Reel Peace: Six Short Films from Sri Lanka

During the many years of hostilities in Sri Lanka there was a lot of misrepresentation of the conflict and the impact that this was having on the lives of ordinary civilians on both sides.

REEL PEACE aims to produce honest and representative stories that can contribute to a wider understanding of the need for social and cultural reconciliation.

The six short films are the result of a two-year training programme working with Sinhalese and Tamil writers, directors and producers.

  • Darkness at Dawn
    (Writer/Director: Amanda Abeynayaken)
    A boy finds a new harmony in a war-torn village when he transforms bullets into flutes.
  • The Slipper
    Writer/Director: K. Kowthaman
    A girls saves up to buy her first pair of Seruppu but with tragic consequences.
  • Nose-cup
    Writer/Director: S. Ragavan
    A boy learns an important lesson when he swaps this cultural symbol for a toy gun.
  • Under Pressure
    Writer/Director: Kasinthar Gnanada
    The conflict between traditional education and survival, between a father and son reaches a terrible conclusion.
  • Barrier
    Writer/Director: Alber Paulus
    An embargo on medical supplies causes tragedy for this family in the Vanni.
  • Hide and Seek
    Writer/Director: Delon Weerasinghe
    A young Sinhalese girl makes friends with an escaped detainee of Bindunuwewa Camp.

UK Premiere at the Royal Commonwealth Society on Monday 7 June 2004.

Tickets: £20 each, to include light buffet and wine

Contact Ian Master of ScriptNet at  or  for more details.

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Originally posted June 10, 2004

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