Posts Categorized: Sabaratnam

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 7: JR Seeks Arms

By: T. Sabaratnam (Volume 2) Indian Factor President Jayewardene realized on Wednesday evening, after answering Indira Gandhi’s telephone call, that the riots had spawned unintended results. Firstly, it had, while weakening the Tamils, also weakened him and the Sinhala people, mainly by damaging their international image. Secondly, the riots had provided India a chance to… Read more »

More Reader Participation on 1983 Riots

by Rajkumar Sivapatham, June 18, 2004 Dear Mr. Sabaratnam, I am a regular visitor to Sangam website to learn about the Tamil history on “Pirapaharan story.” I was encouraged by Mr. Bala’s e-mail and wish to contribute my part as well. From 1979 to December 1983, I was working at Browns Group at Darley Road,… Read more »

Feedback to Mr. Sabaratnam re July 1983

Pathirana Group helps Tamil Students Dear Mr. Sabaratnam, Thank you for writing Tamils History. As you have mentioned in your introduction I feel you are writing this biography without any bias. I also think you are the right person to write this biography. It is very important to write everything for our future generations. You… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 6: Indira’s Telephone Call

By: T. Sabaratnam, June 18, 2004 (from Volume 2) Tamil Nadu Erupts Tamil Nadu erupted in anger on Tuesday, 26 July 1983, when news spread that atrocities had been committed on Tamils in Sri Lanka. Thousands of Tamils poured onto the streets in Chennai, Madurai and other cities denouncing the Jayewardene government and demanding Prime… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Parliamentary Terrorism

by T. Sabaranam, June 9, 2004 Weekly Review Parliamentary Terrorism sounds somewhat funny and confusing.  I did not coin it. I t was coined by a Buddhist monk legislator, the Venerable Ellawel Thera.  He coined it to encapsulate Tuesday’s uproar and the recent events in the Sri Lankan parliament, where the ruling United People’s Freedom… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 5: The Second Massacre

by T. Sabaratnam; published June 4, 2004 (Volume 2) 5. The Second Massacre The prison massacre on Monday, July 25, 1983 that killed 35 of their colleagues made the 28 prisoners in C3 feel insecure. They felt that they would be the next target. Three of them – Panagoda Maheswaran, Paranthan Rajan and Douglas Devananda –… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Killings Unite Tamils

by T. Sabaratnam; published June 2, 2004 Weekly Review Killings Unites Tamils; India’s Policy Changes The foul Murder Iyathurai Nadesan is dead. The cause he espoused, Tamil Nationalism, has received fresh vigour. The entire northeast ground to a halt in unity today (Wednesday); not merely to mourn the death of a 49 year-old Tamil journalist who… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 4: Massacre of Prisoners

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 31, 2004 (Volume 2) 4. Massacre of Prisoners The Talk In the last chapter, I referred to the information that my friend in the Jathika Seva Sangamaya (JSS) gave me about the final solution. I also said that at that time I did not realize the actual meaning of that phrase…. Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 3: The Final Solution

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 20, 2004 (Volume 2) 3. The Final Solution I was upset when I saw flames leap up in the direction of Borella. I was deeply troubled when more tongues of flame rose threateningly in that vicinity. Was the information Piyadasa had given me coming true? Telephone calls further disturbed me. Tamils… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Sex Scandal, Blackmail & Kidnap

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 19, 2004 Weekly Review Sex Scandal, Blackmail and Kidnap New Trends Tuesday’s election of the Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chairman of Committees appeared a tame affair, an anti-climax. There was no shouting. There was no seizing of the ballot box. They were elected unopposed. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse proposed Geethanjana Gunawardene… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Kumaratunga’s Strategy Fails

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 12, 2004 Weekly Review Kumaratunga’s Strategy Fails LTTE leader Velupillai Pirapaharan has sent President Chandrika Kumaratunga the clear message that he is not prepared to help her overcome her problems in the guise of peace talks, political analysts say. “He wants to watch her sincerity, her government’s stability and her capacity… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 2: The Jaffna Massacre

by T. Sabaratnam; published May 7, 2004 (Volume 2) 2. The Jaffna Massacre   Must Put an End Shell-shocked Balthazzaar and his top men held a conference at Gurungar Camp on their return. The radio room had by this time informed Colombo about the blast and the death of 13 soldiers. Balthazaar got a call from… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Peace Talks to Resume Soon

by T. Sabaratnam, Colombo, May 4, 2004 Weekly Review Bala Coming Back A full-scale effort to resume peace talks stalled for over a year will be made this week, Colombo and Kilinochchi sources said. “Talks will start soon. I cannot say it will start immediately. A few procedural and other matters have to be sorted… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 1: Thirunelveli Attack

by T. Sabaratnam; published April 30, 2004 (Volume 2) 1. Thirunelveli Attack The Ambush Pirapaharan and his men alighted from the minibus which Sellakili parked along the crossroad that connected Point Pedro Road with Palaly Road. They walked up to the junction, in small groups of two or three, turned towards Jaffna and went a further… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Eelam Has Come to the House

by T. Sabaratnam; Colombo, April 27, 2004 Weekly Review A significant aspect of Thursday’s inaugural session of parliament was highlighted by Jathika Hela Urmaya (JHU) leader Ven. Methananda thera when he said: “Eelam has come to the House.” The presence in the chamber of 20 men in silk verti, national and salvai and a lady in… Read more »

Pirapaharan, Vol.2: Introduction

by T. Sabaratnam; published April 21, 2004 Introduction In the first volume, I chronicled the birth, childhood, growth and the political environment which conditioned the thinking of Pirapaharan. Pirapaharan 2001 He was born into a devout Hindu family, trustees of one of the famous Hindu temples in the Jaffna peninsula. He grew up in a highly… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Tamils United to Talk Peace

by T. Sabaratnam; Colombo, April 20, 2004 Weekly Review Tamils get united to talk peace; Fractured Sinhalese continue their wrangle Tamil Unity Eighteen days have passed since the April 2 parliamentary elections. In these crucial days Tamils have consolidated their unity and on Tuesday their leadership discussed at the highest level ways and means of taking… Read more »

Pirapaharan, Chapter 37: Heroic Death of Seelan

by T. Sabaratnam; published April 15, 2004 Dear Readers, With this Chapter I am concluding the first of this 3-volume series. Pirapaharan has entered the scene. From the Thirunelveli ambush Pirapaharan asserts his superiority and gives a new direction to the struggle. At this stage I seek your advice on two matters. First, is it worth… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Revolt Strengthens Pirapaharan

by T. Sabaratnam; Colombo, April 13, 2004 Weekly Review Revolt Strengthens Pirapaharan Fled in a Hurry Karuna’s revolt is now history. It collapsed abruptly. Karuna fled Sunday night in a hurry with a group of about 15 of his confidantes and bodyguards. They escaped in two vehicles. They fled towards the Tharavai-Kudumbimalai region in the Thoppigala… Read more »

Pirapaharan, Chapter 36: Breaking Heads

by T. Sabaratnam; published April 7, 2004 36: ‘We are going to break heads’ Unguarded Remark David Selbourne was a British journalist who worked for the Manchester Guardian freelanced for many other journals. He had been at Oxford University with Lalith Athulathmudali. He visited Sri Lanka in June 1982 and was introduced to President Jayewardene, Gamini Dissanayake and… Read more »