Posts Categorized: Politics

State Dept: 2017 Sri Lanka Human Rights Report

by US State Dept., Washington, DC, April 24, 2017 State Dept 2017 Human Rights Report Sri Lanka EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sri Lanka is a constitutional, multiparty republic with a freely elected government. In January 2015 voters elected President Maithripala Sirisena to a five-year term. The parliament shares power with the president. August 2015 parliamentary elections resulted… Read more »

Hightime UN Acts on Sri Lanka

Hightime United Nations Acts on Sri Lanka Following March 2018 Session by  Thambu Kanagasabai,  LLM [Lond.]  Former Lecturer in Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka The UNHRC’s March Sessions in Geneva conducted debates on Sri Lanka on the 19th and 20th of March 2018, focusing on Sri Lanka’s progress towards the 30/1 Resolution’s recommendations after a… Read more »

Reform Resistance in Sri Lankan Politics

by Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda, ‘Groundviews,’ March 27, 2018 One serious political question that emerges from Sri Lanka’s current political impasse is the following: why has a reformist democratic regime, with domestic popular support as well as international backing, begun to run out of its political energies, and political options, so early and is facing disintegration… Read more »

US Statement on OHCHR Report on Sri Lanka by UK Mission to the UN, Geneva, March 21, 2018 This joint statement was delivered at the 37th Session of the Human Rights Council on behalf of Macedonia, Montenegro, the United States & the United Kingdom the during the UN High Commissioner’s report on Sri Lanka, held on 21 March 2018. This statement is on… Read more »

Deputy HC Statement on OHCHR Report on Sri Lanka

by Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore, March 21, 2018 Moving now to our written update on progress in promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka (A/HRC/37/23) between March 2017 and January 2018. We welcome the Government’s constructive engagement with OHCHR and the human rights mechanisms, including its cooperation with visits of this… Read more »

VR: Res. 30/1 Implementation Monitor #3

UNHRC Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor: Statistical & Analytical Review No. 3 by Verite Research, Colombo, February 26, 2018 This is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lankan government’s commitments on reconciliation and accountability. The ongoing UNHRC Session began on 26 February 2018, and will include a discussion on Sri Lanka’s progress in this regard. This report… Read more »

Anti-Muslim Riots Signal a New Social Fissure

by ‘The Economist,’ London, March 8, 2018 Sinhalese nationalists may be looking for an enemy COLOMBO: THE trigger was supposedly a road-rage incident, said to have involved members of Sri Lanka’s Muslim minority, near the popular tourist destination of Kandy. A lorry driver from the country’s biggest ethnic group, the Sinhalese, ended up dead. Angry… Read more »

Sri Lanka Imposes Emergency to Quell Communal Riots

by Times of India, March 6, 2018 HIGHLIGHTS Sri Lanka on Tuesday declared a nationwide state of emergency to quell anti-Muslim riots that have killed at least two people and damaged dozens of mosques and homes in the central district of Kandy. Here’s what led the Maithripala Sirisena government to take the extreme measure: *… Read more »

US Embassy Statement

by US Embassy, Colombo, March 6, 2018 March 6, 2018 – COLOMBO:  Rule of law, human rights, and equality are essential for peaceful coexistence.  It is important that the Government of Sri Lanka act quickly against perpetrators of sectarian violence, protect religious minorities and their places of worship, and conclude the State of Emergency swiftly, while… Read more »

Sri Lanka’s Political Crisis a Threat to Reconciliation

Danger government will backtrack on commitments to Tamils after opposition SLPP sweeps most seats in local elections by Quintus Colombage & Niranjani Roland, ‘UCA News,’ Bangkok, March 1, 2018 In Sri Lanka is disturbing the economy and threatening the reconciliation processnearly a decade after the island nation ended a bloody 25-year civil war, political analysts said… Read more »

Why Civil Wars Are Lasting Longer

Although the norm of negotiation has not died, countervailing norms have emerged around non-negotiation with terrorists, militarily defeating terrorist organizations, and prioritizing stabilization over democratization, even if that means bolstering authoritarian rule. Across today’s battlefields—in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, the Philippines, South Sudan, and Yemen—external actors are… Read more »

Annadurai, the Champion of the Eelam Tamil Liberation

by  M.K. Eelaventhan, February 3, 2018 Critical estimate of Anna’s contribution to Tamil and the Tamils. Annadurai’s 50th Death Anniversary fell on February 3, 2018                       Mr. C.N. Annadurai, the beloved disciple of Periyar, owes a lot to Periyar who shaped his multifarious career.  If is not for Periyar, Annadurai may not have attained this unique position…. Read more »

Sri Lanka: 2017 Review

by Kithmina Hewage, ‘South Asian Voices,’ Stimson Center, Washington, January 5, 2018  The current coalition government of Sri Lanka was elected in 2015 with a mandate to implement broad political and economic reforms. Unfortunately the young government struggled to provide a uniting vision of reform to its coalition partners, which slowed the reform process considerably. Even though… Read more »

HRW: Key Elements for HRC 37 Statements on Sri Lanka

by Human Rights Watch, January 15, 2018 HRW Sri Lanka HRC37 letter We write to seek your support in ensuring that the upcoming consideration of Sri Lanka’s progress towards implementation of its commitments under UN Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution 30/1 accurately and substantively reflects the situation within the country, including both progress to date… Read more »

UN High Commissioner’s Report on Sri Lanka 2018

by High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, January 25, 2018 OHCHR Report on Sri Lanka 25 Jan 2018 Human Rights Council Thirty-seventh session 26 February–23 March 2018 Agenda item 2 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General Promoting reconciliation,… Read more »

Rome Declaration

from ‘ICET,’ February 8, 2018 Rome Declaration in Italian & English – Rome_Declaration-english-italy-2018 Rome Declaration – 5 February 2018 1. The seven decades long genocide being committed by successive governments of Sri Lanka should be investigated by an international independent body outside the scope of Sri Lankan government-controlled judiciary. 2. Those tens of thousands who are still missing… Read more »

TG: Fault Line

‘Tamil Guardian’ editorial, London, February 12, 2017 Election results by ethnicity Feb 2018 PDF Sri Lanka’s unity government suffered an electoral blow at local government polls this weekend, just three years after its surprise victory. The Sinhala people renewed their support for the former war-time president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who asked voters to use the polls as… Read more »

UN Committee Tells Sri Lanka to Transfer Military Run Schools

by ‘Colombo Gazette,’ February 8, 2018 A United Nations (UN) committee has urged Sri Lanka to ensure that all schools currently run by the military are transferred back under the Ministry of Education. The recommendation was made by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in its findings on Sri Lanka released today…. Read more »

Panel in Washington discusses Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka

by ‘Tamil Guardian,’ London, February 5, 2018 A panel event on mass atrocities discussed the lack of progress made by Sri Lanka in the realm of transitional justice, in Washington DC last week. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Ferencz International Justice Initiative and the National Endowment for Democracy held an event on promoting justice for… Read more »