Getting the Education & Credentials to Advance Your Career in the US

Asylees, Refugees and Asylum-seekers,

You are invited to attend…

The Action Network for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Informational Meeting

“ADVANCE YOUR CAREER! Getting the Education and Credentials to Work in Your Field in the US”

(Plus updates on the “We Want Green Cards Campaign”.)


Guest Speaker Catherine Casey will discuss the EMPLOYMENT UPGRADE PROGRAM at CAMBA which assists refugees and asylees who hold foreign licenses/certification to become eligible for employment in the U.S. on the level of their former experience. Clients receive vocational counseling and guidance to help them meet challenging U.S. licensure requirements. Other services include referrals for evaluation of foreign diplomas, supplementary vocational training, English for professional development, TOEFL preparation, and assistance with licensure applications.

Meeting Location:

Room One at American Friends Service Committee
15 Rutherford Place (between East 15th and 16th Streets, between 3rd and 2nd Avenues)
Manhattan, NY

Subways: L to 3rd Avenue, 4,5,N,R,Q,W to 14th Street/Union Square.
PATH to 14th Street.

To help or for more info, contact facilitator Will Coley,
tel: 973.643.1924 x31, e-mail: 




The Action Network for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers provides a safe space where asylees, refugees, asylum-seekers, as well as people with a status of withholding, Temporary Protective Status, torture convention and trafficked persons can meet on a monthly basis for the purposes of mutual assistance, obtaining information and advocating around relevant advocacy issues.

Founded in August 2002 under the auspices of the Immigrant Rights Program at American Friend’s Service Committee, the Action Network for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers serves those in the New York and New Jersey region. It is a grassroots, community building effort to provide services to meet the specific needs of those who have fled persecution and who are now making their homes and rebuilding their lives in the United States. The Network eventually hopes to connect with other similar organizations across the country to build a national advocacy and service network.


1. to share information through informal networking about jobs, housing, health, the asylum process, and general resettlement.

2. to provide support and to provide the opportunity to socialize and meet people with similar backgrounds or people from one’s country/region of origin.

3. to advocate around issues and concerns (such as the present “Green Card cap”) that adversely affect this population.

Originally published February 10, 2004

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Filed under Diaspora.

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