Third Batch of TSVP Interns

Press Communiqué

August 14, 2004
Mississauga, ON

Third Batch of Interns Deployed

Mississauga, Aug. 14, 2004 – The Student Volunteer Program (TSVP) is
a Toronto-based sustainable development organisation that
participates in rehabilitation and redevelopment activities in
various developing countries. It serves as a forum for students, and
recent graduates to discover, learn and participate in international
development and act locally to effect global change. Its primary
sectors of work include Information and Communication Technologies,
Health, and Education.

TSVP is pleased to announce the deployment of its third batch of
interns to Sri Lanka. Following its successful placement of annual
summer teams of interns in the previous two years, six TSVPers left
for Sri Lanka as members of the third batch. The Kilinochchi-based
interns will be particularly focusing their activities in the health
sector and will be involved in a number of activities relating to

– Continue English language teaching activities at the Vanni
Institute of Technology;
– Clinical work in hospitals, primary care centres, and mobile
– Conduct public health education campaigns focused on mental health
and nutrition;
– Research into maternal and child nutrition, and mental health
issues in the region;
– Medical and English language teaching activities at the Centre for
Health Care;
– Follow up with projects executed by previous batch of interns;
– Provide program support as requested by social service centres and

The team will also periodically travel to Jaffna and Colombo to meet
with individuals and social service organisations to assess the need
for future projects in Sri Lanka. Please visit TSVP’s web site in
the coming weeks for updates on the program’s 2004 projects and the
interns who are making a difference.

For more information, please contact: /  / 905-782-4643

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