Posts Categorized: Politics

Ethnic Crisis: Wishful Thinking in the South

By: Amrit Muttukumaru,, June 5, 2004 The southern polity has largely toyed with the Tamil National Question. The only possible exceptions could be the 1957 Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact and the August 1995 Devolution Proposals initiated by Prime Minister Bandaranaike and his daughter Chandrika Kumaratunga respectively, where there was a reasonable attempt to address the issue…. Read more »

Karuna Facing Defector’s Dilemma

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published June 3, 2004 There are two books adjacently placed in my study, since their titles share an affinity. The first is ‘The Oldest Profession – A History of Prostitution’ (1993 print) of an English translation of a German language original by Lujo Bassermann. The second is, ‘The Second Oldest Profession – Spies… Read more »

Oh, What a Tangled Web

by Wakeley Paul; published June 2, 2004 Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive The President hopes to glide along by nurturing opposing factions with the incredible hope of making better strangers of them all. How easy it is for any of them to pull the plug on this hopeless… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Killings Unite Tamils

by T. Sabaratnam; published June 2, 2004 Weekly Review Killings Unites Tamils; India’s Policy Changes The foul Murder Iyathurai Nadesan is dead. The cause he espoused, Tamil Nationalism, has received fresh vigour. The entire northeast ground to a halt in unity today (Wednesday); not merely to mourn the death of a 49 year-old Tamil journalist who… Read more »

To Be Democratic and Rich

by Janadas Devan; Straits Times, Singapore, published June 1, 2004 To be democratic and rich – or just rich first IS THERE an inevitable or necessary connection between liberal economics and liberal politics? Many American intellectuals think there is. Give people a chance to compete in free markets, and they will want political freedoms commensurate with… Read more »

Will Sri Lanka Become Another Cyprus?

by Victor Rajakulendran; published May 27, 2004 Intensive efforts are being made in Sri Lanka by the International Community (IC) to restart the stalled Norwegian facilitated peace process between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan government. Through this peace process, the IC is trying to prevent the island of Sri Lanka… Read more »

Red Herring

by V. Gunaratnam; published May 26, 2004 It is too early to be speculating on where the peace process is heading, but we cannot forever be engaged in political invective, and not go further afield to look at other plausible causes which have forced Sri Lanka to come down from its high-horse in search of a… Read more »

Are They Trying to Take Us for a Ride?

by Rajkumar Sivapatham; published May 26, 2004 The USA and India have recently made statements on the Tamil issue which need some careful examination. The USA’s Ms. Rocca made a statement asking the LTTE to lay down their arms. There have been different reports on exactly what she has said. However, at the outset, she wanted… Read more »

Malacca Straits

by P.S. Suryanarayana;The Hindu, Chennai, April 6, 2004 Marines and Malacca Straits P.S. SURYANARAYANA in Singapore The U.S. proposal to intervene in the Strait of Malacca in order to prevent any traffic of cargo relating to weapons of mass destruction raises the hackles of some littoral states. STRATEGIC game plans are the basic stuff of the… Read more »

UN Crop Mission to Sri Lanka

Does anyone have information on the areas missed in this report? Ed. Special ReportFAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assistance Mission to Sri Lanka May 10, 2004 5.3 North-eastern Province Eight districts, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Batticaloa and Ampara form the North-eastern Province. Following the signing of a ceasefire in February, 2002, many farmers… Read more »

Beware of RAW, not Sonia

by Wakeley Paul; published May 21, 2004 While the Sinhala press may have exulted over the prospect that Sonia may have sought to reek some misguided personal revenge against Prabakaran; and while we may breath a sigh of relief that she now will not; the underlying reality remains, that the lurking danger in our midst has… Read more »

Sinhala Political Enmity Will Thwart Peace

Tamil Guardian editorial; London, May 19, 2004 Amid the hectic diplomatic activity of the past two weeks and the broad hints from officials on both sides last week, the prospect of direct negotiations between the Liberation Tigers and the Sri Lankan government seemed brighter than ever before. The comparative quiet this week is hence somewhat… Read more »

Will the Poor be With Us Always?

by Neeraj Kaushal; Economic Times, India, April 27, 2004 The World Bank’s estimates released last week show that the number of people living in extreme poverty has declined by 350 million in the last two decades. In 1981, 1.45 billion people were in extreme poverty. By 2001, the number had declined to 1.1 billion. Tempting though… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Sex Scandal, Blackmail & Kidnap

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 19, 2004 Weekly Review Sex Scandal, Blackmail and Kidnap New Trends Tuesday’s election of the Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chairman of Committees appeared a tame affair, an anti-climax. There was no shouting. There was no seizing of the ballot box. They were elected unopposed. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse proposed Geethanjana Gunawardene… Read more »

CSIS: Election Shake-up

by Teresita Schaffer and Sean Farrell, South Asia Monitor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, May 2, 2004 Sri Lanka: Election Shakes Up Political Landscape Sri Lanka’s parliamentary election, held April 2, is likely to usher in a new phase of polarization and introspection in the country’s deeply divided politics. The new… Read more »

28th Anniversary of Vaddukoddai Resolution

THE RESOLUTIONUnanimously adopted at the First National Convention of the TAMIL UNITED LIBERATION FRONT held at Vaddukoddai on May 14, 1976 Chairman S.J.V. Chelvanayakam Q.C., M.P. (K.K.S) Whereas, throughout the centuries from the dawn of history, the Sinhalese and Tamil nations have divided between themselves the possession of Ceylon, the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior of… Read more »

Are the People Sending a Message?

by Rajkumar Sivapatham ; published May 16, 2004 The recent elections in two South Asian countries send some messages to the world loud and clear. The important one is that “Don’t take the ordinary people for granted.” Recent Indian election results were shocking to the BJP, despite its records in the government. They were unbelievably surprising to… Read more »

ISGA: Chance for a United Sri Lanka

by Taraki; Daily Mirror, Colombo, May 13, 2004 ISGA: The chance to persuade Tamils to remain in United Lanka Everyone would agree today that a bit of homework is necessary for taking forward the peace talks stage by stage. The study of the negotiating behaviour of the party or person with whom one is going to deal… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Kumaratunga’s Strategy Fails

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 12, 2004 Weekly Review Kumaratunga’s Strategy Fails LTTE leader Velupillai Pirapaharan has sent President Chandrika Kumaratunga the clear message that he is not prepared to help her overcome her problems in the guise of peace talks, political analysts say. “He wants to watch her sincerity, her government’s stability and her capacity… Read more »

Peace Talks Wrecked Before Resumption

by Wakeley Paul; published May 11, 2004 Based on the multitude of inconsistent, illogical and contradictory positions taken by the two K¹s [Kumaratunge and Kadirgamar] on the peace talks, it is quite obvious that they have already done everything in their power to quash the Peace negotiations for good. Yet they pretend to be committed to… Read more »