Monthly Archives: October 2004

Let the Tamils Go 2 Along with an article ( ) a few days ago by Mr. V. Navaratnam, the editor asked for a picture of Mr. Navaratnam.  As usual, Sachi Sri Kantha comes through: Yesterday was Mr. Navaratnam’s 94th birthday.  He was born on October 18, 1910. Regards, Sachi

Memories of My Jaffna Days

by Maya Jayasinghe Abeywickrama in Daily News, Monday, 11 October 2004 Note by the Sangam member who sent us the article: This is by a Sinhala western music teacher who was in Jaffna as a school girl in 1961-63 ( I was there during that time, just returned from university abroad. Col Udugama lead the… Read more »

The ISGA: an Exile’s View

by Neville Chinivasagam, October 18, 2004 Every right-thinking Sri Lankan, domiciled or exiled, and regardless of whether Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Moslem or Atheist, laments seeing the Peace Process faltering on the brink of wreckage led by Sri Lanka’s President Chandrika Kumaratunge.  Her non-commitment to the Peace Process is a political sop to nations like… Read more »

The Game of Sound Bites

by B.J. Alexander, October 18, 2004 The launching of a new liberation-oriented political party in Colombo by the hide-and-seek former Colonel is not at all a surprising stunt.  This was expected of him.  It has happened however, with astonishing speed.  Without the aid of the governing elite such a recognition could not have occurred…. Read more »

Reporting from Vanni: A Melancholy Episode

by K. Mylvaganam, October 17, 2004 Part 1 I wrote in my earlier insertion that I was giving classes for the boys and girls in the LTTE cadre.  This has enabled me to get to know them quite well.  With time they, too, are more relaxed with me, unlike the reservations they exhibited at… Read more »

Ethnic Routes to Becoming American

Book review in News-India Times, October 15, 2004 Rudrappa points out the inherent contradiction in Indian Americans having to use ethnicity as a base as a sort of authenticating factor, which, at the same time, limits their operating space within the national mainstream. Ethnic Routes to Becoming American by Sharmila Rudrappa, Published by Rutgers University Press, N.J…. Read more »

Hindi-English Bhai-Bhai

The Hindu editorial, Chennai, October 14, 2004 IT IS BY now accepted wisdom that the diversity of India is best represented by a government that is itself an alliance of divergent political, cultural, and linguistic currents. The advent of coalition governance has done much to bring together elements previously thought to be irreconcilably inimical…. Read more »

An Appreciation of ‘Unsculptured Thought’

An Appreciation of ‘ciRpi cetukkAta cintany’ – Unsculptured Thought by Poet Dr. T Koventhan, October 12, 2004 A new book by ‘jAzhan’ Shanmugalingam ‘peRRa tAjum piRanta ponnAdum NaRRava vAninum Nani ciRaNtanavE’- (Bharathy) ‘jAzhan’s’ interpretation: Biological mother and the golden birth place Excel in stature over the multi-blessed sky. Here, mother plays a dual role. … Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 20: Violence Brought to the Fore

by T. Sabaratnam, October 15, 2004 (Volume 2) Shift in Allegiance 1984 is a milestone in the Tamil freedom struggle.  In that year, Tamils finally abandoned their faith in non-violence and peace talks.  In that year, they shifted their allegiance from the ‘non-violent leaders’ to the ‘violent boys.’ And as I noted in the last… Read more »

Tamil Genocide, as ‘The Hindu’ Reported It – 20 Years Ago

by Sachi Sri Kantha One of the English words which had depreciated in value drastically is ‘genocide’.  This is a pity, since it’s a relatively ‘new’ word, coined only 60 years ago, in 1944.  The New Yorker of May 3, 2004, carried a short column on the genocide theme in its ‘Talk of the Town’ pages. … Read more »

An Indictment of the Sri Lankan Government

by S. Makenthiran, B.A., FCCA The Sinhalese-dominated Sri Lankan government stands indicted of genocide and other crimes against humanity against the minority Tamils who are some of the original inhabitants of the island.  The following facts from the date of independence, prove beyond doubt the ethnic cleansing and efforts to eliminate the Tamil presence… Read more »

PICAR Sri Lanka Problem-Solving Project

by Donna Hicks and William Weisberg, US Institute for Peace, Washington, DC,  date unclear Has anything changed in the past 10 years or are we right back where we started? Note iPostn particular points boldfaced below — Editor Since 1994, Harvard University’s Program on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution (PICAR) has been working to… Read more »

Why We Needn’t Feel Insulted

By that insult Eelam Tamils should realise their potential and continue to work as a cohesive and united people to achieve their goals. No need to worry about our size! — Editor Janadas Devan, Straits Times, Singapore, October 10, 2004 JEAN-JACQUES Rousseau in his Essay On The Origin Of Language cited this parable to illustrate the… Read more »


In the face of government intransigence by S. Muthu Cumaraswamy The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have advanced the proposals regarding the creation of an Interim Self Governing Authority for the NorthEast of the island of Sri Lanka so that an effective administration could be set up in that area.  The aim is… Read more »

Fear of the Demand for One Country, Two States

And equal individual opportunity By Professor Alvappillai Veluppillai, The Journal of Buddhist Ethics, Volume 10 2003 ISSN 1076-9005 Introduction In my view a common thread running through the history of the Sri Lankan ethnic conflict in the post-independence period is the Buddhist fear of the Tamil demand for sharing as one nation, two states,… Read more »

Let the Tamils Go

Make Up Your Mind Forthwith to Let the Tamils Go by V. Navaratnam, Daily Mirror, Colombo, October 7 and 8, 2004 People used to cite the trio: Professor G. L. Peiris, President Bill Clinton, and Premier Bob Rae, all contemporary Rhodes Scholars at Oxford, as examples for high level of intellectual calibre among national… Read more »

US Youths Reflect on Pongu Tamil

by various, October 11, 2004 Our land!” “TAMIL EELAM!” Surrounded by the hopeful and enthusiastic cheers of the crowd stirred up a wave of emotions in me at Pongu Tamil.  The value of the Tamil movement was a notion that I had never fully been able to comprehend until before this powerful event.  With… Read more »

Tamil Eelam Women’s Day October 10

In celebration of Woman’s Day, please visit the following website. Foreword – Commemorating Women of TamileelamTamileelam Women’s Day is an occasion marked by Tamils around the globe to commemorate the contributions of Tamil women towards the struggle for political and social equality in the Tamil homeland. Tamileelam Women’s Day falls on October 10th,… Read more »

What is the Relationship of Rama and Sita?

The Question the Sinhala Nation Asks at Dawn by Taraki (aka D. Sivaram), Virakesari, Colombo, October 10, 2004 translated by M. Thiru In response to my article last week Chandranathan has written his view. “The Sinhalese people are kept in an illusion by their leaders and opinionmakers.  Therefore, we should make a continuous effort… Read more »

Attempts to Explain Our Problems to the Sinhalese Useless

Attempt to Explain the Tamils’ Problems to the Sinhala Nation is a Useless Effort by Taraki (aka D. Sivaram), Virakesari, Colombo, October 3, 2004 Translation by M. Thiru I went to a book release event in Colombo last Monday. The Sinhala extremist SL Gunasekara has written a book highly critical of the ISGA and a… Read more »