Monthly Archives: December 2004

Sangam Members Get the Word Out

National Public Radio I listened to your coverage on Tsunami in Asia (On All Things Considered Dec 27, 2004), and about the country that was most affected by it – Sri Lanka. However, there is one big piece of the tragedy was missed by NPR. Large part of the affected are from Sri Lanka’s Tamil… Read more »

Prof. Sundaralingam Killed by Tsunami

OSU Professor, Wife Reportedly Killed By Tsunami Professor Sundaralingam received the Sangam’s Honorary Award at our Annual General Meeting this past November. — Editor Massive Waves Hit Sri Lanka’s Coast COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio State University professor and his wife were reportedly among those who died after a tsunami crashed into the coast of… Read more »

NorthEast Needs Urgent Aid

8000 Dead and 500,000 Displaced in NorthEast of the Island of Sri Lanka [TRO appeal posted on TamilNet] The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation is engaged in rendering urgent humanitarian assistance to all those in the coastal areas of the northeast of Sri Lanka who have borne the brunt of the ‘tidal’ waves (tsunamis) caused by the strongest… Read more »

Relief Funds: Where to Contribute

All funds sent to these organizations will be used for emergency assistance for victims of the Dec. 26 tsunami in the NorthEast of Sri Lanka.  Please mark your checks ‘NE Tsunami Relief.’  All are staffed by volunteers so there is no overhead taken out of the donations.  All organizations are 501 (c) (3) charities registered… Read more »

Tsunami Death Toll Rises to 5000 in Sri Lanka

from TamilNet Around 5000 are dead in the Tsunami waves that hit northeastern and southern coast of Sri Lanka Sunday morning, Sri Lankan Defence Ministry sources told TamilNet. Government officials in the devastated eastern town Batticaloa said only about twenty five of more than thousand families in Navalady, a coastal suburb of Batticaloa, appear to have… Read more »

FeTNA Convention in Dallas in July

The Annual Tamil Convention 2005 of the Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America Tamil Nadu Foundation North America Tamil Youth Organization will take place July 2, 3, & 4, 2005 in Dallas, Texas at the Eisemann Center Hosted by the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Tamil Sangam Paddi Mandram, Kavi Arangam, Tamil Cinema Actors & Actresses,… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 30: Jaffna Police Station Attack

by T. Sabaratnam, December 24, 2004 (Volume 2) The Kokkilai attack of 13 February 1985, which Jayewardene acknowledged had changed the character of the Tamil armed struggle and had been timed to coincide with the Rajiv – Gandhi – Athulathmudali meeting, was not a total success.  It failed to achieve the target Pirapaharan had set:… Read more »

All the World’s a University 

by Janadas Devan, The Straits Time, Singapore, December 2004 WHEN Jawaharlal Nehru was arrested by the British in 1942, he traipsed off to prison clutching, among other things, Plato’s Republic and Marcel Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu (in the original French, of course). This Indian freedom fighter was nothing if not inward with high European culture. He… Read more »

Stranglehold on Peace

Kumaratunga will not sacrifice power for peace by Tamil Guardian editorial, December 22, 2004 Fear of a renewed war has become all pervasive.  Tamils, both in the homelands and the diaspora are closely following developments in the Norwegian peace process, albeit with deepening pessimism.  Even the usually upbeat Norwegian Special Envoy, Erik Solheim, could not conceal… Read more »

Amnesty Human Rights Scholarship for Student Projects

Dear Colleague, Amnesty International USA is pleased to announce that continuation of the Patrick Stewart Human Rights Scholarship in 2005. Below my signature you will find a promotional blurb that I encourage you to email to student activists or post to your lists. Thank you for your assistance in promoting this exciting opportunity! Happy holidays,… Read more »

Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University

22 December 2004 Dear friends and colleagues: I am delighted to announce that the application for the 2005 session of the annual Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University is now available. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to disseminate this information and application to human rights advocates based in developing… Read more »

Notes on Political Instability in Divided Societies

Some Notes on Political Instability in Divided Societies with Reference to the Sri Lankan State and Conflict by A.R.M. Imtiyaz, Ph.D. (Visiting scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA), December 21, 2004 Form of governments Recent political disturbances in ethnically, religiously and linguistically divided societies including Sri Lanka reminds one of Max Weber,… Read more »

Grace Learning Center

Improving Educational Standards in Sri Lanka In fall of 2004, VeAhavta began to plan a new program designed to improve the quality of education in Sri Lanka.  While the on-going civil war has severely disrupted all aspects of life in Sri Lanka, perhaps the greatest impact has been upon the children.  Children affected by the… Read more »

Brief History of the Stalled Peace Talks

by Wakeley Paul, Esq., December 21, 2004 In December, 2000 the LTTE declared a unilateral ceasefire.  Four months of negotiations toward a mutual ceasefire with the President’s PA government came to nought.   In July, 2001 the LTTE attacked the Katunayake Airport, but followed this up with a second unilateral ceasefire.  In late 2001, Ranil Wickremesinghe’s… Read more »

Revisiting Rwanda’s Horrors

With an Ex-National Security Adviser By JOHN DARNTON, The New York Times, December 20, 2004 It was “shameful,” he added, that his administration refused to employ the term “genocide” for a period of six weeks. “It was based on the belief that if you used the word, then you’re required to take action,” he said…. Read more »

Helping Flood Victims

ALL THE HINDU TEMPLES IN LONDON ARE COLLECTING MONEY TO HELP THE FLOOD VICTIMS IN SRI LANKA. Sri Kanaga Thurkkai Amman Temple will be working with TRO in helping these flood victims.             PLEASE READ: Thank you, S Karunalingam Chairman – Executive Committee Sri Kanaga Thurkkai Amman… Read more »

Going Nowhere

by Sunday Leader Editorial, December 5, 2004 Sri Lanka’s tragic fate took yet another twist last week, with the government demonstrating yet again that it doesn’t have a clue what it is going to do to address the National Question. Two and a half years after the event, the international euphoria that greeted the government-LTTE ceasefire agreement… Read more »

TAGOT: War Drums in the South

by The Action Group of Tamils (TAGOT) PRESS RELEASE 21 December 2004 We, The Action Group of Tamils (TAGOT), unhesitatingly compliment the Sinhala President Chandrika Kumaratunga for her political skill.  She is implacably opposed to negotiating a political settlement with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).  But she has cast the ultra-Sinhala Jathika Vimukthi… Read more »

Rendering Unto Caesar: a Book Review

Bradman Weerakoon, Rendering Unto Caesar, Vijitha Publications, Colombo, 2004, 396 pp. Reviewed by Sachi Sri Kantha, December 19, 2004 Of the millions of Sri Lankans born in the 20th century, Bradman Weerakoon is the only fellow to be blessed uniquely.  He was blessed for the first time in the year of his birth (1930), when his police… Read more »

Human Rights Watch and Tamil Children

by S. Makenthiran, B.A., FCCA, Canada, December 19, 2004 There have been some reports by interested parties about the so-called seminar held on December 12, by Human Rights Watch in Toronto.  It is made to appear that those who spoke out at the Seminar were Tamil Tigers.  It was nothing like that.  Many of us… Read more »