Posts Categorized: Economy

Singapore Must Not Alienate its Brightest

by Ngiam Tong Dow, Straits Times, Singapore, August 15, 2004 Comments from M. Thiru: As a Tamil I could draw parallels when the concerns of this article come to the population sisze and why our own talents are important. We SL Tamils & the diaspora are a small-sized population and our problems are numerous. So… Read more »

Mapuche Indians in Chile Struggle to Take Back Forests

by Larry Rohter, The New York Times, August 11, 2004 Before the conquistadors arrived, and even for centuries afterward, the lush, verdant forests of southern Chile belonged to the Mapuche people. Today, though, tree farms stretch in all directions here, property of timber companies that supply lumber to the United States, Japan and Europe. But… Read more »

Chavakachcheri Computer Training Center

Chavakachcheri gets a Free Computer Training Center as TITA and SKTATT of London once again join hands A third joint Free Computer Training Center by TITA and SKTATT (London Sri Kanaga Thurkai Amman Temple Trust), will be opened on, Sunday, the 08th of Aug 2004, in Chavakachcheri in the Jaffna district, following their joint center… Read more »

Vanni Tech Convocation

Vanni Institute of Technology Convocation Fifty two students, who have completed a one-year course at the Vanni Institute of Technology since its inauguration in 2003, had their convocation today, 8th of August 2004, in a well-attended ceremony presided over by Siva Gobal, President of the Vanni Institute of Technology. Mr.S.P. Tamilselvan, Head of the LTTE… Read more »

The Americanization of Chennai

The Best Job in Town – The Americanization of Chennai by Katherine Boo, The New Yorker, July 5, 2004 Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha ..the British practised overt colonialism. The Americans are now into covert colonialism. Doing anything in covert fashion is the American style. Overt racism is out; but covert racism is thriving…. Read more »

Playing with Indian Fire

by Rajkumar Sivapatham, June 14, 2004 As expected by the Tamils, the Sri Lankan president is at her tricks again. That is – giving the impression that she is ready for peace talks in one hand and totally rejecting them on the other. So far, this tactic has worked very well with her Sinhalese political friends… Read more »

The International Trauma Studies Program at New York University is accepting applications until July 15, for its 2004-2005 training program. This unique program, enriched by the participation of a diverse student body, offers a dynamic combination of academic studies, research, and practical experience working with trauma survivors in New York City, the U.S., and abroad. The coming year’s visiting faculty of international pioneers… Read more »

The Children’s Homes of Tamil Eelam

by Rob Bloom, June 5, 2004 They were a focal point during my visit to Tamil Eelam, Sri Lanka and, as described in this article, I found the visits to be very fulfilling yet disconcerting at the same time.Prakash Rajasundram, our hosts, and I visited three Illams: they are named Kurukulam, Senth-Cholai, and Kantharuban Arevuchcholai.In… Read more »

To Be Democratic and Rich

by Janadas Devan; Straits Times, Singapore, published June 1, 2004 To be democratic and rich – or just rich first IS THERE an inevitable or necessary connection between liberal economics and liberal politics? Many American intellectuals think there is. Give people a chance to compete in free markets, and they will want political freedoms commensurate with… Read more »

Red Herring

by V. Gunaratnam; published May 26, 2004 It is too early to be speculating on where the peace process is heading, but we cannot forever be engaged in political invective, and not go further afield to look at other plausible causes which have forced Sri Lanka to come down from its high-horse in search of a… Read more »

UN Crop Mission to Sri Lanka

Does anyone have information on the areas missed in this report? Ed. Special ReportFAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assistance Mission to Sri Lanka May 10, 2004 5.3 North-eastern Province Eight districts, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Batticaloa and Ampara form the North-eastern Province. Following the signing of a ceasefire in February, 2002, many farmers… Read more »

Will the Poor be With Us Always?

by Neeraj Kaushal; Economic Times, India, April 27, 2004 The World Bank’s estimates released last week show that the number of people living in extreme poverty has declined by 350 million in the last two decades. In 1981, 1.45 billion people were in extreme poverty. By 2001, the number had declined to 1.1 billion. Tempting though… Read more »

Tamil Children’s Endowment Fund

TCEF – Brightening our children’s future A nation’s most precious resource is its children. The armed conflict in Sri Lanka, along with a decade-old, state-enforced economic embargo has literally and figuratively devastated this resource. Presently, there is a climate of positive change and with the development of the Tamil homeland and peace looming in the… Read more »

Selling to the Poor

by Allen L. Hammond & C.K. Prahalad; Foreign Policy, Washington, DC, May/June 2004 Searching for new customers eager to buy your products? Forget Tokyo’s schoolgirls and Milan’s fashionistas. Instead, try the world’s 4 billion poor people, the largest untapped consumer market on Earth. To reach them, CEOs must shed old concepts of marketing, distribution, and research…. Read more »

The Economic Consultancy House (TECH)

TECH 2003 annual report, Kilinochchi . The Economic Consultancy House (TECH) and the Projects Implemented by it TECH was established in 1992 and has 60 life members, 180 active members, and 6000 associate members. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. The main objectives are: 1. Formulating economically viable, technically feasible and socially acceptable projects to… Read more »

VanniTech Trip Report

VanniTech Trip Report 04, February 2003 – 17, March 2004 By Jey Kumara Surier (Ex-President, Vanni Institute of Technology) Chief Technical Officer, ITTPO San Jose, California April 20, 2004 After spending 13 months and 13 days in Sri Lanka to implement the VanniTech project, I returned to the U.S. a few weeks ago. When ITTPO,… Read more »


  . THO-USA is a non–political, non-profit organization Our goal is to help rebuild the Healthcare infrastructure of the North-East of Sri Lanka We need your help and support Now, is the time! Event : Annual General Meeting of Tamils Health Organization (THO-USA) Date : Saturday, May 1, 2004 Time : 4:30 PM to 11:00 PM Venue : North… Read more »

UNHCR Urges More Help for Displaced

UNHCR urges fresh bid to help S.Lanka’s displaced COLOMBO, April 29 (Reuters) – The U.N. refugee agency urged the Sri Lankan government and rebels on Thursday to renew efforts to help hundreds of thousands of people displaced by decades of civil war. “There needs to be a renewed focus on resolving this long-standing humanitarian problem,”… Read more »

Center for Women’s Development & Rehabilitation

Centre for Women’s Development and Rehabilitation (CWDR) and the Projects CWDR Has Implemented In February 1991, 11 socially conscious women, aware of the urgent need for an organized welfare system for women, volunteered to form the CWDR. The CWDR emerged as a grass-roots women’s organization working in the community. Its first objective was to help… Read more »

Tamils Rehabilitation Organization

by Tamil Rehabilitation Organization, annual report 2003 Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation and the Projects Implemented by it Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) was founded by Tamil refugees in India in 1985 and then was moved to the Tamil homeland (Northeast Sri Lanka) in 1987. It is run by a board of governors with offices in all 8… Read more »