Posts Categorized: History

Tamil Place Names Outside the NE

by K. Kularatnam; originally published November 13, 2003 Tamil Place Names in Ceylon outside the Northern and Eastern Provincesby K. Kularatnam [source: Proceedings of the First International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 1966, vol.1, International Association of Tamil Research, 1968, pp.486-493] Introductory Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Kurankupanchan Camp in the Eelam territory… Read more »

Open Letter to SL President

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran; originally published November 12, 2003 An open letter to Sri Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga Her Excellency, Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga President of Sri Lanka President’s House Colombo Sri Lanka Your Excellency, I have been watching closely you and your unusual, unacceptable actions during the last few days, living far away from you… Read more »

The Present Call to American Tamils

by Father S.J. Emmanuel; originally published November 10, 2003 Keynote speech at the Sangam’s Annual General Meeting by Prof. Dr. S. J. Emmanuel Our Struggle forges ahead around a New Turning Point 1. I congratulate the Tamil Sangam for the successful completion of a quarter century of pioneer service, in bringing and building together a Diaspora community… Read more »

Kumaratunge’s Coup and the Peace Process

originally published November 6, 2003 Press Release The Sangam and the world at large are shocked at the reckless behaviour of Sri Lanka President Kumaratunge, who places her own political agenda before the needs of the people of the island. On Oct. 31, 2003 the LTTE, on behalf of the Tamil people, announced their proposal… Read more »

AFTA Media Release re ISGA

originally published November 7, 2003 Australian Federation of Tamil Associations PO Box 44, Civic Square, ACT 2608 06 November 2003 AFTA Welcomes Tamil Self Governance Proposal and calls for vigilance by the International Community The Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations (AFTA) welcomes the proposal released on behalf of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka by… Read more »

Interim Self-Governing Authority Proposal

THE PROPOSAL BY THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM ON BEHALF OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE FOR AN AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIM SELF-GOVERNING AUTHORITY FOR THE NORTH-EAST OF THE ISLAND OF SRI LANKA Consistent with the principles of the rule of law, the human rights and equality of all persons, and the right to self-determination of… Read more »

…And It Is Time for Action in Colombo

by Editorial column in ‘Liberation Tigers’; November 4, 2003, orginally published November 5, 2003 [translated from the Tamil] The Tigers have submitted their proposals for an Interim Administration, appropriately and succinctly titled, the Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA). The formulation meets the basic requirements to contain within itself the powers that are necessary to administer the… Read more »

The LTTE’s Proposals for an Interim Self-Governing Authority

by M. Nadarajan; originally published November 3, 2003 The much-awaited Proposals by the LTTE have been given to the government. Though the President had at one time offered to hand over an Interim Administration to the LTTE for a period of ten years, and the Prime Minister’s party had specified in its 2001 election manifesto that… Read more »

Vanni Trip, Section IV of Part III

by K. Mylvaganam; published November 3, 2003 I have visited Vanni thrice in the course one year. My first visit in September/October 2002 lasted for only two weeks. The second trip in January/February 2003 extended for four weeks and my last trip (May to September) gave me the opportunity to be there for four months. Actually… Read more »

Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA)

Released by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, October 31, 2003 ISGA Interim Self-Governing Authority LTTE Oct 31 2003 LTTE’s proposals for an Interim Self-Governing Authority in the Northeast region of Sri Lanka THE PROPOSAL BY THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM ON BEHALF OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE FOR AN AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIM… Read more »

Vanni Trip, Section III of Part III

by K. Mylvaganam; published October 29, 2003 When I visited Vanni for the first time in September 2002, there was only one decent place to stay overnight. And that was the A-9 Lodge as it was called then. It is now renamed as 1-9 Lodge. It is situated on the Kandy Road in Kilinochchi. When you… Read more »

The 1978 Jayawardene Constitution is Unconstitutional

by Wakeley Paul; originally published October 28, 2003 IT SHOULD BE CHALLENGED NOW WHY THE 1972 & 1978 CONSTITUTIONS ARE NULL AND VOID A SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION FOR EVERYONE We are all aware that the UF government [per Dr Silva] created the ‘Constituent Assembly’ because of the limitations placed on the legislative powers of Parliament under… Read more »

Trip To Vanni – Section I of Part III

by K. Mylvaganam; published October 15, 2003 I have just returned after being in Vanni for four months. I have come back with mixed feelings. I am overjoyed by noting the positive changes and the peaceful atmosphere that is prevailing there but sad enough in noting the dreadful poverty prevailing among the people in Vanni. Since… Read more »

Does (or When is) History Going to Repeat Itself in Sri Lanka?

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran, Sydney, Australia; published October 1, 2003 From the time Britain started to negotiate with the Sri Lankan (former Ceylonese) legislators to hand over the governance of the country to them, Tamil legislators have been negotiating first with the British authorities, and later with the Singhalese authorities, to get parity of status for… Read more »