by R .Shanmugananthan ; Circle Digest, Sunday, January 11 2004, Volume 2001 : Number 3321
Mr. Suppiramaniam Makenthiran has addressed the long felt need for an account of the recent history of Eelam Tamils in English, by publishing his book Tamils of Independent Ceylon. It covers the political developments leading to independence and the proceedings up to the present ceasefire between the government and LTTE. The 21 chapters in the book deal with various topics in chronological order including political developments, Tamil leaders, the Vaddukoddai resolution, Upcountry Tamils, Eelam Wars, IPKF, the liberation of Elephant Pass, the Agni Keela battle, the Katunayake Airport attack, and the Ceasefire. This 145 page, A5 size book also includes the author’s recollection of life in Ceylon before he migrated to Canada.

Suppiramaniam Makenthiran
Even though it is written in a simple and comprehensive style, careful attention has been paid to presenting an accurate description of the events. The price is C$10 and postage and handling is about C$5. This book will greatly help the Tamil Diaspora’s need to educate themselves, their children and friends on the recent history of Eelam Tamils.
Contents of the book were serialized in the Ceylon Times. Mr. Makenthiran lives in Ontario Canada and can be contacted by email at .
Review By: R .Shanmugananthan, Sydney, Australia in Circle Digest, Sunday, January 11 2004, Volume 2001 : Number 3321
originally published January 11, 2004