Posts Categorized: History

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 9: The Indira Doctrine

By: T. Sabaratnam, July  6, 2004 (Volume 2) India’s Solution The Sixth Amendment produced two immediate results. Firstly, Indira Gandhi made her second telephone call within 12 hours of its passage. Secondly, the TULF decided the next day, 6 August, to quit parliament and take refuge in India. These results had a profound effect on… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Sinhala Chauvinism Raises its Head

By: T. Sabaratnam, July 3, 2004 Norwegian special envoy Erik Solheim returned to Colombo this (Wednesday) afternoon with the difficult task of saving the 2-year-old ceasefire agreement which the new government had put under severe strain. Tiger political chief S. P. Thamilchelvan told Solheim and Colombo-based Norwegian envoy Hans Brattskar who met him at Kilinochchi… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 8: The Cover Up

By: T. Sabaratnam, June 25, 2004 (Volume 2) Finding Scapegoats  Jayewardene was disturbed by the criticism of the attacks on Tamils by many Western countries and international human rights watchers. Indira Gandhi’s telephone call on Thursday, 28 July evening upset him more. As mentioned earlier he, asked Ranil Wickremesinghe to summon his confidants, Gamini, Lalith,… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 7: JR Seeks Arms

By: T. Sabaratnam (Volume 2) Indian Factor President Jayewardene realized on Wednesday evening, after answering Indira Gandhi’s telephone call, that the riots had spawned unintended results. Firstly, it had, while weakening the Tamils, also weakened him and the Sinhala people, mainly by damaging their international image. Secondly, the riots had provided India a chance to… Read more »

More Reader Participation on 1983 Riots

by Rajkumar Sivapatham, June 18, 2004 Dear Mr. Sabaratnam, I am a regular visitor to Sangam website to learn about the Tamil history on “Pirapaharan story.” I was encouraged by Mr. Bala’s e-mail and wish to contribute my part as well. From 1979 to December 1983, I was working at Browns Group at Darley Road,… Read more »

Feedback to Mr. Sabaratnam re July 1983

Pathirana Group helps Tamil Students Dear Mr. Sabaratnam, Thank you for writing Tamils History. As you have mentioned in your introduction I feel you are writing this biography without any bias. I also think you are the right person to write this biography. It is very important to write everything for our future generations. You… Read more »

A Bridge to Sri Lanka

Dear Readers, Archeology has frequently been used by the Sinhalese nationalists to push their claims to the whole island of Sri Lanka. This article is primarily about the pre-Buddhist period. If any are encountered, could professional or amateur archeologists please alert us to any biases in this piece? We aim to be fair and objective…. Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 3: The Final Solution

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 20, 2004 (Volume 2) 3. The Final Solution I was upset when I saw flames leap up in the direction of Borella. I was deeply troubled when more tongues of flame rose threateningly in that vicinity. Was the information Piyadasa had given me coming true? Telephone calls further disturbed me. Tamils… Read more »

28th Anniversary of Vaddukoddai Resolution

THE RESOLUTIONUnanimously adopted at the First National Convention of the TAMIL UNITED LIBERATION FRONT held at Vaddukoddai on May 14, 1976 Chairman S.J.V. Chelvanayakam Q.C., M.P. (K.K.S) Whereas, throughout the centuries from the dawn of history, the Sinhalese and Tamil nations have divided between themselves the possession of Ceylon, the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior of… Read more »

The Only Possible Solution

by Kumar Ponnambalam; The Weekend Express – Saturday, November 7 – Sunday, November 8, 1998 The only possible solution to the Tamil National problem The island is burning. The country is bleeding. Most of us are fiddling some of us are tinkering. Is this fair? Is this human? The cause of this state of affairs is… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 2: The Jaffna Massacre

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 7, 2004 (Volume 2) 2. The Jaffna Massacre   Must Put an End Shell-shocked Balthazzaar and his top men held a conference at Gurungar Camp on their return. The radio room had by this time informed Colombo about the blast and the death of 13 soldiers. Balthazaar got a call from… Read more »

The Economic Consultancy House (TECH)

TECH 2003 annual report, Kilinochchi . The Economic Consultancy House (TECH) and the Projects Implemented by it TECH was established in 1992 and has 60 life members, 180 active members, and 6000 associate members. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. The main objectives are: 1. Formulating economically viable, technically feasible and socially acceptable projects to… Read more »

Center for Women’s Development & Rehabilitation

Centre for Women’s Development and Rehabilitation (CWDR) and the Projects CWDR Has Implemented In February 1991, 11 socially conscious women, aware of the urgent need for an organized welfare system for women, volunteered to form the CWDR. The CWDR emerged as a grass-roots women’s organization working in the community. Its first objective was to help… Read more »

Tamils Rehabilitation Organization

by Tamil Rehabilitation Organization, annual report 2003 Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation and the Projects Implemented by it Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) was founded by Tamil refugees in India in 1985 and then was moved to the Tamil homeland (Northeast Sri Lanka) in 1987. It is run by a board of governors with offices in all 8… Read more »

Chelvanayakam’s 27th Death Anniversary

by C. V. Vivekananthan, Attorney-at-law ; published April 27, 2004 Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam departed this life on the 27th day of April 1977, two decades and seven years ago. He was born in Malaysia on 31st March 1898, one century and six years ago. He received his secondary education at the Union College, Tellippalai and later… Read more »

It’s the Constitution, Stupid

by M. Nadarajan; originally published November 21, 2003 When the current US president’s father, the first President Bush, tried to get re-elected the catch phrase “It’s The Economy, Stupid” was used effectively to defeat him, blaming the state of the country’s economy on him. The current problems in Sri Lanka are being blamed on the Constitution…. Read more »

The ISGA Compared to the B-C Pact

by Wakeley Paul, Esq.; originally published November 18, 2003 THE INTERIM SELF-GOVERNING AUTHORITY COMPARED TO THE BANDARANAIKE-CHELVANAYAGAM PACT A modest set of demands by Wakeley Paul The unimplemented B-C PACT was the closest we came to achieving a Federal Constitution. Under Section 29 of the Soulbury Constitution, Parliament was the sole legislative organ of the nation…. Read more »

A Reply to ‘A Case Against Federalism’

by Wakeley Paul, Esq.; originally published November 17, 2003 A REPLY TO “A CASE AGAINST FEDERALISM” [Published in The Island, Oct.29, 2003] Supremacy for everyone’s good? OR Is it a monstrous injustice for a Tamil to be a Sri Lankan Citizen? Should we not refuse to remain a species Half Extinct? BY Wakeley Paul BARRISTER AT… Read more »

LTTE’s Counterproposals

LTTE’s counterproposals puts ball back in government’s court Northeastern Herald Editorial, Nov. 7-16, 2003 The counterproposals put forward by the LTTE to those submitted by the government for the establishment of an interim administration in the northeast appears a much more flexible and moderate document than what many people predicted it would be. Some foretold the… Read more »

Tamil Place Names Outside the NE

by K. Kularatnam; originally published November 13, 2003 Tamil Place Names in Ceylon outside the Northern and Eastern Provincesby K. Kularatnam [source: Proceedings of the First International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 1966, vol.1, International Association of Tamil Research, 1968, pp.486-493] Introductory Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Kurankupanchan Camp in the Eelam territory… Read more »