Monthly Archives: February 2004

A Sri Lankan’s Role in the Leak of Nuclear Secrets

by Sachi Sri Kantha; originally published February 22, 2004 On February 11, 2004, President George W.Bush delivered an address on Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation at the National Defense University, Washington DC. His revelation on the activities of a high-profile Sri Lankan Muslim middleman tied to the leak of nuclear secrets by the Pakistan nuclear scientist… Read more »

Tigers’ Bloodless Coup

by Vasantha Raja; TamilCanadian, February 20, 2004 The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) seem to be outsmarting the Sri Lankan state in its global propaganda battle. The dragging political crisis in the Sinhala establishment, the rise of militant Sinhala-Buddhist fundamentalism, president Kumaratunga’s moves to undermine the peace process and give leadership to the overtly chauvinist… Read more »

Letter to Jehan Perera

by Rajan Sriskandarajah; originally published February 11, 2004 Jehan Perera Media Director National Peace Council Sri Lanka. Dear Jehan, I read your latest Press Release in the Tamil Circle. This is a good analysis. However, I beg to disagree with your statement that, “… the LTTE’s own proposals for an interim self governing authority exceed those… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Election Jockeying

by T. Sabaratnam, originally posted February 17, 2004 Weekly Review, 16 February 2004 Nomination week for the April 2 parliamentary election begins on Tuesday February 17 and the events of the last few days point to an intensely violent and confrontational campaign. Two incidents of election violence have been reported from the Puttalam district on… Read more »

Pirapaharan, Chapter 30: LTTE Guerrillas in Action

by T. Sabaratnam; originally published February 11, 2004 30. LTTE Guerrillas in Action  Nelliady Ambush Pirapaharan’s wish to raise an LTTE army on the lines of Subash Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army was natural because he had already gathered a group of active and committed cadres. He had trained over 25 youths and a few of… Read more »

Looking for the Pony

by Roy Ratnavel; originally published February 11, 2004 “Will someone tell me what the hell this is about?” — Rock Hudson at the Los Angeles premiere of 2001: A Space Odyssey There is no denying that the political arena in Sri Lanka has been filled with unpleasant aromas recently. In addition to manufactured geopolitical fears, Tamils… Read more »

Tamil Parties Cannot Play Coy in a Corner

by Taraki; Daily Mirror, Colombo, February 11, 2004 The Tamil National Alliance has been made out to be more than what it actually is. If not for a variety of external pressures, it would have imploded at inception. Contrary to the chief myth about the TNA – that it is managed by the Liberation Tigers –… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: An Opportunity Tamils Should Not Miss

by T. Sabaratnam; originally published February 10, 2004 Weekly Review An Opportunity Tamils Should Not Miss Tamil politicians and analysts view the April 2 parliamentary election as a golden opportunity Sinhala chauvinism has bestowed on the Tamils. They are pleased that the LTTE has already seized the opportunity and won the international community’s acclaim by declaring… Read more »

Getting the Education & Credentials to Advance Your Career in the US

Asylees, Refugees and Asylum-seekers, You are invited to attend… The Action Network for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Informational Meeting “ADVANCE YOUR CAREER! Getting the Education and Credentials to Work in Your Field in the US” (Plus updates on the “We Want Green Cards Campaign”.) SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1:30pm Guest Speaker Catherine Casey will discuss the EMPLOYMENT… Read more »

The Enduring Power of Traditional Art

by Janadas Devan; The Straits Times, February 1, 2004 SHIVA-NATARAJA, the Lord of the Dance, is a metaphysic in stone – or bronze or copper or whatever material it happens to be made from, the material being immaterial to its meaning. Janadas Devan The features of Shiva-Nataraja have symbolic signifiance but sadly, many Hindus have forgotten… Read more »

The People’s Sovereignty

by George Soros; Foreign Policy, New York, January/February 2004 The People’s Sovereignty How a new twist on an old idea can protect the world’s most vulnerable populations George Soros is a financier and philanthropist. Sovereignty is an anachronistic concept originating in bygone times when society consisted of rulers and subjects, not citizens. It became the cornerstone… Read more »

Projects Needed for Vanni Tech Graduates

originally published February 5, 2004 Greetings from VanniTech, As you may know, our students will be finishing up their studies on February 13, 2004. As we prepare them for real life, we would like to get projects that would create employment for them. We already have some website projects from Canada. We are working on… Read more »

War or Recognition of Realities on the Ground?

by Wakeley Paul; originally published February 5, 2004 WHAT’S NEXT ? WAR OR RECOGNITION OF REALITIES ON THE GROUND The question that confronts everyone, Tamils, Sinhalese and the international community is, how long are the Sinhalese parties in parliament intending to maintain the current stalemate? While nothing happens, who suffers more than the Sinhalese people? The… Read more »

Open Letter to US Secretary of State

by Appuacci; originally published February 5, 2004 Dear Mr. Secretary, Today is February 4, 2004; the day Britain handed over the reins of government to the people of Sri Lanka (the former Ceylon). Lord Soulbury, in a Foreword to the book A Divided Nation by B. H. Farmer, showed his bitter disappointment at the direction Ceylon took during… Read more »

Barriers to Equality of Educational Opportunity in Sri Lanka

by Meera Pathmarajah; originally published February 5, 2004 Meera Pathmarajah is a graduate student at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, pursuing a Master of Education Degree in International Education Policy. This paper was written for her final project in a class titled ‘Education Policy Analysis and Research in Developing Countries’, taught by Professor Fernando Reimers…. Read more »

Batticaloa Summer Camp Seeks Volunteers

by Meera Pathmarajah; originally published February 5, 2004 We are currently recruiting volunteers to staff the 2004 VISIONS leadership camp, which will take place from July 14th-August 1st at the St. Johns Girls Home in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Volunteers must provide their own air-fare to Sri Lanka. Food and lodging will be provided free for volunteers… Read more »

Pirapaharan, Chapter 29: The Indian Interest

by T. Sabaratnam; originally published February 4, 2004 29. The Indian Interest   Trincomalee Problem The interest RAW officials showed in the Trincomalee harbour helped Pirapaharan to figure out the puzzle. He knew that New Delhi was concerned about its security and had an aspiration to become the regional power. Its interest in the Sri Lankan… Read more »

Is She Truly Sovereign?

by Taraki; Daily Mirror, Colombo, originally published February 4, 2004 Sri Lanka is not a sovereign state. Firstly it does not enjoy sovereignty over its external affairs. Secondly, it cannot exercise its sovereignty over the full extent of territory over which it claims a sovereign right. Thirdly, a section of the people in whom, according to… Read more »

P. Ramanathan

by Unknown; published February 4, 2004 Tamil man who might have changed the fate of the tamils but failed The path to Independence With the surrender of the Kandyan kingdom to the British in 1815, Sri Lanka lost her independence. The last king, Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe was deposed and the Kandyan kingdom was vested in the sovereign… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: India to Delay Signing

by T. Sabaratnam; originally published February 3, 2004 Weekly Review 2 February 2004 India to delay signing the Defence Agreement India has decided to delay the signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Defence Agreement, Colombo-based Indian diplomats said. This information was conveyed to President Chandrika Kumaratunga by Indian High Commissioner Nirupam Sen during the one and… Read more »