Still Time Left to Revive Peace

by Rajkumar Sivapatham (UK); TamilCanadian, published January 20, 2004

Sri Lankan Peace – There is still some time left to revive

In view of the events that are happening fast in Sri Lanka, it is important to assess them and have a clear understanding of the situation. I am sure the Sri Lankan Tamils inside and outside of Sri Lanka have already done that and continue to do that. But the international community, which has been under the influence of distorted facts and lies of the Sinhalese politicians, will be confused or find it difficult to reconcile with the real facts and the facts given to them previously by the Sinhalese politicians. The peace process has been initiated by the LTTE in good faith by announcing a unilateral ceasefire. It was taken up by Ranil’s government and it has progressed to a certain stage. There have been this kind of ceasefire offers while the PA was in power. But for the reasons that the PA leaders did not want to be seen as losing to the LTTE and to avoid falling out with communal and chauvinistic forces, those offers were not taken up. Ranil’s govt and its policies, in reality, are not different from the PA’s. But to survive the co-habitation with Chandrika and to get funds from donor countries, his govt had taken up the LTTE’s offer.

This is a harsh statement to make, but there is no evidence that Ranil’s UNF is keen in finding the peace. His govt has made sure that there is no tangible progress made to the lives of the Tamils. The displaced people have not returned to their homes. The Army has not left the public places. The high security zone has not been dismantled. Above all, the Sinhalese people have not been told or educated of the benefit and the need for a peaceful solution. The southern political arena is left to the communal forces such as SU and JVP to be exploited. If the UNF has a genuine commitment to peace, its govt should have taken that up with wholeheartedly. It looks like the peace process is taken up for reasons other than peace or not to achieve any peace. The LTTE, on the other hand, has given everything to keep the peace. The commitment from the LTTE has become a major liability and headache to the UNF government. However, the peace bandwagon has brought in some benefits which the UNF was certainly going to capitalise on. It could be able to paint a “peace loving” picture internationally, could be able to get funds and credits and could be able to get the businesses to spring up in the south. The best part of all these is that it could stop all the benefits of peace reaching the north and east. This is an ingenious strategy even Uncle JR (Jayawardene) could not do. The rise in popularity of Ranil and his UNF govt in the south is eye catching. It is natural that the PA also wants a slice of the cake or to stop the “peace bandwagon” of Ranil.

Chandrika acted within her power. Her actions have not only stopped the bandwagon, but also exposed Ranil’s motives for peace. Ranil is ready to throw the peace to Chandrika and let her do it. It is easier to block and destroy peace in Sri Lanka than make peace. Ranil knows very well that nobody in the south will ever achieve peace, willingly. Until the Tamils get frustrated and break off from peace, he can play “throw and catch” with Chandrika. Furthermore, inside his heart, he is thankful to Chandrika for suspension of the peace process.

Having been through all this, time and time again, there are a number of questions in the minds of the Tamils. Is there any political party in the south that wants to achieve peace and co-exist with Tamils? The honest answer is “No.” They have all used the peace to win elections. They have used anti-Tamil sentiments and pro-Tamil (?) or pro-peace sentiments to fight the election. None of them has the guts to say to the Sinhalese people, “ Sorry folks, we were wrong. Let us really work for peace.” Again, the LTTE has to take the initiative to involve the Sinhalese people in the process. The LTTE has said that it will negotiate with anyone who has the mandate from the Sinhalese people. Doesn’t it show that the LTTE gives prominence to and trusts the Sinhalese people more than they do southern politicians?

In the international arena, we still have the USA and India who have not changed their approach with the Tamils and LTTE. Most Tamils still don’t understand what is it that these two countries don’t like about them. Should Tamils have continued to agitate peacefully as they had done while the armed forces and hooligans created havoc? Where were these countries when the Tamils were helpless? Didn’t they say that it was the internal matter of Sri Lanka? Why did it turn out to be an international affair when Tamils started to defend themselves? Why is the USA screaming about child conscription, while the LTTE has said that it has a responsibility to look after the children who are orphans? When was the last time that Sri Lankan govt did anything to help these children? They should understand that in a country where ordinary Tamils can’t lead a decent life, it is impossible for these children to survive. The situations in New York streets and Tamil areas are completely different. If the LTTE does not care for them, these children will fall prey to the abuses that Sri Lanka is well known for. Is that what they are complaining about? The USA wants the LTTE to give up arms and join the political process. The USA should remember that the LTTE has joined the political process from the day it was started. In fact, it has joined the political process from the day when “the priest of Panadura Hindu temple was burnt alive.” On what assurance can the LTTE give up arms? Who is going to underwrite the peace? We can’t even get a consensus in the southern polity whether to have peace with Tamils or not. They are still trying hard to find other options such as an ‘international safety net’ and Indian involvement to fight the LTTE. So what is it in their mind when they ask LTTE to give up arms?

Next is India. After the unfortunate events in the late 80s and early 90s, India has not directly involved herself in the conflict in Sri Lanka. That does not mean that it is saintly silence. The Indo-Sri Lankan accord was not aimed at solving the conflict in the first place. Therefore, India can’t claim that it made an effort to solve the conflict. How can one solve a problem without even asking the affected people what do they want? The main problem (or only problem) that India has with the LTTE is that LTTE is blamed for the killing of its former prime minister. The court verdict was that the LTTE (or its leader) is to blame because it (he) has the motive. This is the similar argument put forward by the former Apartheid government before sending Nelson Mandela to prison. The Tamils should realise what kind of justice can be expected from India. It is not only against the division of Sri Lanka, but also against giving reasonable rights to Tamils in Sri Lanka. It is worried about the emergence of a new power in Sri Lanka. Yet, it is encouraging the SLMC to create a Muslim “Pondicheri” in Sri Lanka. Can someone follow the logic of the emerging superpower? There are two things that India should remember; one, the LTTE is already a force that represents Tamils. Two, double games always come back to haunt. It is the lesson from history which the LTTE follows. If Indian policymakers really have Indian interest in mind, they should consider this.

A strong Sri Lanka is always the best security for India. In fact, a strong Pakistan, a strong Bangladesh and a strong Nepal have the same results. These can be complimentary to India’s regional ambitions. As far as trade is concerned, none of the regional trading blocks became strong by trading with the USA. They became strong by trading among themselves. For that, there should be peace within the block. Tamils or the LTTE are not against any kind of convergence of trade. In fact, it will widen the opportunity for them. So why does India create instability in Sri Lanka? Let the Indian policymakers think in terms of taking India into the next stage by giving importance to the people in the region. They have responsibility for the people of the region, not just the Indian people, if they want India to be a regional superpower. Let us hope that their policy towards Sri Lanka is based on the people of Sri Lanka (both Sinhalese and Tamils) and people of India, instead of it is being based on Rajiv Gandhi, the LTTE, Supramaniam Swamy, Chandrika, Ranil, Hakkim and other personalities.


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