Posts Categorized: Human Rights

US A/S DRL in Sri Lanka

Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor: Forum on Women’s Role in Post-War Reconciliation 04/02/2015 11:35 AM EDT Forum on Women’s Role in Post-War Reconciliation Remarks Tom MalinowskiAssistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Colombo, Sri Lanka April 2, 2015 As prepared for delivery Thank you all for having me here today. Thanks particularly to Ms…. Read more »

Civil Society Forum Letter to UNSR on Transitional Justice

Memo to UN Special Rapporteur on Transitional Justice Kilinochchi 01 April 2015 Mr. Pablo de Greiff UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence Dear Mr. de Greiff, Transitional Justice and Domestic Mechanisms for its realization in Sri Lanka. We are thankful for your visit to Kilinochchi today and… Read more »

“How Can We Have Peace?”

by Sri Lanka Campaign blog, London, March 24, 2015 For too long, Tamil survivors of Sri Lanka’s civil war have been missing from the reconciliation debate – suppressed, sidelined or overlooked in favour of intermediaries.Launched today,our new report available here, “How can we have peace?” gives voice to these survivors, who set out, in their… Read more »

International Judicial Mechanism Needed to Serve Justice for All in Sri Lanka

by ‘Tamil Guardian,’ London, March 15, 2015 Mcrae press release The United Nations Human Rights Council will have to act on the investigation into Sri Lanka’s atrocities (OISL), moving to establish an international judicial mechanism in order to ensure justice is served to all communities, said the director of the documentary, No Fire Zone, Callum… Read more »

Panel Discussion: NPC’s Resolution on Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka

 Vidéo Northern Provincial Council’s Resolution on Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka and the International Community’s Responsibility to Protect Mardi, 17 mar 2015 – 01:30 « La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, Genève (Bus 5 – Direction : Aéroport – Arrêt : Intercontinental) Vidéo With Dr. Maung Zarni Burmese democracy advocate, human rights campaigner,… Read more »

Sri Lanka’s Tamil Minority Grows Impatient With Just Promises

JAFFNA, Sri Lanka — There may be no place more beautiful on the breathtaking tropical island of Sri Lanka than the white sand beaches along the Palka Strait, which is why building a luxury resort here made sense. Still, there are drawbacks to staying at Thalsevana Holiday Resort. Arrive without a reservation, and you could… Read more »

Can an Evil Man Change?

Unlike many other white people — perpetrators and bystanders — who have benefited since 1994 from the reconciliatory attitude of black South Africans, Mr. de Kock actually began to engage with fellow South Africans in restorative ways. Slowly, over the years, he transformed himself from a highly effective killer to somebody who genuinely engaged with those looking for answers…

The underlying goal of the T.R.C. was to build a new ethical society through change: The truth about our past should transform all of us from a people apart into a people who care for one another.

Sri Lanka Grants Bail to Tamil Rights Activist

“But the true test will be whether her release marks the beginning of a broader reversal in a pattern of harassment by the security forces against families of the disappeared and other Tamil activists” …

Crimes Against Humanity in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province

Sri Lanka Campaign – crimes-against-humanity-in-sri-lanka-s-northern-province EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Report is the first of its kind to map the facts of well-documented, post-war human rights violations in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province to the legal elements of crimes against humanity. Amidst growing calls that the UNHRC mandate an international investigation at its March 2014 Session, the Sri… Read more »

Sri Lanka’s Unfinished Humanitarian Business

First, the new administration must address the problem of internal displacement in Sri Lanka.

Second, Sri Lanka must deal with the issues of detention and disappearances.

Third, Sri Lanka’s new government must act on both local and international demands for a full enquiry into the conduct of the military campaign that put an end to the Tamil quest for autonomy. Were crimes against humanity committed, and if so, will the perpetrators of those atrocities ever be held accountable for of their actions?

HRW: Press Ahead on Rights Reforms

2015 HRW World Report section on Sri Lanka by Human Rights Watch, February 26, 2015 (New York) – Sri Lanka’s new government should advance a reform agenda to address past and ongoing human rights problems in the country, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to the newly elected president, Maithripala Sirisena. The government… Read more »

Thousands Protest in Jaffna

by Tamil Guardian, London, February, 24, 2015   Rejecting any domestic inquiry conducted by the Sri Lankan state, protesters questioned how those responsible for mass atrocities can conduct a credible, independent investigation.Thousands of Tamils protested in Jaffna this morning, calling on the UN Human Rights Council to release the report looking into mass atrocities committed… Read more »

Amnesty International Report 2014/15

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Head of state and government: Mahinda Rajapaksa Unlawful detentions and torture by security forces were carried out with impunity as the authorities continued to rely on the Prevention of Terrorism Act to arrest and detain suspects without charge or trial. Human rights defenders and f amily members of people… Read more »

Amnesty: Promises of a New Beginning

AI Statement to UNHRC asa370022015en 16 February 2015 AI Index: ASA 37/002/2015 Sri Lanka: Promises of a new beginning – international cooperation is essential to ensure justice, accountability and an end to impunity Amnesty International written statement to the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council (2 – 27 March 2015) Early in 2015… Read more »

NPC CM Wigneswaran Chennai Speech

Wigneswaran Kannabiran Memorial Lecture Nov 2014 Start watching at 1 hour 14 minutes. In Sri Lanka too our courts have amply demonstrated their little practical wisdom. When nearly three hundred and fifty thousand Tamils were incarcerated in open prison camps immediately after the end of the War, a public interest petition was filed claiming that… Read more »

Modalities for Truth and Justice

Exploring International and Domestic Modalities for Truth and Justice in Sri LankaThe ‘Declaration of Peace’ by the Government of Sri Lanka at the 67thIndependence Day Celebrations held on 4th February 2015 is a notable shift in its recognition of the past and the need for healing and unity. The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC)… Read more »