World Refugee Day: June 20

2004 Theme: Rebuilding Lives in Safety and Dignity

Each year June 20 is World Refugee Day. This year the theme of World Refugee Day is “A Place To Call Home: Rebuilding Lives in Safety and Dignity.” It looks at the challenges and hopes that accompany refugees in their search for a new home through voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement.


World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Sri Lanka

UNHCR, together with its implementing partners, is currently organising a country-wide photo contest on the World Refugee Day 2004 theme, “A place to call home”.

To raise awareness among schoolchildren, internally displaced people and host communities, different events will be held to commemorate the Day throughout the country. The event will include essay contests and other creative exercises on the World Refugee Day’s theme, focusing on the situation of internally displaced people and refugees in Sri Lanka.

In the northern peninsula, dramascultural presentations and first aid awareness will form part of the World Refugee Day celebrations. A cycle marathon will also take place in an adjoining district to remember those who are still displaced. Local authorities, implementing partners and internally displaced people will make a presentation.


World Refugee Day reception in New York

Volunteers and sponsors still needed!

In recognition of the accomplishments of refugee and asylees in New York/New Jersey
and in thanks to the service-providers and volunteers who have assisted them as they rebuild their lives here, we would like to invite you to attend a


Monday June 21, 2004
6:30 pm
At the Bronfman Center, New York University, 7 East 10th Street, Manhattan, NY 10003

Come see part of the acclaimed exhibit “Crossing the Blvd” (
Reunite with and celebrate the successes of asylees and refugees.
Connect with colleagues from other organizations.
Hear asylees speak about their experiences in detention and in adjusting to life in the U.S.
Listen to live musical performances.

We will take this opportunity to “take stock” and prepare for challenges ahead.
We are preparing to launch new local advocacy efforts around the challenges faced by asylum-seekers, asylees and detainees.

Refreshments will be provided.
This event is free of charge.

Subways: 6 to Astor Place; N,R to 8th Street; 4,5,6,N,R,Q,L to Union Square; PATH to 9th or 14th street

For more information (or if you would like to volunteer/sponsor), contact
Carmen Cabrera at Human Rights First, 212-845-5232, 
or Will Coley, AFSC, 973-643-1924 ext 31, 

Event sponsored by American Friends Service Committee, Human Rights First, (list in formation, contact Will Coley if your organization would like to co-sponsor)

Originally posted June 10, 2004

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