New Tamil School in Cranbury, NJ

originally published November 28, 2003

We are pleased to announce a new Tamil school in Cranbury. This is a branch of the existing Bharathi Tamil School and will start classes in January 2004 in the Chimaya Mission classrooms in Cranbury. There will be an open house for enrollment on December 14th at 1.30 pm at the Mission. Open house will be held in the Barn, where the actual classes will take place until the new building is ready. Classes will be held for all ages of children from beginner to advanced levels. All the children will participate in a cultural program at the end of each year-long program conducted by the school.

Address: Chimaya Mission
95 Cranbury Neck Road
Cranbury, NJ

Directions: From north: Take Route 130 South to Old Trenton Road, Make a right turn at Old Trenton Road. Make first right turn on Main Street. Make the first left onto Cranbury Neck Road. Mission is on your left hand side in about 3 miles.

From South: Take Route 1 North to Washington Road exit, continue on Rt. 571, Princeton-Hightstown Road, for about 3 miles, Make a Left turn on to South Field Road, At the end of South Field Road make a right turn onto Cranbury Neck Road, Mission is on your right side after the first Traffic light.

For more information, please call:

Dr. Sujanthy Rajaram – 609-452-1344 email:

Ram Ranjan – 609-799-7746 email:

Shyamalan – 732-821-7573 email;

Volunteer Teachers are wanted and welcome. The curriculum, books and materials will be suppiled by the Bharathi Tamil Schools USA. Teacher training will be provided by experienced teachers. The school is free for Tamil children.

Bharathi Tamil Schools USA conducts Tamil language classes in Queens, Staten Island and Edison.

Bharathi Tamil Schools are operated by volunteers and Administered by


Our Mission is to help to create awareness and a sense of appreciation for Tamil Arts & Culture among the people of Tamil origin and to develop an intercultural understanding and harmony among the people of all culture.

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