by Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America (FeTNA); published March 2, 2004
The second annual Tamil language summer camp sponsored by Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America is scheduled to take place early this summer.
Any second-generation Tamil student with an interest in becoming proficient in basic Tamil is encouraged to apply. Tamil will be taught as a second-language through English like it would be taught at an American university.
Camp 1. southern Florida — May 10 to May 21
Camp 2. Maryland — May 24 to June 11
more information, visit
or email:

Testimonials from Past Camps:
“i thought, why not, it doesn’t hurt to try… it was new, fun, and the teachers were excellent” – Myithily, Toronto
“… since the teachers were relatively young and learned Tamil as a second language themselves, I felt that I could relate to them more” – Ravi, Toronto
“When I came home from the camp, my parents were shocked at how much my tamil improved…Not only did I learn a vast amount at the camp, but I also met a lot of new people there. I had a ton of fun with everyone… ” – Kanya, Chicago
“By the end of Tamil camp, I knew what I was reading and writing, rather than just sounding out sounds…This Tamil camp was much more effective in teaching Tamil because it was taught the same way foreign languages are taught in school. Years of Tamil lessons from my mom only taught me Tamil characters and first grade vocabulary words.” – Gayathri, Atlanta