Monthly Archives: September 2004

TNA’s Press Release on President’s Speech at UN General Assembly

24 September 2004 The Parliamentary Group of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) met on September 23 2004 to consider the statements made by President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge relating to “Peace Negotiations” in Sri Lanka during the course of her address to the 59th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The President has stated… Read more »

Political Chaos in Sri Lanka

by V Gunaratnam, September 30, 2004 There are new imperatives driving Sri Lankan politics at this time, as it struggles to move the peace process forward and around the corner. But it is difficult to make out anything, because the political scene is like a huge iceberg: only the tip is visible but there… Read more »

Tide? Or Ivory Snow? Public Power in the Age of Empire

by Arundhati Roy August 24, 2004 Transcript of full speech by Arundhati Roy in San Francisco, California on August 16th, 2004. The editor and the Sangam do not agree with everything in this article, but it is a powerful alternative view, with a global persective not found in many other places. I’ve been asked to… Read more »

THO Healthcare Projects in Vanni

September 29, 2004 and THOsummer2004.pdf ( Several doctors from Australia worked in Vanni this past summer and describe their experiences within the framework of requirements for successful short term visits. THO summer 2004

The Stories of Guru Paramarta: Sixth Story

The Stories of Guru Paramarta: Sixth Story of the Brahman’s Prophecy by Fr. Costanzo Beschi [aka, Veera MaMuni] Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha, September 29, 2004 The sixth story in the Guru Paramarta series describes how the Guru Paramartha interpreted a Brahman’s prophecy about his impending death, as heard from one of his… Read more »

The Persecuted, in Chains

The New York Times editorial, September 25, 2004 In jails and prisons across the United States, thousands of people are detained who have never been accused of crimes. The guards treat them like criminals, and the criminals they bunk with often abuse them. They are held for months, sometimes even years, but unlike the criminals,… Read more »

Elagupillai’s Pongu Tamil Speech

Full Script of Speech By Prof. Elagu . V. Elagupillai at Pongu Thamil in Queen’s Park, Toronto, September 25, 2004 Members of the Tamil Students Association, Vicar General Fr. Emmanuel, Special Guests, Federal Provincial and Local Government authorities, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am honoured to be with you this evening at this historic Pongu… Read more »

American Policy of Disengagement from Sri Lanka

The American Policy of Ostensible Disengagement from Sri Lanka by Wakeley Paul, Esq., September 24, 2004 American leaders and the American media have a tendency to distance themselves from ‘third world’ concerns. America’s daily worries probably sound like trivial squabbles to third world occupants. The heated debates over abortion and the right to life;… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 17: All Party Conference

by T. Sabaratnam, September 24, 2004 (Volume 2) JR’s Mischief Until the invitation for the All Party Conference (APC) reached the TULF, everything looked fair and fine.  Jayewardene met the leaders of all recognized political parties, except the JVP and NSSP which were under proscription, and briefed them about the decision taken at Delhi… Read more »

A TO Z of Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka

by Sachithanandam Sathananthan*, September 22, 2004 The Norwegian facilitator Mr Eric Solheim was back in Colombo last week to explore the scope for re-starting “talks” between the Sinhala State and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Almost simultaneously India’s Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Arun Prakash, who came on a five-day official visit,… Read more »

International Community Can Help Forge Peace

by Ana Pararajasingham, September 23, 2004 According to Satchithananthan Sathananthan (“International community sharpens its knives against Tamils“ published in sangam. org-), the primary aim of the international community is ‘to undercut the Tamils’ political support for the LTTE and emasculate the military power of the Tamil national movement’. In support of this argument he cites several… Read more »

ISGA: Legitimate, Practical & with Precedence

by Arvalan, September 23, 2004 On October 31, 2003 the LTTE, on behalf of the Tamil people, announced their proposal for an Interim Self-Governing Administration (ISGA) of the Northeast of the island called Sri Lanka. This proposed ISGA is a significant step toward a peaceful resolution of the decades-long conflict between the Tamil and… Read more »

Jaffna Cookery Those who are interested in Jaffna cooking may find the following two books useful.  If anyone knows of any other books on this essential subject, please inform us.  The second book, although it has the title ‘Jaffna Cookery,’ purports to have recipes from the East.  If anyone knows a cookbook of eastern recipes, please… Read more »

Views of Thamilchelvan that the JVP has to Take into Consideration

Thinakural editorial, September 16, 2004 The political powers in Southern SriLanka who are against the peace efforts,are carrying out propaganda about the ISGA proposals put forward by the LTTE. This propaganda has by and large resulted in a wrong impression among the Sinhalese masses about the fundamental objectives of the ISGA proposals. The mass of… Read more »

Peace in Sri Lanka: Power Sharing

Peace in Sri Lanka – Some Thoughts Part III – Power Sharing by R. Cholan, September 22, 2004 In Part II, I had shown how the federal constitutions in the three examples confer the powers to regional governments by default. Powers of the central governments are defined, and those of the regional governments are… Read more »

Peace in Sri Lanka: Fear of Secession

Peace in Sri Lanka – Some Thoughts Part II – Fear of Secession by R. Cholan, September 21, 2004 The Sinhala opposition to the ISGA proposal is not a new phenomenon. The views being expressed currently about the ISGA are exactly the same as what has been said about ‘federalism’ for the last fifty… Read more »

Peace in Sri Lanka: Equality

Peace in Sri Lanka – Some Thoughts Part I – Equality. by R. Cholan, September 20, 2004 No one expected the peace talks in Sri Lanka to progress without a hitch. But, the manner in which the process has stalled, without a single concrete step beyond the December 2002 Oslo accord, and with a… Read more »

Endless Struggle against Terrorism

Hallmark of new world disorder by Tom Plate / Syndicated columnist, Seattle Times, September 17, 2004 The dialectic — who’s a terrorist? who’s a freedom-fighter? — is not merely academic. Some of the world’s hot spots may be susceptible to cooling down if we break away from straitjacketed thinking. A perfect example, in fact,… Read more »

Sri Lanka’s Economy in Shambles

by K. Mylvaganam, September 20, 2004 There is no doubt that the economic situation of the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has never been as low as it is now. To add fuel to the fire, the soaring of petroleum prices is affecting the Sri Lankan economy very hard. The price of crude oil… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 16: JR’s Second Track

by T. Sabaratnam, September 17, 2004 (Volume 2) Endless Talking Curiously, Indira Gandhi’s Track One fitted perfectly into Jayewardene’s Track Two.  Indira Gandhi utilized her Second Track of arming Tamil militants to achieve the objectives of her First Track: to obtain for the Tamils a self-governing unit within a united Sri Lanka and to… Read more »