Krishna Vaikunthavasan at the UN 1978

from Tamil Guerrilla, a Tamil historical archive on Instagram & X, February 14, 2025

Krishna Vaikunthavasan was an Eelam Tamil lawyer and activist, known for his advocacy for Tamil Eelam. In August 1978, he gained international attention when he took to the podium at the UN, pretending to be the Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka, to speak about the genocide of Eelam Tamils and their plight. His speech:

Mr President! Leaders of the World! If oppressed minority nations such as Tamil Eelam cannot make representations to this supreme body, then where are we to go?

My name is Krishna and I come from the 2½ million strong Nation of Tamil Eelam lying between Sri lanka and India. T

he Sri Lanka Sinhala government is continuing a policy of genocide aimed at the destruction of our Tamil Nation.

We have exercised our right of self-determination to live as a separate Nation.

There is every danger of the Tamil problem threatening the peace of the Indian Region.

The problem in Sri Lanka will develop to be as serious as the Palestinian and the Cyprus problems unless you, the world leaders intervene and help in its solution now.

We appeal to you for such help!

Thank you. I apologise for speaking without permission.


Video of speech at

Booklet about speech published by London’s Tamil Coordinating Committee in 1989 by Krishna Vaikunthavasan at A Tamil Eelam Voice at the U.N.O. 1978 Krishna Vaikunthavasan .  Includes a biography of Krishna Vaikunthavasan and a Foreward by S. Sivanayagam, founder/editor of Jaffna-based ‘Saturday Review’ and later head of Madras-based Tamil Information Centre.

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