Pathirana Group helps Tamil Students in 1983 Pogrom

Dear Editor,

I am reading The Pirapaharan Biography very keenly.

Please convey the attached message to Sabaratnam.


Bala M.


Dear Mr. Sabaratnam,

Thank you for writing Tamils’ History.  As you have mentioned in your introduction I feel you are writing this biography without any bias.  I also think you are the right person to write this biography.  It is very important to write everything for our future generations.  You have brought many incidents to our memory.

Colombo, July 1983

Like thousands of other Tamils who lived in Colombo, I also have a story to tell about July ’83.

At that time, I was a University of Colombo Law Faculty Student.  At that time, in the Colombo University Law Faculty there were around 30 Tamil Students.  The Medical Faculty also had Tamil Students, but it was in Kinsey Road in Borella.

I was boarding in a burgher lady’s house behind the Summit Flats (Don Carolis Ave) with some other faculty students.  In that house in another room there were some working people.

On Sunday, we heard about the Thirunelvely attack and talked about that, but didn’t pay much attention about it because we are very busy on preparing for the next day’s exam.  Around 7.30 Sunday night I went to the Saiva Hotel at Thimbrigasaya Junction to have my dinner with one of my junior batchmates.  When we having the dinner, we were discussing about the exam in Tamil. In the middle, my friend told me that all the people sitting around us were staring at us. I  told him to ignore that.  But a waiter, an old man, came to our table and whispered “Thambimar situation is not good.  Have your dinner quickly and go to your room.”  After that only we realized something was wrong.  We asked the same waiter to pack some stringhopper parcels for the other boarders and rushed to our room and told the others about the situation and advised them not to go out.  After discussing the situation, we went to bed.

Next morning around 5.30 one of the boarders in the next room who had left for work on his motorcycle returned.  When we saw his face, we realized something bad had happened.  He told us all the Tamil shops in the Thimbrigasaya Junction, including the one in which we had had dinner, were burnt.  We didn’t know what to do.  We had to go to the University because at 9.00 o clock we had an exam paper.  At that time, Mrs. Chandrahasan (who was helped by Gamini Dissanayake according to your article) was one of our lecturers and head of the dept for the Law Faculty.  Some of our other batchmates were living in Moratuwa, Wellewatte, and Narahenpita. One of our batch mates who were living in Narahenpita flats was attacked on that night.  We thought that they could come for the exam and decided to go to Mrs Chandrahasan’s house and ask her to stop the exam.  We walked to her house around 8 a.m. and told our situation and asked her to stop the exams.  Then Mr. Chandrahasan told us that he had talked to J.R. and J.R. had told him that the riots were only around the Kanata area and everything would be OK.  Mrs. Chandrahasan told us that, as the exams had been scheduled already, they could not be stopped, but she assured us that, if anybody could not sit the paper, she would do something for them and asked us to write the exam.                                                           

From her house we went to the University and found everything seemed normal.  The roads were busy with vehicles and we saw that most of our batchmates had already arrived.  We were very happy to see them, but we had a discussion and thought of boycotting the exam.  We were not in a mood to write the exams either. But we later decided to write the exam and went into the exam hall.

While I was writing the exam, I ran out of paper.  I called for extra sheets.  When I got the sheets from one of our Tamil lecturers I noticed her hands shivering.  I looked up and asked her what had happened. Instead of talking she just gestured for me to look outside.  When I looked I saw smoke all around the University.  I couldn’t continue writing, handed in my answer papers and went out of the hall.

Fortunately, at that time the University of Colombo Student Council was in good hands, under the control of a leftist Group called the Pathirana (later he was killed by JVP) Group which was very friendly with us.  They told us they would protect us and asked us not to worry.  But how could we stop worrying?  We asked them whether they could arrange some accommodation for us within the Campus compound.

But after some discussions with the University authorities the Student Council told us that we could stay in the University Hostel situated closer to Dhummulla Juction.  They arranged a University Van and asked us to get into the van.  Sinhala boys stood on the footboard.  While we were going towards the Dhummulla Juction, around 11.30 a.m. we saw a car burning and thugs attacking the Indian restaurant Shanthi Vihar.  The thugs stopped our vehicle and said they wanted to search for Tamils.  The Sinhala Students who were in the footboard replied in filth and told the driver to drive on.  My heart almost stopped I was so frightened.  We were hiding among Sinhala students.

The Acquinas Hostel was within hundred meters of the junction.  We were taken there and were locked in a room and ordered by our Sinhala friends not to come out of that room.( I have to mention about this Student Group.  They were against the JVP Student Union and very friendly towards Tamils Students. This Group was fully eradicated by JVP later).  I think the curfew was clamped on in the afternoon and the University announced that it was closed and asked all the students to leave the University premises.  At the hostel a Sinhala student was talking about attacking us, but he was brought before us and was kicked severely by the Pathirana Group as a warning for others.  The other Sinhala students were also busy going home or taking part in looting outside.  Some students also brought some looted things to the hostel.  Pathirana went out to collect some food and came back with some food and terrible stories.  I think we were staying in that hostel one night and after the Hindu College refugee camp opened we were dropped at the refugee camp.

On July 29th I went from the refugee camp to my room to collect my ID card.  From my room I walked towards the Acquinas Hostel to see my Sinhala friends.  Then one Sinhala lady came running towards me and told me not to go in that direction.  She told me “Putha me patha ende eppa. Kottia Awa“. But I kept walking and saw Pathirana and the group was standing at the gate and watching outside.  Right away Pathirana scolded me and asked me to go to the room quickly and told about the Kottia Awa story.  He told me that he had seen nine Tamil bodies on that day already and refused to let me go to the refugee camp.  But, as I told him my friends at the camp would be worrying about me, Pathirana and his Group walked with me from Bambalapitia to the Hindu College posing as a group of Sinhala thugs singings Sinhala baila songs and waving. Pathirana visited us several times in the refugee camp and visited us even in Jaffna when we were having our displaced student’s struggle.

While this student group protected the Tamils students, some Sinhala students of the Law Faculty and the Medical Faculty attacked the Tamil students.

Bala M.


My note:

I thank Bala M. for writing his experience.

It has brought out a hitherto unknown fact, the telephone conversation between Chandrakasan and JR.

I urge readers to write the facts known to them so that future researchers may be able to use them to evaluate the events that shaped the history of the Tamil people.

We must realize that we have reached a crucial stage in our freedom struggle.

Pirapaharan has secured an area where Tamils rule themselves. The next stage is to secure it, build on it and obtain international acceptance and recognition.

A good team of researchers should write that history.

What I am trying to do in this series is to record for their reference the facts I am aware of.

Every Tamil has a role to play in this endeavour. He or she must record what he or she knows.

I am using the Sangam Website to record for posterity what I know. You – too – can help in this effort.  Please write your portion of our history.


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