TIC: The Role of Diaspora Tamils in Promoting Human Right & Peace

in Sri Lanka

by Tamil Information Centre, London, June 9, 2017


TIC has a large number of monographs (papers) on important topics about Eelam Tamils from the mid-1980s on available for sale at http://www.ticonline.org/monographs.php?page=14

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Filed under Diaspora.

No Responses to “TIC: The Role of Diaspora Tamils in Promoting Human Right & Peace”

  1. Tharma Siva

    An outstanding article with facts. Sri Lanka is a failed nation since independence from the British colonial rulers as it failed to uphold rule of law equally to all citizens, apply justice fairly and failed on democratic values and good governance.

    The rise of Sinhala Buddhist Apartheid, racism, violence against minorities and non Buddhists and Buddhist Monks have allegedly involved in racial riots, violence and Buddhist Monks and temples have become protectors of war criminals, human rights abusers and those who committed genocide.

    The failure of International community and Western nations to investigate war crimes, use of chemical weapons, genocide in Sri Lanka and failure to have ground monitors to report crimes against humanity helped Sri Lankan regime forces continue with its ethnic cleansing and war crimes, illegal occupation of Tamils lands.

    Recently a UK Conservative MP Dr. Rachel Joyce has said that UK Colonial rulers have made grave mistake in leaving Tamil Eelam as merged with Sri Lanka and supports separate Tamil Eelam to live in harmony and dignity. Eelam is the only solution that will put an end to Sinhala Buddhist crimes and for Tamils to live with dignity and harmony.