBC corespondent cannot play the suave Luxman in any international arena. He can only play the role of the Indonesian Militia leaders who torched Dili on behalf of Indonesian bosses when East Timor voted for independence.

India is maintaining a studied silence on this regard because they don’t want to lose an ally in Colombo as well as antagonize the West by pushing for a Brown sahib when the job really doesn’t matter that much to begin with. That, too, a Brown sahib who was elected in spite of the opposition from the West will have the chance of a millipede in getting their attention or focus. I think the attitude is the right one for India and eventually it will vote for the NZ candidate.

The Eelam Tamil attitude is also interesting. Most of us have no chance of influencing the process one way or the other. The strict silence of the LTTE leadership is commendable. But the appropriate response from the TNA highlighting how the human rights of the Tamil people were totally disregarded by the sitting president and how her minions, including Luxman, supported that position is also commendable. Many Eelam Tamils are using this opportunity that was given to them by the silly actions of the President in challenging the West to highlight the past abuses of Human Rights, rightfully so.

Overall this is a win – win situation for Eelam Tamils. If Luxman wins, then he will be an ineffective SG as well as he will be removed as an ethnic Tamil spokeman for Sinhala racists. If he loses too, the president has to go on four legs, later to beg for mercy from the West. No matter what the racists lose.

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