Monthly Archives: November 2003


originally published November 17, 2003 The Sangam’s AGM program on November 1, 2003 was filmed and significant parts have been shown on TVI USA. Below is a description of this service. ************************************************* TVI USA is a Tamil language television provider owned and operated exclusively by Eelam Tamils. In addition to the standard fare of… Read more »

LTTE’s Counterproposals

LTTE’s counterproposals puts ball back in government’s court Northeastern Herald Editorial, Nov. 7-16, 2003 The counterproposals put forward by the LTTE to those submitted by the government for the establishment of an interim administration in the northeast appears a much more flexible and moderate document than what many people predicted it would be. Some foretold the… Read more »

A (un) Constitutional Coup d’Etat in Sri Lanka

by Raveen S. Nathan; November 15, 2003, originally published November 17, 2003 Sri Lanka throughout its postcolonial history has had the distinction of being a democracy that has maintained the rule of its (majority ethnic) people’s will albeit with two minor interruptions. But never in its modern history has it suffered any military or constitutional coup… Read more »

Tamil Place Names Outside the NE

by K. Kularatnam; originally published November 13, 2003 Tamil Place Names in Ceylon outside the Northern and Eastern Provincesby K. Kularatnam [source: Proceedings of the First International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 1966, vol.1, International Association of Tamil Research, 1968, pp.486-493] Introductory Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Kurankupanchan Camp in the Eelam territory… Read more »

President & Premier Play a Traditional Sinhala Game

Tamil Guardian editorial, London, November 12, 2003; originally published November 13, 2003 As Norwegian facilitators flew into Colombo this week in yet another effort to kickstart their stalled peace initiative, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was already throwing in the towel as far as his government’s participation in the process was concerned. Having had the crucial… Read more »

Open Letter to SL President

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran; originally published November 12, 2003 An open letter to Sri Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga Her Excellency, Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga President of Sri Lanka President’s House Colombo Sri Lanka Your Excellency, I have been watching closely you and your unusual, unacceptable actions during the last few days, living far away from you… Read more »

A Debate on the Ethnic Identity of Tamils

by Sachi Sri Kantha, September 17, 2003, originally published November 11, 2003 Introductory Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Thirteen years ago, I was a participant in a debate which filled the pages of the now defunct Lanka Guardian journal edited by Mervyn de Silva. My opponent was Mr. Izeth Hussain, a Sri Lankan diplomat. A paper with… Read more »

The Present Call to American Tamils

by Father S.J. Emmanuel; originally published November 10, 2003 Keynote speech at the Sangam’s Annual General Meeting by Prof. Dr. S. J. Emmanuel Our Struggle forges ahead around a New Turning Point 1. I congratulate the Tamil Sangam for the successful completion of a quarter century of pioneer service, in bringing and building together a Diaspora community… Read more »

Chandrika’s Coup and its Impact

by T. Sabaratnam in Colombo; November 9, 2003, originally published November 17, 2003 Colombo is calm. With the daily evening showers, the weather is cool and refreshing. People are going through their normal routine life. Churches are full. Buddhist religious schools are full with little smiling children. Ramakrishna Mission is full with pavadai-clad girls. Markets are… Read more »

Kumaratunge’s Coup and the Peace Process

originally published November 6, 2003 Press Release The Sangam and the world at large are shocked at the reckless behaviour of Sri Lanka President Kumaratunge, who places her own political agenda before the needs of the people of the island. On Oct. 31, 2003 the LTTE, on behalf of the Tamil people, announced their proposal… Read more »

AFTA Media Release re ISGA

originally published November 7, 2003 Australian Federation of Tamil Associations PO Box 44, Civic Square, ACT 2608 06 November 2003 AFTA Welcomes Tamil Self Governance Proposal and calls for vigilance by the International Community The Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations (AFTA) welcomes the proposal released on behalf of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka by… Read more »

A Nudge for Sri Lanka Peace

by Boston Globe editorial, November 6, 2003; originally published November 6, 2003 JUST WHEN it appeared there was a chance to resolve the conflict between minority Tamils and majority Sinhalese on the island nation of Sri Lanka, President Chandrika Kumaratunga seized the occasion of a visit to the White House this week by her political rival,… Read more »

Cracks in a Strategic Jewel

by Christian Science Monitor editorial, November 6, 2003 Some conflicts in far-off lands such as Sri Lanka can’t be ignored when the country contains a strategic jewel for nations like the United States with globe-girdling navies in search of safe ports of call. Sri Lanka’s prized jewels are, first, its location in the middle of the… Read more »

Interim Self-Governing Authority Proposal

THE PROPOSAL BY THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM ON BEHALF OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE FOR AN AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIM SELF-GOVERNING AUTHORITY FOR THE NORTH-EAST OF THE ISLAND OF SRI LANKA Consistent with the principles of the rule of law, the human rights and equality of all persons, and the right to self-determination of… Read more »

…And It Is Time for Action in Colombo

by Editorial column in ‘Liberation Tigers’; November 4, 2003, orginally published November 5, 2003 [translated from the Tamil] The Tigers have submitted their proposals for an Interim Administration, appropriately and succinctly titled, the Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA). The formulation meets the basic requirements to contain within itself the powers that are necessary to administer the… Read more »

The LTTE’s Proposals for an Interim Self-Governing Authority

by M. Nadarajan; originally published November 3, 2003 The much-awaited Proposals by the LTTE have been given to the government. Though the President had at one time offered to hand over an Interim Administration to the LTTE for a period of ten years, and the Prime Minister’s party had specified in its 2001 election manifesto that… Read more »

Vanni Trip, Section IV of Part III

by K. Mylvaganam; published November 3, 2003 I have visited Vanni thrice in the course one year. My first visit in September/October 2002 lasted for only two weeks. The second trip in January/February 2003 extended for four weeks and my last trip (May to September) gave me the opportunity to be there for four months. Actually… Read more »