Volume 1 & 2 Special Emphasis on Irrigation Project in North
by Saravanamuttu Subramaniam Sivakumar, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna, February 2015, 2nd edition, 10.13140/2.1.3996.4961
2. Status of Water Resources
With the increase in population, industrialization and urbanization, demand for water has increased. Population has increased from 1.9 million in 1971 to 2.9 million in 2002. The domestic and industrial water use has to be given due consideration than the agriculture water use. The industrial sector’s share of the Gross Domestic Product was 23% in 1996, compared to about 19% for agriculture, forestry and fisheries in whole country. Preliminary calculations based on per capita water use for domestic needs, water requirement for the irrigation sector and projections for industrial and commercial water needs show a trend of increasing water demand.
Even though the Government has been developing water resources (surface irrigation facilities as well as ground water extraction facilities) for the economic and social wellbeing of the community, it has found that the scope for further development is reducing gradually. Water resource augmentation is a limited option since new projects tend to be less technically feasible and less economically viable. Therefore the importance of conservation and efficient management of available water resources should be addressed properly.
Groundwater is used in the domestic, agriculture, commercial and industrial sectors. Several government organizations, non-governmental organizations, commercial enterprises and private sectors are promoting the extraction of ground water without any control or restrictions. This problem of unregulated groundwater use has led to over-exploitation of shallow aquifers and water quality problems.
The major demand management consideration with respect to groundwater is that groundwater use is unregulated and controlled only by natural occurrence, recharge and the degree of impact by other groundwater uses. This is clearly an area requiring basic water resource management as well as demand management.
(PDF) Water Resources and Agriculture…. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272482646_Water_Resources_and_Agriculture_Development_Strategy_North_East_Province_Volume_1_2_Special_Emphasis_on_Irrigation_Project_in_North [accessed Aug 06 2018].
Table 14 :-Provincial Contribution to National Livestock Production